## Artwork manjaro-backgrounds xcursor-simpleandsoft xcursor-vanilla-dmz-aa faenza-green-icon-theme numix-manjaro-themes #finger print support fprintd thinkfinger #flashrom bios updater flashrom dmidecode #optional command line tool to check hardware lshw surfraw #bash completion package bash-completion #android tools android-tools android-udev nss-mdns #optional dep of avahi, providing multicast support media-player-info #needed by calamares installer, but useful for cli and desktop systems. #command line battery saving tool powertop #somehow this is missing from gnome images openssh #sensors library and tools lm_sensors #media info package mediainfo #this package provides lots of audio and video format info to nautilus, format, bit rate, frames per second, etc. #command line web browser elinks #some useful cli apps screen wget youtube-viewer youtube-dl #bluetooth support bluez-firmware bluez-plugins bluez-hid2hci bluez-utils ## Packages for Sound and Audio manjaro-alsa manjaro-pulse pavucontrol paprefs pulseaudio-ctl #extra pulse audio modules not included in main pulse package anymore pulseaudio-bluetooth pulseaudio-equalizer pulseaudio-gconf pulseaudio-zeroconf pulseaudio-lirc pulseaudio-xen #Sound theme support sound-theme-freedesktop ## Printing manjaro-printer python-pysmbc #for windows shared printers #driver packages, how the hell did I miss these foomatic-db foomatic-db-nonfree bluez-cups #for bluetooth printers #ms word and rtf extractors antiword unrtf #mac filesystem utils hfsprogs #zfs filesystem support read only! zfs-utils #thermal control daemon thermald #sane packages sane sane-gt68xx-firmware #standard media playing software brasero #extra addons for brasero libwmf dvdbackup dvdauthor openjpeg2 rhythmbox #for music management. #swiss army knife of cli audio file manipulation sox atomicparsley #for embedding thumbnails in the m4a format libimobiledevice #for apple device support libplist #for parsing apple .plist files shairplay #for viewing and playing songs from apple devices over the network vlc #for basic file playback, conversion, dvd and bluray playback gnome-sound-recorder #for basic sound recording #id3 tag libraries id3v2 #blu ray decryption libbluray libaacs #dvd decryption libdvdcss #codecs gst-libav gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins gstreamer0.10-base-plugins gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-good-plugins gstreamer0.10-ugly-plugins #vorbis utils vorbis-tools #opus tools and libs opus-tools opusfile #advanced sound editing audacity jack2 #preferred audio input/output, compatible with pulse audio #Standard photo manager shotwell #standard sip software linphone #standard scanning utility simple-scan #standard ocr software ocrdesktop #standard audio and video converters transmageddon #for video formats soundconverter #for audio formats and video if all you want is the audio ## Package management gnome-software #live image specifics #manjaro provided firmware manjaro-firmware #manjaro provided hotfixes manjaro-hotfixes #our custom backgrounds sonar-backgrounds #our isolinux branding sonar-isolinux #common between all sonar versions sonar-common #standard applications firefox thunderbird bleachbit #standard instant messenging software pidgin #extra plugins for pidgin #purple-plugin-pack pidgin-otr pidgin-sipe #office communicator pidgin-encryption #transparently encrypt outgoing messages using nss, similar to off the record #standard voip software mumble #torrent software deluge xdg-user-dirs-gtk gksu #standard pdf reader evince ## Office libreoffice-fresh #optional deps for libreoffice libwpg #for wordperfect graphics formats coin-or-mp #for certain formulas in calc libmspub #for microsoft publisher formats unixodbc #for some database formats #command line document converter unoconv #windows filesharing packages samba #apple filing protocol support afpfs-ng #exfat fuse module fuse-exfat #acpi package acpi ## Fonts terminus-font ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-dejavu ttf-indic-otf cantarell-fonts ttf-droid ttf-inconsolata ttf-liberation adobe-source-sans-pro-fonts #firefoxOS fonts otf-fira-mono otf-fira-sans #gvfs packages gvfs-afc #apple mobile devices backend gvfs-gphoto2 #camera and media player backend gvfs-mtp #android and some media players backend gvfs-nfs #nfs, networking filesystem, backend gvfs-smb #smb/cifs (windows filesharing) backend ## Network netctl networkmanager networkmanager-dispatcher-ntpd #gui firewall firewalld #some extra networkmanager plugins networkmanager-openvpn networkmanager-openconnect networkmanager-pptp networkmanager-vpnc networkmanager-dispatcher-ntpd networkmanager-dispatcher-sshd #network diagnostic tools traceroute nmap #rescue apps fsarchiver rsync parted bash-completion #accessibility packages espeak orca #library for orca plugins libpeas speech-dispatcher brltty-sonar eviacam open-dyslexic-fonts qt-at-spi java-atk-wrapper dasher #on screen keyboard ## Java icedtea-web ##Plymouth themes plymouth-theme-sonar-elegant #extra archive formats unace #license questionable, will remove if not open source unarj #license questionable, will remove if not open source p7zip cabextract cpio lha #standard backup software deja-dup #main backup software python2-boto #for amazon s3 backend #standard partition imaging and recovery software clonezilla #standard software for desktop sounds libcanberra libcanberra-pulse libcanberra-gstreamer #standard video editor pitivi frei0r-plugins #standard scheduling software gnome-schedule #standard terminal emulator gnome-terminal #standard accounting software gnucash #main program perl-date-manip #for stock quotes perl-finance-quote #for stock quotes #gui and graphical partition management tools gparted #graphical gpart #for partition rescue via gparted testdisk #command line application for partition recovery # sonar docs and special desktop launchers sonar-common #extra kernel modules KERNEL-acpi_call KERNEL-tp_smapi KERNEL-rt3562sta