{ "ai": { "warmup": 2, "total_runs": 52, "description": "Brute force n-queens solver." }, "bm_chameleon": { "total_runs": 10, "warmup": 2, "description": "Chameleon templating library benchmark", "comment": "needs reupdating chameleon" }, "bm_mako": { "description": "Mako templating library benchmark", "comment": "needs updating", "total_runs": 20, "warmup": 2 }, "bm_dulwich_log": { "description": "Pure python git implementation", "comment": "needs updating", "warmup": 3 }, "bm_icbd": { "comment": "enable this benchmark" }, "bm_krakatau": { "description": "Java decompiler benchmark", "total_runs": 60, "comment": "look into updating & warmup", "warmup": 40 }, "bm_mdp": { "description": "Some AI ..." }, "pypy_interp": { "description": "interpreting py.py", "comment": " # XXX UPDATE" }, "chaos": { "description": "Creates chaosgame-like fractals" }, "cpython_doc": { "description": "Run sphinx over cpython documentation", "total_runs": 1, "process_runs": 1 }, "crypto_pyaes": { "description": "A pure python implementation of AES" }, "django": { "warmup": 2, "total_runs": 52, "description": "Uses the Django template system to build a 150x150-cell HTML table." }, "eparse": { }, "fannkuch": { "description": "Indexed-access to tiny integer-sequence. The fannkuch benchmark is defined by programs in Performing Lisp Analysis of the FANNKUCH Benchmark, Kenneth R. Anderson and Duane Rettig." }, "gcbench": { "total_runs": 5, "description": "Classic gcbench" }, "genshi_text": { "description": "Genshi template rendering using text, generator heavy" }, "genshi_xml": { "description": "Genshi template rendering using XML, generator heavy" }, "go": { "description": "A go game computer player AI." }, "hexiom2": { }, "html5lib": { "warmup": 0, "total_runs": 5, "description": "Parses the HTML 5 spec using html5lib." }, "json_bench": { "description": "Tests the speed of json encoding" }, "meteor-contest": { "description": "Searchs for solutions to shape packing puzzle." }, "nbody_modified": { "warmup": 2, "total_runs": 52, "description": "Double-precision N-body simulation. It models the orbits of Jovian planets, using a simple symplectic-integrator." }, "pidigits": { "description": "Computes the digits of PI. Long heavy", "total_runs": 5 }, "pyflate-fast": { "description": "Stand-alone pure-Python DEFLATE (gzip) and bzip2 decoder/decompressor." }, "raytrace-simple": { "description": "A raytracer renderer" }, "richards": { "warmup": 2, "total_runs": 52, "description": "Medium-sized language benchmark that simulates the task dispatcher in the kernel of an operating system." }, "rietveld": { "warmup": 2, "total_runs": 1500, "description": "A Django application benchmark." }, "scimark_fft": { }, "scimark_lu": { }, "scimark_montecarlo": { }, "scimark_sor": { }, "scimark_sparsematmult": { }, "slowspitfire": { "description": "Uses the Spitfire template system to build a 1000x1000-cell HTML table; it differs from spitfire in that it uses .join(list) instead of cStringIO." }, "spambayes": { "description": "Spambayes spam classification filter", "warmup": 1, "total_runs": 51 }, "spectral-norm": { }, "spitfire": { "description": "Uses the Spitfire template system to build a 100x100-cell HTML table; it differs from spitfire in that it uses .join(list) instead of cStringIO.", "warmup": 2, "total_runs": 52 }, "spitfire_cstringio": { "description": "ses the Spitfire template system to build a 1000x1000-cell HTML table, using the cStringIO module." }, "sympy_expand": { "total_runs": 5, "description": "Use sympy (pure python symbolic math lib) do to expansion" }, "sympy_integrate": { "total_runs": 5, "description": "Use sympy (pure python symbolic math lib) do to integration" }, "sympy_str": { "total_runs": 5, "description": "Use sympy (pure python symbolic math lib) do to str() operation" }, "sympy_sum": { "total_runs": 5, "description": "Use sympy (pure python symbolic math lib) do to summation" }, "telco": { "description": "A small program which is intended to capture the essence of a telephone company billing application, with a realistic balance between Input/Output activity and application calculations." }, "translate": { "description": "Translation benchmarks" }, "trans2_annotate": { "description": "PyPy translation -O2 - annotation" }, "trans2_backendopt": { "description": "PyPy translation -O2 - backendopt" }, "trans2_database": { "description": "PyPy translation -O2 - C database" }, "trans2_rtype": { "description": "PyPy translation -O2 - rtype" }, "trans2_source": { "description": "PyPy translation -O2 - C source" }, "twisted_iteration" : { "description": "Iterates a Twisted reactor as quickly as possible without doing any work.", "total_runs": 65, "warmup": 15 }, "twisted_names": { "description": "Runs a DNS server with Twisted Names and then issues requests to it over loopback UDP.", "total_runs": 65, "warmup": 15 }, "twisted_pb": { "description": "Runs a Perspective Broker server with a no-op method and invokes that method over loopback TCP with some strings, dictionaries, and tuples as arguments.", "total_runs": 65, "warmup": 15 }, "twisted_tcp": { "description": "Connects one Twised client to one Twisted server over TCP (on the loopback interface) and then writes bytes as fast as it can.", "total_runs": 65, "warmup": 15 }, "twisted_web": { "description": "Runs twisted web server and connects through twisted HTTP client", "total_runs": 25, "warmup": 15 }, "pyxl_bench": { "description": "Pyxl benchmark" }, "sqlalchemy_benchmark": { }, "sqlalchemy_imperative": { "total_runs": 100 }, "sqlalchemy_declarative": { "total_runs": 30 }, "sqlitesynth": { } }