144 [01:09:48] ### Log session started ### 20 [01:09:48] Thymo [~Thymo@524ACC90.cm-4-3d.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #nassp 23 [01:09:48] Channel topic is: Welcome to #nassp! Wiki: http://nassp.sf.net Forum: http://www.ibiblio.org/mscorbit/mscforum GitHub: https://github.com/dseagrav/NASSP 23 [01:09:48] Topic was set by Thymo!~Thymo@524ACC90.cm-4-3d.dynamic.ziggo.nl on Wed Feb 22 16:30:28 2017 25 [01:09:48] <***> Buffer Playback... 25 [01:09:48] [21:13:38] Sunburst on-orbit functions are working 25 [01:09:48] [21:15:56] it did an ullage burn for "separation" in P14 and then moved to the DPS Cold Soak attitude in P15. 25 [01:09:48] [21:16:07] Now 3 hours of coasting until the first DPS burn 25 [01:09:48] [21:59:35] first DPS burn, Program 31, Pre-Thrust. 25 [01:09:48] [21:59:43] orientation is good 2 [01:09:48] [22:26:52] Thymo, getting program errors at DPS burn ignition 25 [01:09:48] [22:27:43] Where is Mike when I need him :D 25 [01:09:48] [01:01:41] hehehe 25 [01:09:48] [01:01:55] hooray for a successful Sunburst launch! :D 25 [01:09:48] [01:02:40] I generally have a little bit of time in the evenings and my bouncer logs all of the channel activity for me 25 [01:09:48] [01:02:54] so go ahead and ask your questions and I will answer them when I have a chance 2 [01:09:48] [01:03:05] and then I guess Thymo will have to relay the answers :P 25 [01:09:48] <***> Playback Complete. 51 [01:10:23] niven.freenode.net [*@*] has set channel mode +cgnt 62 [01:10:23] Channel was created at Sun Jan 8 21:49:15 2017 15 [01:10:25] Channel synchronized in 37.248 seconds 24 [01:10:46] <@Thymo> Lost connection on my laptop ago 5 hours ago. Everything was logged though. :( 24 [01:10:58] <@Thymo> Been flying DCS: A-10C all night. 24 [01:11:41] <@Thymo> thewonderidiot: Hey Mike! 2 [01:11:52] heya Thymo 25 [01:11:54] what's up? 25 [01:12:07] also nice 25 [01:12:19] I've done the exact same thing with the A-10C as I've done with NASSP 24 [01:12:32] <@Thymo> Not gotten of the ramp? 25 [01:12:33] which is bring up most of the systems on the ground but never actually fly :P 24 [01:13:20] <@Thymo> Lol. We could fly together sometime on the weekends. 24 [01:13:56] <@Thymo> Have been flying Blueflag, they use a mod that makes the radios in the aircraft functional. Very immersive. :D 25 [01:14:23] sweet! 25 [01:14:56] back when I was flying the MiG21-Bis a lot, I had a thing set up with voice recognition so I could do most of the functions with my voice 24 [01:15:03] <@Thymo> Although I must say that at least an hour and a half was spent by me just looking through all the pages of the computer. :P 24 [01:15:26] <@Thymo> Sweet 25 [01:16:02] I friggin love the mig21 25 [01:16:04] so much fun 24 [01:16:24] <@Thymo> You need to land at such a high speed though. 25 [01:16:31] and sooo simple compared to the a-10 25 [01:16:34] yeeeahhh 24 [01:16:47] <@Thymo> It is basically a missle with little flaps attached. 