import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.ShadowPlugin import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar import net.minecraftforge.gradle.user.IReobfuscator import net.minecraftforge.gradle.user.ReobfMappingType import net.minecraftforge.gradle.user.ReobfTaskFactory import net.minecraftforge.gradle.user.patcherUser.forge.ForgeExtension import net.minecraftforge.gradle.user.patcherUser.forge.ForgePlugin import nl.javadude.gradle.plugins.license.LicenseExtension import nl.javadude.gradle.plugins.license.LicensePlugin import org.ajoberstar.grgit.Grgit import org.gradle.api.internal.HasConvention import org.spongepowered.asm.gradle.plugins.MixinExtension import org.spongepowered.asm.gradle.plugins.MixinGradlePlugin import java.util.regex.Pattern // Gradle repositories and dependencies buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() jcenter() maven { setUrl("") } maven { setUrl("") } maven { setUrl("") } } } plugins { base java maven id("net.minecraftforge.gradle.forge").version("2.3-SNAPSHOT") id("org.spongepowered.mixin").version("0.5-SNAPSHOT") id("com.github.johnrengelman.shadow").version("2.0.4") id("com.github.hierynomus.license").version("0.14.0") id("org.ajoberstar.grgit").version("3.0.0-beta.1") } // TODO: Reduce duplication of buildscript code between CC projects? group = "io.github.opencubicchunks" version = getModVersion() val theForgeVersion: String by project val versionSuffix: String by project val versionMinorFreeze: String by project val theMappingsVersion: String by project val licenseYear: String by project val projectName: String by project val malisisCoreVersion: String by project val malisisCoreMinVersion: String by project val sourceSets = the().sourceSets val mainSourceSet = sourceSets["main"] val minecraft = the() base { archivesBaseName = "CubicWorldGen" } java { sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } minecraft { version = theForgeVersion runDir = "run" mappings = theMappingsVersion isUseDepAts = true replace("@@MALISIS_VERSION@@", malisisCoreMinVersion) replaceIn("io/github/opencubicchunks/cubicchunks/cubicgen/") } license { val ext = (this as HasConvention).convention.extraProperties ext["project"] = projectName ext["year"] = licenseYear exclude("**/*.info") exclude("**/") exclude("**/*.json") exclude("**/*.xml") exclude("assets/*") header = file("HEADER.txt") ignoreFailures = false strictCheck = true mapping(mapOf("java" to "SLASHSTAR_STYLE")) } mixin { add(sourceSets["main"], "cubicgen.refmap.json") } repositories { mavenCentral() maven { setUrl("") } // Note: sponge repository needs to be the second one because flow-noise is both in sponge and sonatype repository // but sponge has older one, and we need the newer one from sonatype // currently gradle seems to resolve dependencies from repositories in the order they are defined here maven { setUrl("") } } val deobfCompile by configurations val compile by configurations val testCompile by configurations val forgeGradleGradleStart by configurations val forgeGradleMcDeps by configurations val shade by configurations.creating compile.extendsFrom(shade) // needed for tests to work testCompile.extendsFrom(forgeGradleGradleStart) testCompile.extendsFrom(forgeGradleMcDeps) dependencies { deobfCompile("net.malisis:malisiscore:$malisisCoreVersion") { isTransitive = false } shade("com.flowpowered:flow-noise:1.0.1-SNAPSHOT") deobfCompile("io.github.opencubicchunks:cubicchunks-api:1.12.2-0.0-SNAPSHOT") deobfCompile("io.github.opencubicchunks:cubicchunks:1.12.2-0.0-SNAPSHOT") // provided by cubicchunks implementation shade("org.spongepowered:mixin:0.7.10-SNAPSHOT") { isTransitive = false } testCompile("junit:junit:4.11") testCompile("org.hamcrest:hamcrest-junit:") testCompile("it.ozimov:java7-hamcrest-matchers:0.7.0") testCompile("org.mockito:mockito-core:2.1.0-RC.2") testCompile("org.spongepowered:launchwrappertestsuite:1.0-SNAPSHOT") } fun Jar.setupManifest() { manifest { attributes["FMLAT"] = "cubicchunks_cubicgen_at.cfg" attributes["FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod"] = "true" attributes["FMLCorePlugin"] = "io.github.opencubicchunks.cubicchunks.cubicgen.asm.CubicGenCoreMod" attributes["TweakClass"] = "org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker" attributes["TweakOrder"] = "0" attributes["ForceLoadAsMod"] = "true" attributes["Maven-Version"] = "${}:${project.base.archivesBaseName}:${project.version}:core" } } tasks { val shadeJar by tasks.creating(ShadowJar::class) { from(sourceSets["main"].output) configurations = listOf(shade) setupManifest() classifier = "all" } configure> { create("shadeJar").apply { mappingType = ReobfMappingType.SEARGE } } tasks["assemble"].dependsOn("reobfShadeJar") "test"(Test::class) { systemProperty("lwts.tweaker", "io.github.opencubicchunks.cubicchunks.tweaker.MixinTweakerServer") jvmArgs("-Dmixin.debug.verbose=true", //verbose mixin output for easier debugging of mixins "-Dmixin.checks.interfaces=true", //check if all interface methods are overriden in mixin "-Dmixin.env.remapRefMap=true") testLogging { showStandardStreams = true } } "processResources"(ProcessResources::class) { // this will ensure that this task is redone when the versions change."version", project.version.toString())"mcversion", minecraft.version) // replace stuff in, nothing else from(mainSourceSet.resources.srcDirs) { include("") // replace version and mcversion expand(mapOf("version" to