GLOB sdist-make: /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/ py27 inst-nodeps: /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/.tox/dist/ py27 installed: attrs==17.4.0,fancycompleter==0.8,funcsigs==1.0.2,pdbpp==0.9.3.dev6+gb7e789b.d20180320,pluggy==0.6.0,py==1.5.2,Pygments==2.2.0,pyrepl==0.8.4,pytest==3.4.2,six==1.11.0,wmctrl==0.3 py27 runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='3813065816' py27 runtests: commands[0] | py.test =========================================================================================== test session starts ============================================================================================ platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.14, pytest-3.4.2, py-1.5.2, pluggy-0.6.0 rootdir: /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb, inifile: pytest.ini collected 122 items testing/ FFFFFFFFF......................................................................FFFFFFF....FFFFFFFFF.FF.FFFFF..FFFFssFFFF.F [100%] ================================================================================================= FAILURES ================================================================================================= _______________________________________________________________________________________________ test_runpdb ________________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_runpdb """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> a = 1 | -> a = 1 # n | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | # n <<<<< -> b = 2 | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ <<<<< # n | -> b = 2 <<<<< \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< -> c = 3 | # n <<<<< # c | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ <<<<< _________________________________________________________________________________ test_set_trace_remembers_previous_state __________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_set_trace_remembers_previous_state """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> a = 2 | -> a = 2 # display a | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< # c | # display a <<<<< \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | # c <<<<< -> a = 3 | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ <<<<< a: 1 --> 2 | -> a = 3 <<<<< # c | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | a: 1 --> 2 <<<<< -> a = 4 | # c <<<<< a: 2 --> 3 | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ <<<<< # c | -> a = 4 <<<<< ________________________________________________________________________________________ test_single_question_mark _________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_single_question_mark """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> a = 1 | -> a = 1 # f2 | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< | # f2 <<<<< # f2? | <<<<< .*Type:.*function | # f2? <<<<< .*String Form:.* | Type: function <<<<< .*File:.* | String Form: <<<<< .*Definition:.*f2\(x, y\) | File: /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ <<<<< .*Docstring:.*Return product of x and y | Definition: f2(x, y) <<<<< # c | Docstring: Return product of x and y <<<<< ________________________________________________________________________________________ test_double_question_mark _________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_double_question_mark """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> a = 1 | -> a = 1 # f2 | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< | # f2 <<<<< # f2?? | <<<<< .*Type:.*function | # f2?? <<<<< .*String Form:.* | Type: function <<<<< .*File:.* | String Form: <<<<< .*Definition:.*f2\(x, y\) | File: /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ <<<<< .*Docstring:.*Return product of x and y | Definition: f2(x, y) <<<<< .*Source:.* | Docstring: Return product of x and y <<<<< .* def f2\(x, y\): | Source: <<<<< .* """Return product of x and y""" | 242 def f2(x, y): <<<<< .* return x \* y | 243 """Return product of x and y""" <<<<< # c | 244 return x * y <<<<< ____________________________________________________________________________________________ test_up_local_vars ____________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_up_local_vars """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*nested\(\) | [35] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return | -> return # up | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | # up <<<<< -> nested\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ <<<<< # xx | -> nested() <<<<< 42 | # xx <<<<< # c | 42 <<<<< ________________________________________________________________________________________________ test_frame ________________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_frame """.format(frame_num_a=count_frames() + 2)) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*c\(\) | [36] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return | -> return # f 39 | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*a\(\) | # f 39 <<<<< -> b\(\) | *** Out of range <<<<< # c | # c _____________________________________________________________________________________________ test_up_down_arg _____________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_up_down_arg """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*c\(\) | [36] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return | -> return # up 3 | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*runpdb\(\) | # up 3 <<<<< -> func\(\) | [33] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ <<<<< # down 1 | -> func() <<<<< \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*a\(\) | # down 1 <<<<< -> b\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ <<<<< # c | -> b() <<<<< ______________________________________________________________________________________________ test_parseline ______________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_parseline """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return c | -> return c # c | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< 42 | # c <<<<< # !c | 42 <<<<< 42 | # !c <<<<< # r = 5 | 42 <<<<< # r | # r = 5 5 | # r <<<<< # r = 6 | 5 <<<<< # r | # r = 6 6 | # r <<<<< # !!c | 6 <<<<< ______________________________________________________________________________________________ test_args_name ______________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_args_name """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return args | -> return args # args | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< 42 | # args <<<<< # c | 42 <<<<< ______________________________________________________________________________________________ test_shortlist ______________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_shortlist """.format(line_num=fn.