25 [01:17:39] pretty much 25 [01:17:50] and a big red light that just means "something is wrong" :P 24 [01:18:54] <@Thymo> Hehe. The "problem" light. :D 24 [01:21:03] <@Thymo> I accepted the invite to the organization. How do I exactly go about transcribing this now? 25 [01:30:36] so, look up the pages specified in the issue in the scan type of your choice 25 [01:31:08] and just go through line by line and make sure what is in the listing matches exactly with what's in the file I prepopulated 25 [01:31:14] if there are any changes, make them in the file 25 [01:31:23] at the very least, you'll end up changing the page numbers around 25 [01:32:07] when you're done I'll review it and let you know if any changes need to be made :) 25 [01:33:35] any sort of meta-comments (for example, to capture something that was hand-written onto the listing) begin with ## instead of # 25 [01:36:54] speaking of which, I need to finish THRUST MISSION CONTROL PROGRAM TJS 24 [01:38:49] <@Thymo> Do I replace the page numbers with the one corresponding to the Archive.org viewer? 24 [01:39:15] <@Thymo> Nevermind, it's listed on there too. 24 [01:39:18] <@Thymo> On the page itself. 25 [01:40:56] yeah, on the page itself -- the archive.org viewer comes up with some pretty crazy page numbers 24 [01:42:00] <@Thymo> Where's the header with the description from? It's not at the start of the code. 25 [01:42:41] which header? 24 [01:43:30] <@Thymo> The program description at the start of the Sunburt120 file. 24 [01:43:43] <@Thymo> s/burt/burst 2 [01:43:43] Thymo meant to say: The program description at the start of the Sunburst120 file. 25 [01:43:54] s/120/37? 25 [01:44:29] and do you mean the one that starts with ### FILE="Main.annotation"? 24 [01:45:35] <@Thymo> Below that. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION, FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION, CALLING SEQUENCE, NORMAL EXIT MODE-, etc. 25 [01:45:51] oh 25 [01:46:08] well, here's the first page of ALARM AND ABORT in Sunburst 120: http://www.ibiblio.org/apollo/ScansForConversion/Sunburst120/Sunburst120-0313.jpg 25 [01:46:23] if it's not there in Sunburst 37, then it hadn't been written yet and you should delete it 24 [01:46:37] <@Thymo> Okay. 24 [01:47:01] <@Thymo> Also should I replace Block 02 with Block 2 or is that a yaYUL specific thing? 25 [01:48:31] make it match the Sunburst 37 listing exactly 25 [01:48:48] there's only a couple of yaYUL specific things 25 [01:49:24] off the top of my head... offset-style labels, like +1 or -1 that stand by themselves, are indented by one space because they're not real labels 25 [01:49:41] and constants that have multiple multipliers, like 5 E+02 B-06 25 [01:50:06] need to have spaces between the multipliers like what I just said -- sometimes in the source they're just run together 24 [02:00:08] <@Thymo> Done. Should I put a new line when a funtion goes to the next page or should I squeeze a page comment in between? 2 [02:07:51] Thymo: at your discretion -- I normally base it off of the likelihood of there having been a new line there 25 [02:08:06] like if it's in the middle of a solid block of instructions I'll just squeeze in the page comment 25 [02:08:33] if there's a function break or something I'll always put in a newline 24 [02:08:55] <@Thymo> https://github.com/Thymo-/virtualagc/commit/681245e5210b4ea96e065585ef62ed399681e15d 25 [02:08:56] [ Transcribe ALARM_AND_ABORT · Thymo-/virtualagc@681245e · GitHub ] - github.com 24 [02:12:43] <@Thymo> D'oh. I branched of off my own branch and now it wants to include my own rope. 24 [02:13:07] <@Thymo> I mean. Do you want a bonus with that transcription. :p 25 [02:14:25] hehehehe 25 [02:14:29] maybe eventually 25 [02:14:33] but for now rebase it :P 24 [02:15:35] <@Thymo> I'm new to rebasing. How do I do that? 24 [02:16:30] <@Thymo> Got it. It's in the man page. 24 [02:23:21] <@Thymo> thewonderidiot: PR is up. 24 [02:25:23] <@Thymo> thewonderidiot: https://github.com/virtualagc/virtualagc/pull/905 25 [02:25:24] [ ALARM_AND_ABORT by Thymo- · Pull Request #905 · virtualagc/virtualagc · GitHub ] - github.com 25 [02:27:13] looking now 24 [02:28:38] <@Thymo> The diff looks a bit odd but it's fine in vim. 25 [02:30:40] mixed tabs and spaces unfortunately 25 [02:30:43] tabs are the devil 25 [02:30:48] but don't worry about it 25 [02:30:58] I left a couple of comments, but mostly looks good 24 [02:31:14] <@Thymo> Should I use spaces instead? 25 [02:31:35] nah you're good 25 [02:31:41] looks like the original was mostly tabs 25 [02:31:51] the whole project has an eclectic mix 25 [02:32:35] other than style the only real problem was you got tricked by comments that look a lot like code 25 [02:32:39] that's bitten me several times 24 [02:34:58] <@Thymo> Yeah. I was sort of confused by OCT AAANN 24 [02:35:20] <@Thymo> Too tired to think beyond. "huh, I guess that's pretty weird" :P 25 [02:35:31] hehehe yeah 25 [02:35:45] sometimes they're just straight valid code that would make sense there 25 [02:35:56] and I read riiiiight past the card type 25 [02:36:00] because normally it doesn't matter 24 [02:37:02] <@Thymo> Alright. Changed the page comment and commented out those two lines. Anything else? 25 [02:37:20] nope, other than that looks great 25 [02:37:22] thanks! :D 24 [02:38:52] <@Thymo> Pushed. :) 25 [02:39:44] aaand merged 25 [02:39:54] and issue moved to proofing :D 24 [02:40:38] <@Thymo> Sweet! 25 [02:41:11] thanks! 25 [02:41:18] we're making solid progress on Sunburst 37 24 [02:41:32] <@Thymo> Could you take me through how these Github projects work sometime? A friend of mine wants to use them but I'm not entirely up to date on them myself. 25 [02:41:48] sure 25 [02:41:55] I'm not sure I'm using them in the standard fashion 25 [02:42:05] but I'll be happy to talk about how I use them for virtualagc, lol 24 [02:42:10] <@Thymo> Definitely. I'm surely going to use it without the update. 24 [02:42:27] <@Thymo> Yeah, let's do that. Looks pretty straightforward from what I've seen. 24 [02:42:40] <@Thymo> I'll be on again tomorrow. Goodnight! :) 25 [02:43:15] night! 144 [02:43:37] ### Log session terminated ### 144 [13:32:26] ### Log session started ### 20 [13:32:26] Thymo [~Thymo@524ACC90.cm-4-3d.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #nassp 23 [13:32:26] Channel topic is: Welcome to #nassp! Wiki: http://nassp.sf.net Forum: http://www.ibiblio.org/mscorbit/mscforum GitHub: https://github.com/dseagrav/NASSP 23 [13:32:26] Topic was set by Thymo!