
  2. # Maintainer: HÃ¥vard Pettersson <>
  3. # Contributor: Kevin MacMartin <prurigro at gmail dot com>
  4. _pkgname=qtox
  5. pkgname=${_pkgname}-git
  6. pkgver=r2701.c6e60c4
  7. pkgrel=1
  8. pkgdesc='Powerful Tox client written in C++/Qt that follows the Tox design guidelines.'
  9. arch=('i686' 'x86_64' 'arm' 'armv6h' 'armv7h')
  10. url=''
  11. license=('GPL3')
  12. depends=(
  13. 'desktop-file-utils'
  14. 'libfilteraudio-git'
  15. 'libxkbcommon-x11'
  16. 'libxss'
  17. 'opencv'
  18. 'openal'
  19. 'qt5-svg'
  20. 'qrencode'
  21. 'tox-git'
  22. )
  23. makedepends=('git' 'qt5-tools')
  24. provides=("$_pkgname")
  25. conflicts=("$_pkgname")
  26. install=$pkgname.install
  27. source=("$_pkgname::git+")
  28. sha512sums=('SKIP')
  29. pkgver() {
  30. cd $_pkgname
  31. printf "r%s.%s" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"
  32. }
  33. build() {
  34. cd $_pkgname
  35. install -d build
  36. cd build
  38. make
  39. }
  40. package() {
  41. # executable
  42. cd $_pkgname
  43. install -Dm755 build/$_pkgname "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$_pkgname"
  44. # xdg desktop file
  45. install -Dm644 qTox.desktop "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/qTox.desktop"
  46. # icons
  47. cd img/icons
  48. for _icon in *.png; do
  49. _size=$(sed 's|^[^-]*-||;s|\.png||' <<< "$_icon")
  50. install -Dm644 "$_icon" "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$_size/apps/$_pkgname.png"
  51. done
  52. install -Dm644 $_pkgname.svg "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/$_pkgname.svg"
  53. }