Pygments 2.3.1 test suite running (Python 2.7.15)... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................SS.S.......S.....SS.S.......S......................Incompatible types 'Pygments version 2.3.1, (c) 2006-2017 by Georg Brandl.' () and u'* coconut, coco, coc:\n coconut (filenames *.coco, *.coc, *.coconut)' () Incompatible types 'Pygments version 2.3.1, (c) 2006-2017 by Georg Brandl.' () and u'\n' () Incompatible types 'Pygments version 2.3.1, (c) 2006-2017 by Georg Brandl.' () and u'* coconut_pycon, coconut_pycon3:\n coconut_pycon ' () Incompatible types 'Pygments version 2.3.1, (c) 2006-2017 by Georg Brandl.' () and u'\n' () Incompatible types 'Pygments version 2.3.1, (c) 2006-2017 by Georg Brandl.' () and u'* coconut_python, coconut_py, coconut_python3, coconut_py3:\n coconut_python (filenames *.py_template)' () Incompatible types 'Pygments version 2.3.1, (c) 2006-2017 by Georg Brandl.' () and u'\n' () E.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................E................... ====================================================================== ERROR: test_L_opt (test_cmdline.CmdLineTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/tmp/ws/Pygments-2.3.1/tests/", line 177, in test_L_opt o = self.check_success('-L') File "/tmp/ws/Pygments-2.3.1/tests/", line 92, in check_success code, out, err = run_cmdline(*cmdline, **kwds) File "/tmp/ws/Pygments-2.3.1/tests/", line 84, in run_cmdline out = stdout_buffer.getvalue().decode('utf-8') File "/usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/lib/python2.7/", line 271, in getvalue self.buf += ''.join(self.buflist) UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc2 in position 15: ordinal not in range(128) -------------------- >> begin captured stdout << --------------------- sys.version_info(major=2, minor=7, micro=15, releaselevel='final', serial=0) ['Pygments version 2.3.1, (c) 2006-2017 by Georg Brandl.', '\n', '\n', 'Lexers:', '\n', '~~~~~~~', '\n', '* abap:\n ABAP (filenames *.abap, *.ABAP)', '\n', '* abnf:\n ABNF (filenames *.abnf)', '\n', '* ada, ada95, ada2005:\n Ada (filenames *.adb, *.ads, *.ada)', '\n', '* adl:\n ADL (filenames *.adl, *.adls, *.adlf, *.adlx)', '\n', '* agda:\n Agda (filenames *.agda)', '\n', '* aheui:\n Aheui (filenames *.aheui)', '\n', '* ahk, autohotkey:\n autohotkey (filenames *.ahk, *.ahkl)', '\n', '* alloy:\n Alloy (filenames *.als)', '\n', '* ampl:\n Ampl (filenames *.run)', '\n', '* antlr-as, antlr-actionscript:\n ANTLR With ActionScript Target (filenames *.G, *.g)', '\n', '* antlr-cpp:\n ANTLR With CPP Target (filenames *.G, *.g)', '\n', '* antlr-csharp, antlr-c#:\n ANTLR With C# Target (filenames *.G, *.g)', '\n', '* antlr-java:\n ANTLR With Java Target (filenames *.G, *.g)', '\n', '* antlr-objc:\n ANTLR With ObjectiveC Target (filenames *.G, *.g)', '\n', '* antlr-perl:\n ANTLR With Perl Target (filenames *.G, *.g)', '\n', '* antlr-python:\n ANTLR With Python Target (filenames *.G, *.g)', '\n', '* antlr-ruby, antlr-rb:\n