~Thymo@524ACC90.cm-4-3d.dynamic.ziggo.nl on Wed Feb 22 16:30:28 2017 24 [13:32:57] <@Thymo> Hey 51 [13:46:37] niven.freenode.net [*@*] has set channel mode +cgnt 62 [13:46:37] Channel was created at Sun Jan 8 21:49:15 2017 15 [13:46:38] Channel synchronized in 851.173 seconds 25 [13:46:38] <@indy91> hey 25 [13:46:38] <@indy91> I need your help 25 [13:46:38] <@indy91> Alarm data: 25 [13:46:38] <@indy91> R1: 2001 25 [13:46:38] <@indy91> R2: 16003 25 [13:46:38] <@indy91> Sunburst120 25 [13:46:38] <@indy91> please help me find where that issue occurs 25 [13:46:38] <@indy91> oh, and alarm code is 1103 and 316 25 [13:46:38] <@indy91> happens at ignition of the first DPS burn 24 [13:47:36] <@Thymo> Copy that 24 [13:49:21] <@Thymo> 1103 is a CCSHOLE. Something happened which never should have. 316 is FAKESTRT, I'm not yet sure what it entirely is but it is necessary for restarts I think. 25 [13:50:31] <@indy91> seems like a common thing in Sunburst 25 [13:50:50] <@indy91> I never managed to learn decoding the alarm data 25 [13:50:59] <@indy91> 2001 is an address 25 [13:51:07] <@indy91> the 16 is fixed memory bank or so 25 [13:51:23] <@indy91> but I am not really sure 24 [13:52:45] <@Thymo> R2 should be BBANK. Fixed bank 16, erasable bank 3 I think. 25 [13:53:15] <@indy91> So what I am looking for is bank 16 address 2001? 24 [13:53:44] <@Thymo> Think so. 25 [13:53:54] <@indy91> hmm 25 [13:55:05] <@indy91> I don't think that's right 25 [13:55:33] <@indy91> 16,2001 wouldn't make much sense 25 [13:57:55] <@indy91> Do all banks begin with 2000? 24 [13:58:29] <@Thymo> Yes. Below that is fixed-fixed 25 [13:59:33] <@indy91> 16,2001 would be in T6-RUPT_PROGRAMS 25 [13:59:37] <@indy91> Random EXTEND instruction 25 [13:59:50] <@indy91> No CCSHOLE anywhere there 24 [14:02:01] <@Thymo> Did you get 1103 or 316 first? 25 [14:02:49] <@indy91> same time 24 [14:03:33] <@Thymo> In what order did they show in noun 9 though? 25 [14:03:39] <@indy91> At ignition it doesn't start the engine, but shows a V05 N50 instead 25 [14:03:39] <@indy91> with Restart and Program Alarm 25 [14:03:39] <@indy91> lights 25 [14:03:39] <@indy91> N50 is N09 of later AGC versions 25 [14:03:39] <@indy91> not sure which of the alarms is in R1 and R2 though 25 [14:03:49] <@indy91> I'll check 25 [14:04:10] <@indy91> I think 1103 first, but not sure 24 [14:04:59] <@Thymo> Can you check noun 31 too? 25 [14:06:12] <@indy91> yep 25 [14:06:18] <@indy91> V15 N50 25 [14:06:22] <@indy91> 1103 25 [14:06:22] <@indy91> 316 25 [14:06:35] <@indy91> that's what it automatically shows 25 [14:06:44] <@indy91> then it blanks and goes to P00 25 [14:06:55] <@indy91> V15 N31 25 [14:07:00] <@indy91> 02001 25 [14:07:33] <@indy91> 16003 25 [14:07:35] <@indy91> 00000 24 [14:08:09] <@Thymo> That's weird. Noun 31 is ALMCADR, ALMCADR +1 and ERCOUNT. 24 [14:08:23] <@Thymo> Sunburst 120 right? 25 [14:09:11] <@indy91> yes 25 [14:09:11] <@indy91> pretty sure that is identical to Noun 8 of later versions 25 [14:09:11] <@indy91> so N50 = N09, N31 = N08 25 [14:09:25] <@indy91> Noun 8 is called ALMCADR 25 [14:10:42] <@indy91> I am pretty sure it wasn't as easy as taking the first few digits of R2 and use it as the bank 24 [14:12:20] <@Thymo> It might be. ALMCADR is not defined in ERASABLE_ASSIGNMENTS. 24 [14:12:42] <@Thymo> It just goes 1363 ALMCADR, 1365 ERCOUNT 25 [14:12:43] <@indy91> hmm 25 [14:12:43] <@indy91> the 316 alarm happens in 07,2001 25 [14:12:43] <@indy91> maybe it just points to that 25 [14:13:33] <@indy91> yeah, same thing 24 [14:13:42] <@Thymo> Yeah. I think it might be that. 25 [14:13:56] <@indy91> so, I guess we don't have any information about the 1103 alarm then 24 [14:14:16] <@Thymo> "FAKESTRT IS ENTERED FROM GOPROG WHEN A RESTART OCCURS AND THE RESTARTABILITY FLAG IS OFF." 24 [14:14:31] <@Thymo> Do you know what this restartability flag is all about? 