# genkernel --no-clean --udev --lvm --postclear initramfs * Gentoo Linux Genkernel; Version 66 * Running with options: --no-clean --udev --lvm --postclear initramfs * Using genkernel.conf from /etc/genkernel.conf * Sourcing arch-specific config.sh from /usr/share/genkernel/arch/x86_64/config.sh .. * Sourcing arch-specific modules_load from /usr/share/genkernel/arch/x86_64/modules_load .. * Linux Kernel 4.12.12-gentoo for x86_64... * .. with config file /etc/kernels/kernel-config-x86_64-4.12.12-gentoo * busybox: >> Applying patches... * - 1.18.1-openvt.diff * - busybox-1.20.1-strict-atime.patch * - busybox-1.20.2-glibc-sys-resource.patch * - busybox-1.7.4-signal-hack.patch * busybox: >> Configuring... * busybox: >> Compiling... * busybox: >> Copying to cache... * initramfs: >> Initializing... * >> Appending base_layout cpio data... * >> Appending udev cpio data... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/lddtree", line 52, in from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile ImportError: No module named 'elftools' * >> Appending auxilary cpio data... * >> Copying keymaps * >> Appending busybox cpio data... * >> Appending lvm cpio data... * LVM: Adding support (copying binaries from system)... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/lddtree", line 52, in from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile ImportError: No module named 'elftools' * >> Appending modules cpio data... * >> Appending blkid cpio data... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/lddtree", line 52, in from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile ImportError: No module named 'elftools' * >> Skipping modprobed copy * >> Appending ld_so_conf cpio data... * ldconfig: adding /sbin/ldconfig... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/lddtree", line 52, in from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile ImportError: No module named 'elftools' * ld.so.conf: adding /etc/ld.so.conf{.d/*,}... cpio: lib64 nicht erzeugt: Neuere oder gleich alte Version existiert schon cpio: lib64 nicht erzeugt: Neuere oder gleich alte Version existiert schon * >> Finalizing cpio... * >> Compressing cpio data (.xz)... * WARNING... WARNING... WARNING... * Additional kernel cmdline arguments that *may* be required to boot properly... * add "dolvm" for lvm support * With support for several ext* filesystems available, it may be needed to * add "rootfstype=ext3" or "rootfstype=ext4" to the list of boot parameters. * Do NOT report kernel bugs as genkernel bugs unless your bug * is about the default genkernel configuration... * * Make sure you have the latest ~arch genkernel before reporting bugs. * RUNNING FINAL CACHE/TMP CLEANUP * CACHE_DIR: /var/cache/genkernel * Clearing cache dir contents from /var/cache/genkernel * >> removing /var/cache/genkernel/busybox-1.20.2-x86_64.tar.bz2 * TMPDIR: /var/tmp/genkernel * Removing tmp dir contents * >> removing 13788.2213.12832.2767 rm: das Entfernen von '/var/tmp/genkernel/13788.2213.12832.2767' ist nicht möglich: Ist ein Verzeichnis * >> removing 32685.30058.1692.4850 rm: das Entfernen von '/var/tmp/genkernel/32685.30058.1692.4850' ist nicht möglich: Ist ein Verzeichnis * >> removing 3937.13838.31198.24536 rm: das Entfernen von '/var/tmp/genkernel/3937.13838.31198.24536' ist nicht möglich: Ist ein Verzeichnis * >> removing initramfs-4.12.12-gentoo