__code__.co_firstlineno)) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return a | -> return a # l 457, 3 | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< *[0-9]* def fn\(\): | # l 457, 3 <<<<< *[0-9]* a = 1 | 457 def fn(): <<<<< *[0-9]* set_trace\(Config=ConfigTest\) | 458 a = 1 <<<<< *[0-9]* -> return a | 459 set_trace(Config=ConfigTest) <<<<< # c | 460 -> return a <<<<< ______________________________________________________________________________________________ test_longlist _______________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_longlist """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return a | -> return a # ll | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< *[0-9]* def fn\(\): | # ll <<<<< *[0-9]* a = 1 | 474 def fn(): <<<<< *[0-9]* set_trace\(\) | 475 a = 1 <<<<< *[0-9]* -> return a | 476 set_trace() <<<<< # c | 477 -> return a <<<<< _______________________________________________________________________________________________ test_display _______________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_display """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> b = 1 | -> b = 1 # display a | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< # n | # display a <<<<< \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | # n <<<<< -> a = 2 | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ <<<<< # n | -> a = 2 <<<<< \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< -> a = 3 | # n <<<<< a: 1 --> 2 | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ <<<<< # undisplay a | -> a = 3 <<<<< # n | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | a: 1 --> 2 <<<<< -> return a | # undisplay a <<<<< # c | # n <<<<< __________________________________________________________________________________________ test_display_undefined __________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_display_undefined """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> b = 42 | -> b = 42 # display b | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< # n | # display b <<<<< \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | # n <<<<< -> return b | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ <<<<< b: --> 42 | -> return b <<<<< # c | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< _______________________________________________________________________________________________ test_sticky ________________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_sticky """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> a = 1 | -> a = 1 # sticky | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< \\[2J\\[1\;1H>.* | # sticky <<<<< | > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ *[0-9]* def fn\(\): | <<<<< *[0-9]* set_trace\(\) | 535 def fn(): <<<<< *[0-9]* -> a = 1 | 536 set_trace() <<<<< *[0-9]* b = 2 | 537 -> a = 1 <<<<< *[0-9]* c = 3 | 538 b = 2 <<<<< *[0-9]* return a | 539 c = 3 <<<<< # n | 540 return a <<<<< \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | # n <<<<< -> b = 2 | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ <<<<< \\[2J\\[1\;1H>.* | -> b = 2 <<<<< | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') *[0-9]* def fn\(\): | > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ <<<<< *[0-9]* set_trace\(\) | <<<<< *[0-9]* a = 1 | 535 def fn(): <<<<< *[0-9]* -> b = 2 | 536 set_trace() <<<<< *[0-9]* c = 3 | 537 a = 1 <<<<< *[0-9]* return a | 538 -> b = 2 <<<<< # sticky | 539 c = 3 <<<<< # n | 540 return a <<<<< \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | # sticky <<<<< -> c = 3 | # n <<<<< # c | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ <<<<< ____________________________________________________________________________________________ test_sticky_range _____________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_sticky_range """ % (start, end, start)) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> a = 1 | -> a = 1 # sticky 574 576 | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< \\[2J\\[1\;1H>.* | # sticky 574 576 <<<<< | > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ 574 set_trace\(\) | <<<<< *[0-9]* -> a = 1 | 574 set_trace() <<<<< *[0-9]* b = 2 | 575 -> a = 1 <<<<< # c | 576 b = 2 <<<<< __________________________________________________________________________________________ test_sticky_by_default __________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_sticky_by_default """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> a = 1 | -> a = 1 \\[2J\\[1\;1H>.* | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< | > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ *[0-9]* def fn\(\): | <<<<< *[0-9]* set_trace\(Config=MyConfig\) | 600 def fn(): <<<<< *[0-9]* -> a = 1 | 601 set_trace(Config=MyConfig) <<<<< *[0-9]* b = 2 | 602 -> a = 1 <<<<< *[0-9]* c = 3 | 603 b = 2 <<<<< *[0-9]* return a | 604 c = 3 <<<<< # c | 605 return a <<<<< ___________________________________________________________________________________________ test_py_code_source ____________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_py_code_source """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > <0-codegen /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/>(5)fn() -> return x | -> return x # ll | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< *[0-9]* def fn\(\): | # ll <<<<< *[0-9]* x = 42 | 2 def fn(): <<<<< *[0-9]* set_trace\(\) | 3 x = 42 <<<<< *[0-9]* -> return x | 4 set_trace() <<<<< # c | 5 -> return x <<<<< _______________________________________________________________________________________________ test_source ________________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_source """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return bar\(\) | -> return bar() # source bar | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< *[0-9]* def bar\(\): | # source bar <<<<< *[0-9]* return 42 | 730 def bar(): <<<<< # c | 731 return 42 <<<<< _____________________________________________________________________________________________ test_bad_source ______________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_bad_source """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return 42 | -> return 42 # source 42 | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< \*\* Error: .