24 [14:14:42] <@Thymo> It's not in later AGC ropes. 25 [14:15:05] <@indy91> yeah, something about that is in the padload document 24 [14:15:36] <@Thymo> Does it have a description? I can only guess what it's for currently. 24 [14:19:44] <@Thymo> The 16003 is the BBANK. And that still has the BBANK from the 1103 alarm. 24 [14:20:13] <@Thymo> That does a CA BBANK and TS ALMCADR +1 25 [14:21:30] <@indy91> RSTRTWRD 25 [14:21:30] <@indy91> "Mission Phase Restartability Flag Word" 25 [14:21:30] <@indy91> "Each bit indicates restartability of that particular mission phas" 25 [14:21:30] <@indy91> phase* 25 [14:21:30] <@indy91> "(I.E. Bit No. = Mission Phase Number). If Bit is set, a specified part of that mission phase is restartable" 25 [14:21:30] <@indy91> the padload document is a little bit confusing 25 [14:21:30] <@indy91> it has a fresh start section 25 [14:21:30] <@indy91> and then a Mission Program part which overwrites some of the fresh start addresses 25 [14:21:30] <@indy91> at least I think those were overwritten with the padload for the actual mission 25 [14:21:30] <@indy91> In the Apollo 5 padload I created I used both sections, whenever they clashed I used the value from the Mission Program section 25 [14:21:30] <@indy91> maybe I can prevent the 316 alarm from happening 25 [14:21:30] <@indy91> to get the address of the 1103 25 [14:21:30] <@indy91> oh, right, it even says in the document 25 [14:21:30] <@indy91> that the Mission Program stuff can overwrite the fresh initialization load 24 [14:22:07] <@Thymo> Wifi dropped. Did you get my last messages? 25 [14:22:12] <@indy91> yes 25 [14:22:16] <@indy91> 4 messages 24 [14:22:24] <@Thymo> Yep 25 [14:22:51] <@indy91> Description for what? 24 [14:24:02] <@Thymo> For the restartability flag. You already gave it. 25 [14:24:15] <@indy91> well, not sure about the flag 25 [14:24:28] <@indy91> might be something else than the mission phase restartability word 24 [14:24:45] <@Thymo> Where is that document? 25 [14:25:36] <@indy91> https://www.ibiblio.org/apollo/Documents/Prelaunch%20Erasable%20Memory%20Load%20Definition%20for%20AS206.pdf 24 [14:36:08] <@Thymo> V01N01E 1127E 24 [14:36:32] <@Thymo> Did you initialize the RSTRTWRD with the 77777 from that document? 25 [14:36:36] <@indy91> yes 25 [14:36:43] <@indy91> bad? 25 [14:37:00] <@indy91> it's still 77777 in the scenario before the burn 24 [14:39:08] <@Thymo> Can you see what it was after the alarm? 25 [14:40:39] <@indy91> I'll check 25 [14:42:24] <@indy91> didn't change 25 [14:45:06] <@indy91> something is weird with the engine, probably a bug with my control logic update 25 [14:45:15] <@indy91> But I don't think that has something to do with the alarm 25 [14:49:42] <@indy91> yeah, it's cycling engine on/off each timestep :D 25 [14:49:49] <@indy91> that doesn't seem healthy 24 [14:51:07] <@Thymo> Can you read flagword 1 for me? V01N01E 75E 25 [14:51:24] <@indy91> you know I can look at scenarios, right? :D 24 [14:51:27] <@Thymo> I was looking at the wrong restart flag. 25 [14:51:34] <@indy91> Do you want before, during or after the alarm 24 [14:51:40] <@Thymo> Before. 