project.version.toString(), "mcversion" to minecraft.version)) } // copy everything else, thats not the from(mainSourceSet.resources.srcDirs) { exclude("") } } /* // based on: // // val uploadArchives by tasks.creating(Upload::class) { repositories { withConvention(MavenRepositoryHandlerConvention::class) { mavenDeployer { // Sign Maven POM //beforeDeployment { // signing.signPom(this) //} val username = if (project.hasProperty("sonatypeUsername"))["sonatypeUsername"] else System.getenv("sonatypeUsername") val password = if (project.hasProperty("sonatypePassword"))["sonatypePassword"] else System.getenv("sonatypePassword") withGroovyBuilder { "snapshotRepository"("url" to "") { "authentication"("userName" to username, "password" to password) } "repository"("url" to "") { "authentication"("userName" to username, "password" to password) } } // Maven POM generation pom.project { withGroovyBuilder { "name"(projectName) "artifactId"(base.archivesBaseName.toLowerCase()) "packaging"("jar") "url"("") "description"("Unlimited world height mod for Minecraft") "scm" { "connection"("scm:git:git://") "developerConnection"("scm:git:ssh://") "url"("") } "licenses" { "license" { "name"("The MIT License") "url"("") "distribution"("repo") } } "developers" { "developer" { "id"("Barteks2x") "name"("Barteks2x") } // TODO: add more developers } "issueManagement" { "system"("github") "url"("") } } } } } } }*/ } // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // !!!!!!!!!!!VERSIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fun getMcVersion(): String { return theForgeVersion.split("-")[0] } //returns version string according to this: //format: MCVERSION-MAJORMOD.MAJORAPI.MINOR.PATCH(-final/rcX/betaX) //rcX and betaX are not implemented yet fun getModVersion(): Any { return object { val v: String by lazy { try { val git = val describe = org.ajoberstar.grgit.operation.DescribeOp(git.repository).call() val branch = getGitBranch(git) val snapshotSuffix = if (project.hasProperty("doRelease")) "" else "-SNAPSHOT" getModVersion(describe, branch) + snapshotSuffix; } catch (ex: RuntimeException) { logger.error("Unknown error when accessing git repository! Are you sure the git repository exists?", ex) String.format("%s-%s.%s.%s%s%s", getMcVersion(), "9999", "9999", "9999", "", "NOVERSION") } } override fun toString() = v } } fun getGitBranch(git: org.ajoberstar.grgit.Grgit): String { var branch: String = if (branch.equals("HEAD")) { branch = when { System.getenv("TRAVIS_BRANCH")?.isEmpty() == false -> // travis System.getenv("TRAVIS_BRANCH") System.getenv("GIT_BRANCH")?.isEmpty() == false -> // jenkins System.getenv("GIT_BRANCH") System.getenv("BRANCH_NAME")?.isEmpty() == false -> // ??? another jenkins alternative? System.getenv("BRANCH_NAME") else -> throw RuntimeException("Found HEAD branch! This is most likely caused by detached head state! Will assume unknown version!") } } if (branch.startsWith("origin/")) { branch = branch.substring("origin/".length) } return branch } fun getModVersion(describe: String, branch: String): String { if (branch.startsWith("MC_")) { val branchMcVersion = branch.substring("MC_".length) if (branchMcVersion != getMcVersion()) { logger.warn("Branch version different than project MC version! MC version: " + getMcVersion() + ", branch: " + branch + ", branch version: " + branchMcVersion) } } //branches "master" and "MC_something" are not appended to version sreing, everything else is //only builds from "master" and "MC_version" branches will actually use the correct versioning //but it allows to distinguish between builds from different branches even if version number is the same val branchSuffix = if (branch == "master" || branch.startsWith("MC_")) "" else ("-" + branch.replace("[^a-zA-Z0-9.-]", "_")) val baseVersionRegex = "v[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+" val unknownVersion = String.format("%s-UNKNOWN_VERSION%s%s", getMcVersion(), versionSuffix, branchSuffix) if (!describe.contains('-')) { //is it the "vX.Y" format? if (describe.matches(Regex(baseVersionRegex))) { return String.format("%s-%s.0.0%s%s", getMcVersion(), describe, versionSuffix, branchSuffix) } logger.error("Git describe information: \"$describe\" in unknown/incorrect format") return unknownVersion } //Describe format: vX.Y-build-hash val parts = describe.split("-") if (!parts[0].matches(Regex(baseVersionRegex))) { logger.error("Git describe information: \"$describe\" in unknown/incorrect format") return unknownVersion } if (!parts[1].matches(Regex("[0-9]+"))) { logger.error("Git describe information: \"$describe\" in unknown/incorrect format") return unknownVersion } val mcVersion = getMcVersion() val modAndApiVersion = parts[0].substring(1) //next we have commit-since-tag val commitSinceTag = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]) val minorFreeze = if (versionMinorFreeze.isEmpty()) -1 else Integer.parseInt(versionMinorFreeze as String) val minor = if (minorFreeze < 0) commitSinceTag else minorFreeze val patch = if (minorFreeze < 0) 0 else (commitSinceTag - minorFreeze) return String.format("%s-%s.%d.%d%s%s", mcVersion, modAndApiVersion, minor, patch, versionSuffix, branchSuffix) } fun extractForgeMinorVersion(): String { // version format: MC_VERSION-MAJOR.MINOR.?.BUILD return theForgeVersion.split(Regex("-")).getOrNull(1)?.split(Regex("\\."))?.getOrNull(1) ?: throw RuntimeException("Invalid forge version format: $theForgeVersion") }