* is not a module, class, method, function, traceback, frame, or code object \*\* | # source 42 <<<<< # c | ** Error: 42 is not a module, class, method, function, traceback, frame, or code object ** <<<<< ________________________________________________________________________________________________ test_edit _________________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_edit """ % (return42_lineno, filename)) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return 42 | -> return 42 # edit | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< RUN emacs \+761 '/home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/' | # edit <<<<< # c | RUN emacs +761 '/home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/' <<<<< ______________________________________________________________________________________________ test_edit_obj _______________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_edit_obj """ % (bar_lineno, filename)) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return 42 | -> return 42 # edit bar | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< RUN emacs \+798 '/home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/' | # edit bar <<<<< # c | RUN emacs +798 '/home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/' <<<<< _________________________________________________________________________________________ test_edit_py_code_source _________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_edit_py_code_source """ % (src_compile_lineno, filename)) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*bar\(\) | [34] > <1-codegen /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/>(4)bar() -> return 42 | -> return 42 # edit bar | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< RUN emacs \+821 '/home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/' | # edit bar <<<<< # c | RUN emacs +821 '/home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/' <<<<< _________________________________________________________________________________________________ test_put _________________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_put """ % start_lineno) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return 42 | -> return 42 # x = 10 | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< # y = 12 | # x = 10 <<<<< # put | # y = 12 <<<<< RUN epaste \+840 | # put <<<<< x = 10 | RUN epaste +840 <<<<< y = 12 | x = 10 <<<<< | y = 12 # c | <<<<< ________________________________________________________________________________________________ test_paste ________________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_paste """ % start_lineno) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> if 4 != 5: g\(\) | -> if 4 != 5: g() # g\(\) | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< hello world | # g() <<<<< # paste g\(\) | hello world <<<<< hello world | # paste g() <<<<< RUN epaste \+862 | hello world <<<<< hello world | RUN epaste +862 <<<<< | hello world # c | <<<<< _______________________________________________________________________________________________ test_put_if ________________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_put_if """ % start_lineno) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return x | -> return x # x = 10 | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< # y = 12 | # x = 10 <<<<< # put | # y = 12 <<<<< RUN epaste \+886 | # put <<<<< x = 10 | RUN epaste +886 <<<<< y = 12 | x = 10 <<<<< | y = 12 # c | <<<<< ________________________________________________________________________________________ test_put_side_effects_free ________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_put_side_effects_free """ % start_lineno) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return 42 | -> return 42 # x | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< 10 | # x <<<<< # x.__add__ | 10 <<<<< .* | # x.__add__ # y = 12 | <<<<< # put | # y = 12 <<<<< RUN epaste \+915 | # put <<<<< y = 12 | RUN epaste +915 <<<<< | y = 12 # c | <<<<< ___________________________________________________________________________________________ test_enable_disable ____________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_enable_disable """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return x | -> return x # x | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< 2 | # x <<<<< # c | 2 <<<<< _________________________________________________________________________________________ test_hide_hidden_frames __________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_hide_hidden_frames """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> g\(\) | -> g() 1 frame hidden .* | 6 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< # down | # down ... Newest frame | *** Newest frame # hf_unhide | # hf_unhide # down | # down \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*g\(\) | [40] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return 'foo' | -> return 'foo' # up | # up \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [39] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> g\(\) | -> g() # hf_hide | # hf_hide # down | # down ... Newest frame | *** Newest frame # c | # c _________________________________________________________________________________________ test_hide_current_frame __________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_hide_current_frame """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> g\(\) | -> g() 1 frame hidden .* | 6 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< # hf_unhide | # hf_unhide # down | # down \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*g\(\) | [40] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return 'foo' | -> return 'foo' # hf_hide | # hf_hide \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> g\(\) | -> g() # c | # c _________________________________________________________________________________________ test_list_hidden_frames __________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_list_hidden_frames """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> k\(\) | -> k() 2 frames hidden .* | 7 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< # hf_list | # hf_list .*k\(\) | /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/.tox/py27/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pluggy/ <<<<< -> return g\(\) | -> res = hook_impl.function(*args) <<<<< .*g\(\) | /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/.tox/py27/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pluggy/ <<<<< -> return 'foo' | -> res = hook_impl.function(*args) <<<<< # c | /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/.tox/py27/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pluggy/ <<<<< ________________________________________________________________________________________ test_hidden_pytest_frames _________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_hidden_pytest_frames """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> k\(\) | -> k() 2 frames hidden .* | 7 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< # hf_list | # hf_list .