25 [14:51:56] <@indy91> EMEM0075 4012 24 [14:52:07] <@Thymo> Is that decimal? 25 [14:52:18] <@indy91> no 25 [14:52:20] <@indy91> octal 24 [14:52:36] <@Thymo> Okay. I wasn't sure if it was saved differently in scenarios. 24 [14:54:47] <@Thymo> Hmm. The flagword says that a normal restart is allowed. Was this already in the burn program? 25 [14:56:28] <@indy91> yes 25 [14:56:28] <@indy91> in P41 25 [14:56:28] <@indy91> let me check an earlier scenario 25 [14:56:31] <@indy91> EMEM0075 4012 25 [14:56:32] <@indy91> same in P31 25 [14:56:53] <@indy91> same before that, too 2 [16:44:40] <@indy91> Thymo, any other idea what I can do to find out more about the issue? 24 [16:50:43] <@Thymo> Most of the things that would show where the error happened has been wiped. All that can be seen is that it happened somewhere in bank 16. 25 [16:52:53] <@indy91> yeah... 25 [16:52:53] <@indy91> When P31 starts, it also shows a Verb 34 25 [16:52:53] <@indy91> Maybe that is for a ground uplink? 25 [16:52:53] <@indy91> Ground uplinks an ENTR 25 [16:52:53] <@indy91> and the program stops 25 [16:52:53] <@indy91> haven't tried that yet 25 [16:56:13] <@indy91> oh, I found what the program errors were, that the actual Apollo 5 mission got 25 [16:56:24] <@indy91> 1405, DELTA V MONITOR ALARM 25 [16:56:29] <@indy91> and 315, FORGETIT 25 [16:56:30] <@indy91> lol 25 [16:58:36] <@indy91> Weren't you looking for the restartability flag? 24 [17:00:02] <@Thymo> Yes. RSTRTWRD 25 [17:00:40] <@indy91> flagword 1 25 [17:00:46] <@indy91> that was the EMEM0075 you wanted 25 [17:01:06] <@indy91> in what state is it? 25 [17:01:14] <@indy91> Flagword 1, bit 12 it seems 25 [17:01:50] <@indy91> Can I invert that bit to get a different alarm? 24 [17:04:59] <@Thymo> Yes, V25N07E 75E 12E 0E to turn off 1E to turn on. 25 [17:10:35] <@indy91> the state of the flagword is 4012 25 [17:10:35] <@indy91> so it would be 12? 25 [17:10:35] <@indy91> after inverting it 25 [17:10:35] <@indy91> N07 is not a thing in Sunburst 25 [17:12:09] <@indy91> When I try it with 12, the same thing happens 24 [17:27:13] <@Thymo> It's probably getting set back to its original. That has happened to me a couple of times. 24 [17:29:24] <@Thymo> Verb 34 is no different than in any other AGC version. Terminate current test or load request. 24 [17:30:18] <@Thymo> What program runs during your burn? 25 [17:31:04] <@indy91> P41 25 [17:31:04] <@indy91> in P30 it maneuvers to the burn attitude 25 [17:31:15] <@indy91> P31* 25 [17:31:45] <@indy91> V34 starts being displayed in P31 25 [17:32:31] <@indy91> it doesn't care if I press ENTR 25 [17:40:58] <@indy91> Could I have added a Sunburst version that still had errors? 25 [17:41:19] <@indy91> seems unlikely 25 [17:41:39] <@indy91> pretty sure I used the binary created with the octal listing 25 [17:41:54] <@indy91> when the banksums already were all correct 24 [17:53:56] <@Thymo> This one is from the source files http://vanbeers.ddns.net/share/Sunburst120.bin 25 [18:00:49] <@indy91> thanks! 25 [18:02:34] <@indy91> as expected, same result 34 [21:33:51] indy91 [~indy91@2a02:8108:8b40:3aa8:1851:3c9a:f4a3:23f9] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving 144 [00:00:00] ### Log session terminated ###