*k\(\) | /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/.tox/py27/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pluggy/ <<<<< -> return g\(\) | -> res = hook_impl.function(*args) <<<<< .*g\(\) | /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/.tox/py27/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pluggy/ <<<<< -> return 'foo' | -> res = hook_impl.function(*args) <<<<< # c | /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/.tox/py27/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pluggy/ <<<<< _______________________________________________________________________________________ test_hidden_unittest_frames ________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_hidden_unittest_frames """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return g\(\) | -> return g() 1 frame hidden .* | 6 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< # hf_list | # hf_list .*g\(\) | /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/.tox/py27/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pluggy/ <<<<< -> return 'foo' | -> res = hook_impl.function(*args) <<<<< # c | /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/.tox/py27/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pluggy/ <<<<< __________________________________________________________________________________________ test_break_on_setattr ___________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_break_on_setattr """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> obj.x = 0 | -> obj.x = 0 1 frame hidden .* | 6 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< # hasattr\(obj, 'x'\) | # hasattr(obj, 'x') False | False # n | # n \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return obj.x | -> return obj.x # p obj.x | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< 0 | # p obj.x <<<<< # c | 0 <<<<< _____________________________________________________________________________________ test_break_on_setattr_condition ______________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_break_on_setattr_condition """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> obj.x = 42 | -> obj.x = 42 1 frame hidden .* | 6 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< # obj.x | # obj.x 0 | 0 # n | # n \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return obj.x | -> return obj.x # obj.x | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< 42 | # obj.x <<<<< # c | 42 <<<<< ___________________________________________________________________________________ test_break_on_setattr_non_decorator ____________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_break_on_setattr_non_decorator """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> = 42 | -> = 42 1 frame hidden .* | 6 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< # c | # c _____________________________________________________________________________________ test_break_on_setattr_overridden _____________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_break_on_setattr_overridden """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> obj.x = 0 | -> obj.x = 0 1 frame hidden .* | 6 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< # obj.y | # obj.y 42 | 42 # hasattr\(obj, 'x'\) | # hasattr(obj, 'x') False | False # n | # n \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return obj.x | -> return obj.x # p obj.x | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< 1 | # p obj.x <<<<< # c | 1 <<<<< ________________________________________________________________________________________________ test_debug ________________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_debug """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return 1 | -> return 1 # debug g\(\) | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< ENTERING RECURSIVE DEBUGGER | # debug g() <<<<< \[ *[0-9]*\] > .* | ENTERING RECURSIVE DEBUGGER <<<<< \(#\) s | [1] > (1)() <<<<< --Call-- | (#) s <<<<< \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*g\(\) | --Call-- <<<<< -> def g\(\): | [2] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ <<<<< \(#\) ll | -> def g(): <<<<< *[0-9]* -> def g\(\): | (#) ll <<<<< *[0-9]* a = 1 | 1244 -> def g(): <<<<< *[0-9]* return a | 1245 a = 1 <<<<< \(#\) c | 1246 return a <<<<< LEAVING RECURSIVE DEBUGGER | (#) c <<<<< # c | LEAVING RECURSIVE DEBUGGER <<<<< _______________________________________________________________________________________ test_before_interaction_hook _______________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_before_interaction_hook """) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return 1 | -> return 1 HOOK! | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< # c | HOOK! <<<<< _____________________________________________________________________________________________ test_unicode_bug _____________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_unicode_bug check(fn, check_output) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> x = "this is plain ascii" | -> x = "this is plain ascii" # n | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | # n <<<<< -> y = "this contains a unicode: à" | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ <<<<< # c | -> y = "this contains a unicode: à" <<<<< ____________________________________________________________________________________________ test_continue_arg _____________________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_continue_arg """ % (line_z, line_z)) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> x = 1 | -> x = 1 # c 1314 | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< Breakpoint 1 at .*/ | # c 1314 <<<<< Deleted breakpoint 1 | Breakpoint 1 at /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ <<<<< \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | Deleted breakpoint 1 <<<<< -> z = 3 | [34] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ <<<<< # c | -> z = 3 <<<<< ______________________________________________________________________________________ test_frame_cmd_changes_locals _______________________________________________________________________________________ testing/ in test_frame_cmd_changes_locals """.format(frame_num_a=count_frames() + 2)) testing/ in check assert all_ok E assert False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*fn\(\) | [36] > /home/cfbolz/projects/misc/pdb/testing/ -> return | -> return # f 39 | 5 frames hidden (try 'help hidden_frames') <<<<< \[ *[0-9]*\] > .*a\(\) | # f 39 <<<<< -> b\(\) | *** Out of range <<<<< # p list\(sorted\(locals\(\).keys\(\)\)\) | # p list(sorted(locals().keys())) \['b', 'x'\] | [] <<<<< # c | # c ============================================================================= 41 failed, 79 passed, 2 skipped in 1.60 seconds ==