ANTLR With Ruby Target (filenames *.G, *.g)', '\n', '* antlr:\n ANTLR ', '\n', '* apacheconf, aconf, apache:\n ApacheConf (filenames .htaccess, apache.conf, apache2.conf)', '\n', '* apl:\n APL (filenames *.apl)', '\n', '* applescript:\n AppleScript (filenames *.applescript)', '\n', '* arduino:\n Arduino (filenames *.ino)', '\n', '* as, actionscript:\n ActionScript (filenames *.as)', '\n', '* as3, actionscript3:\n ActionScript 3 (filenames *.as)', '\n', '* aspectj:\n AspectJ (filenames *.aj)', '\n', '* aspx-cs:\n aspx-cs (filenames *.aspx, *.asax, *.ascx, *.ashx, *.asmx, *.axd)', '\n', '* aspx-vb:\n aspx-vb (filenames *.aspx, *.asax, *.ascx, *.ashx, *.asmx, *.axd)', '\n', '* asy, asymptote:\n Asymptote (filenames *.asy)', '\n', '* at, ambienttalk, ambienttalk/2:\n AmbientTalk (filenames *.at)', '\n', '* autoit:\n AutoIt (filenames *.au3)', '\n', '* awk, gawk, mawk, nawk:\n Awk (filenames *.awk)', '\n', '* basemake:\n Base Makefile ', '\n', '* bash, sh, ksh, zsh, shell:\n Bash (filenames *.sh, *.ksh, *.bash, *.ebuild, *.eclass, *.exheres-0, *.exlib, *.zsh, .bashrc, bashrc, .bash_*, bash_*, zshrc, .zshrc, PKGBUILD)', '\n', '* bat, batch, dosbatch, winbatch:\n Batchfile (filenames *.bat, *.cmd)', '\n', '* bbcode:\n BBCode ', '\n', '* bc:\n BC (filenames *.bc)', '\n', '* befunge:\n Befunge (filenames *.befunge)', '\n', '* bib, bibtex:\n BibTeX (filenames *.bib)', '\n', '* blitzbasic, b3d, bplus:\n BlitzBasic (filenames *.bb, *.decls)', '\n', '* blitzmax, bmax:\n BlitzMax (filenames *.bmx)', '\n', '* bnf:\n BNF (filenames *.bnf)', '\n', '* boo:\n Boo (filenames *.boo)', '\n', '* boogie:\n Boogie (filenames *.bpl)', '\n', '* brainfuck, bf:\n Brainfuck (filenames *.bf, *.b)', '\n', '* bro:\n Bro (filenames *.bro)', '\n', '* bst, bst-pybtex:\n BST (filenames *.bst)', '\n', '* bugs, winbugs, openbugs:\n BUGS (filenames *.bug)', '\n', '* c-objdump:\n c-objdump (filenames *.c-objdump)', '\n', '* c:\n C (filenames *.c, *.h, *.idc)', '\n', '* ca65:\n ca65 assembler (filenames *.s)', '\n', '* cadl:\n cADL (filenames *.cadl)', '\n', '* camkes, idl4:\n CAmkES (filenames *.camkes, *.idl4)', '\n', '* capdl:\n CapDL (filenames *.cdl)', '\n', "* capnp:\n Cap'n Proto (filenames *.capnp)", '\n', '* cbmbas:\n CBM BASIC V2 (filenames *.bas)', '\n', '* ceylon:\n Ceylon (filenames *.ceylon)', '\n', '* cfc:\n Coldfusion CFC (filenames *.cfc)', '\n', '* cfengine3, cf3:\n CFEngine3 (filenames *.cf)', '\n', '* cfm:\n Coldfusion HTML (filenames *.cfm, *.cfml)', '\n', '* cfs:\n cfstatement ', '\n', '* chai, chaiscript:\n ChaiScript (filenames *.chai)', '\n', '* chapel, chpl:\n Chapel (filenames *.chpl)', '\n', '* cheetah, spitfire:\n Cheetah (filenames *.tmpl, *.spt)', '\n', '* cirru:\n Cirru (filenames *.cirru)', '\n', '* clay:\n Clay (filenames *.clay)', '\n', '* clean:\n Clean (filenames *.icl, *.dcl)', '\n', '* clojure, clj:\n Clojure (filenames *.clj)', '\n', '* clojurescript, cljs:\n ClojureScript (filenames *.cljs)', '\n', '* cmake:\n CMake (filenames *.cmake, CMakeLists.txt)', '\n', '* cobol:\n COBOL (filenames *.cob, *.COB, *.cpy, *.CPY)', '\n', '* cobolfree:\n COBOLFree (filenames *.cbl, *.CBL)', '\n', u'* coconut, coco, coc:\n coconut (filenames *.coco, *.coc, *.coconut)', u'\n', u'* coconut_pycon, coconut_pycon3:\n coconut_pycon ', u'\n', u'* coconut_python, coconut_py, coconut_python3, coconut_py3:\n coconut_python (filenames *.py_template)', u'\n', '* coffee-script, coffeescript, coffee:\n CoffeeScript (filenames *.coffee)', '\n', '* common-lisp, cl, lisp:\n Common Lisp (filenames *.cl, *.lisp)', '\n', '* componentpascal, cp:\n Component Pascal (filenames *.cp, *.cps)', '\n', '* console, shell-session:\n Bash Session (filenames *.sh-session, *.shell-session)', '\n', '* control, debcontrol:\n Debian Control file (filenames control)', '\n', '* coq:\n Coq (filenames *.v)', '\n', '* cpp, c++:\n C++ (filenames *.cpp, *.hpp, *.c++, *.h++, *.cc, *.hh, *.cxx, *.hxx, *.C, *.H, *.cp, *.CPP)', '\n', '* cpp-objdump, c++-objdumb, cxx-objdump:\n cpp-objdump (filenames *.cpp-objdump, *.c++-objdump, *.cxx-objdump)', '\n', '* cpsa:\n CPSA (filenames *.cpsa)', '\n', '* cr, crystal:\n Crystal (filenames *.cr)', '\n', '* crmsh, pcmk:\n Crmsh (filenames *.crmsh, *.pcmk)', '\n', '* croc:\n Croc (filenames *.croc)', '\n', '* cryptol, cry:\n Cryptol (filenames *.cry)', '\n', '* csharp, c#:\n C# (filenames *.cs)', '\n', '* csound, csound-orc:\n Csound Orchestra (filenames *.orc)', '\n', '* csound-document, csound-csd:\n Csound Document (filenames *.csd)', '\n', '* csound-score, csound-sco:\n Csound Score (filenames *.sco)', '\n', '* css+django, css+jinja:\n CSS+Django/Jinja ', '\n', '* css+erb, css+ruby:\n CSS+Ruby ', '\n', '* css+genshitext, css+genshi:\n CSS+Genshi Text ', '\n', '* css+lasso:\n CSS+Lasso ', '\n', '* css+mako:\n CSS+Mako ', '\n', '* css+mako:\n CSS+Mako ', '\n', '* css+mozpreproc:\n CSS+mozpreproc (filenames *', '\n', '* css+myghty:\n CSS+Myghty ', '\n', '* css+php:\n CSS+PHP ', '\n', '* css+smarty:\n CSS+Smarty ', '\n', '* css:\n CSS (filenames *.css)', '\n', '* cucumber, gherkin:\n Gherkin (filenames *.feature)', '\n', '* cuda, cu:\n CUDA (filenames *.cu, *.cuh)', '\n', '* cypher:\n Cypher (filenames *.cyp, *.cypher)', '\n', '* cython, pyx, pyrex:\n Cython (filenames *.pyx, *.pxd, *.pxi)', '\n', '* d-objdump:\n d-objdump (filenames *.d-objdump)', '\n', '* d:\n D (filenames *.d, *.di)', '\n', '* dart:\n Dart (filenames *.dart)', '\n', '* delphi, pas, pascal, objectpascal:\n Delphi (filenames *.pas, *.dpr)', '\n', '* dg:\n dg (filenames *.dg)', '\n', '* diff, udiff:\n Diff (filenames *.diff, *.patch)', '\n', '* django, jinja:\n Django/Jinja ', '\n', '* docker, dockerfile:\n Docker (filenames Dockerfile, *.docker)', '\n', '* doscon:\n MSDOS Session ', '\n', '* dpatch:\n Darcs Patch (filenames *.dpatch, *.darcspatch)', '\n', '* dtd:\n DTD (filenames *.dtd)', '\n', '* duel, jbst, jsonml+bst:\n Duel (filenames *.duel, *.jbst)', '\n', '* dylan-console, dylan-repl:\n Dylan session (filenames *.dylan-console)', '\n', '* dylan-lid, lid:\n DylanLID (filenames *.lid, *.hdp)', '\n', '* dylan:\n Dylan (filenames *.dylan, *.dyl, *.intr)', '\n', '* earl-grey, earlgrey, eg:\n Earl Grey (filenames *.eg)', '\n', '* easytrieve:\n Easytrieve (filenames *.ezt, *.mac)', '\n', '* ebnf:\n EBNF (filenames *.ebnf)', '\n', '* ec:\n eC (filenames *.ec, *.eh)', '\n', '* ecl:\n ECL (filenames *.ecl)', '\n', '* eiffel:\n Eiffel (filenames *.e)', '\n', '* elixir, ex, exs:\n Elixir (filenames *.ex, *.exs)', '\n', '* elm:\n Elm (filenames *.elm)', '\n', '* emacs, elisp, emacs-lisp:\n EmacsLisp (filenames *.el)', '\n', '* erb:\n ERB ', '\n', '* erl:\n Erlang erl session (filenames *.erl-sh)', '\n', '* erlang:\n Erlang (filenames *.erl, *.hrl, *.es, *.escript)', '\n', '* evoque:\n Evoque (filenames *.evoque)', '\n', '* extempore:\n xtlang (filenames *.xtm)', '\n', '* ezhil:\n Ezhil (filenames *.n)', '\n', '* factor:\n Factor (filenames *.factor)', '\n', '* fan:\n Fantom (filenames *.fan)', '\n', '* fancy, fy:\n Fancy (filenames *.fy, *.fancypack)', '\n', '* felix, flx:\n Felix (filenames *.flx, *.flxh)', '\n', '* fennel, fnl:\n Fennel (filenames *.fnl)', '\n', '* fish, fishshell:\n Fish (filenames *.fish, *.load)', '\n', '* flatline:\n Flatline ', '\n', '* forth:\n Forth (filenames *.frt, *.fs)', '\n', '* fortran:\n Fortran (filenames *.f03, *.f90, *.F03, *.F90)', '\n', '* fortranfixed:\n FortranFixed (filenames *.f, *.F)', '\n', '* foxpro, vfp, clipper, xbase:\n FoxPro (filenames *.PRG, *.prg)', '\n', '* fsharp:\n FSharp (filenames *.fs, *.fsi)', '\n', '* gap:\n GAP (filenames *.g, *.gd, *.gi, *.gap)', '\n', '* gas, asm:\n GAS (filenames *.s, *.S)', '\n', '* genshi, kid, xml+genshi, xml+kid:\n Genshi (filenames *.kid)', '\n', '* genshitext:\n Genshi Text ', '\n', '* glsl:\n GLSL (filenames *.vert, *.frag, *.geo)', '\n', '* gnuplot:\n Gnuplot (filenames *.plot, *.plt)', '\n', '* go:\n Go (filenames *.go)', '\n', '* golo:\n Golo (filenames *.golo)', '\n', '* gooddata-cl:\n GoodData-CL (filenames *.gdc)', '\n', '* gosu:\n Gosu (filenames *.gs, *.gsx, *.gsp, *.vark)', '\n', '* groff, nroff, man:\n Groff (filenames *.[1234567], *.man)', '\n', '* groovy:\n Groovy (filenames *.groovy, *.gradle)', '\n', '* gst:\n Gosu Template (filenames *.gst)', '\n', '* haml:\n Haml (filenames *.haml)', '\n', '* handlebars:\n Handlebars ', '\n', '* haskell, hs:\n Haskell (filenames *.hs)', '\n', '* haxeml, hxml:\n Hxml (filenames *.hxml)', '\n', '* hexdump:\n Hexdump ', '\n', '* hlsl:\n HLSL (filenames *.hlsl, *.hlsli)', '\n', '* hsail, hsa:\n HSAIL (filenames *.hsail)', '\n', '* html+cheetah, html+spitfire, htmlcheetah:\n HTML+Cheetah ', '\n', '* html+django, html+jinja, htmldjango:\n HTML+Django/Jinja ', '\n', '* html+evoque:\n HTML+Evoque (filenames *.html)', '\n', '* html+genshi, html+kid:\n HTML+Genshi ', '\n', '* html+handlebars:\n HTML+Handlebars (filenames *.handlebars, *.hbs)', '\n', '* html+lasso:\n HTML+Lasso ', '\n', '* html+mako:\n HTML+Mako ', '\n', '* html+mako:\n HTML+Mako ', '\n', '* html+myghty:\n HTML+Myghty ', '\n', '* html+ng2:\n HTML + Angular2 (filenames *.ng2)', '\n', '* html+php:\n HTML+PHP (filenames *.phtml)', '\n', '* html+smarty:\n HTML+Smarty ', '\n', '* html+twig:\n HTML+Twig (filenames *.twig)', '\n', '* html+velocity:\n HTML+Velocity ', '\n', '* html:\n HTML (filenames *.html, *.htm, *.xhtml, *.xslt)', '\n', '* http:\n HTTP ', '\n', '* hx, haxe, hxsl:\n Haxe (filenames *.hx, *.hxsl)', '\n', '* hybris, hy:\n Hybris (filenames *.hy, *.hyb)', '\n', '* hylang:\n Hy (filenames *.hy)', '\n', '* i6t:\n Inform 6 template (filenames *.i6t)', '\n', '* idl:\n IDL (filenames *.pro)', '\n', '* idris, idr:\n Idris (filenames *.idr)', '\n', '* iex:\n Elixir iex session ', '\n', '* igor, igorpro:\n Igor (filenames *.ipf)', '\n', '* inform6, i6:\n Inform 6 (filenames *.inf)', '\n', '* inform7, i7:\n Inform 7 (filenames *.ni, *.i7x)', '\n', '* ini, cfg, dosini:\n INI (filenames *.ini, *.cfg, *.inf)', '\n', '* io:\n Io (filenames *.io)', '\n', '* ioke, ik:\n Ioke (filenames *.ik)', '\n', '* ipython2, ipython:\n IPython ', '\n', '* ipython3:\n IPython3 ', '\n', '* ipythonconsole:\n IPython console session ', '\n', '* irc:\n IRC logs (filenames *.weechatlog)', '\n', '* isabelle:\n Isabelle (filenames *.thy)', '\n', '* j:\n J (filenames *.ijs)', '\n', '* jags:\n JAGS (filenames *.jag, *.bug)', '\n', '* jasmin, jasminxt:\n Jasmin (filenames *.j)', '\n', '* java:\n Java (filenames *.java)', '\n', '* javascript+mozpreproc:\n Javascript+mozpreproc (filenames *', '\n', '* jcl:\n JCL (filenames *.jcl)', '\n', '* jlcon:\n Julia console ', '\n', '* js+cheetah, javascript+cheetah, js+spitfire, javascript+spitfire:\n JavaScript+Cheetah ', '\n', '* js+django, javascript+django, js+jinja, javascript+jinja:\n JavaScript+Django/Jinja ', '\n', '* js+erb, javascript+erb, js+ruby, javascript+ruby:\n JavaScript+Ruby ', '\n', '* js+genshitext, js+genshi, javascript+genshitext, javascript+genshi:\n JavaScript+Genshi Text ', '\n', '* js+lasso, javascript+lasso:\n JavaScript+Lasso ', '\n', '* js+mako, javascript+mako:\n JavaScript+Mako ', '\n', '* js+mako, javascript+mako:\n JavaScript+Mako ', '\n', '* js+myghty, javascript+myghty:\n JavaScript+Myghty ', '\n', '* js+php, javascript+php:\n JavaScript+PHP ', '\n', '* js+smarty, javascript+smarty:\n JavaScript+Smarty ', '\n', '* js, javascript:\n JavaScript (filenames *.js, *.jsm)', '\n', '* jsgf:\n JSGF (filenames *.jsgf)', '\n', '* json-object:\n JSONBareObject ', '\n', '* json:\n JSON (filenames *.json)', '\n', '* jsonld, json-ld:\n JSON-LD (filenames *.jsonld)', '\n', '* jsp:\n Java Server Page (filenames *.jsp)', '\n', '* julia, jl:\n Julia (filenames *.jl)', '\n', '* juttle, juttle:\n Juttle (filenames *.juttle)', '\n', '* kal:\n Kal (filenames *.kal)', '\n', '* kconfig, menuconfig, linux-config, kernel-config:\n Kconfig (filenames Kconfig, **,*,', '\n', '* koka:\n Koka (filenames *.kk, *.kki)', '\n', '* kotlin:\n Kotlin (filenames *.kt)', '\n', '* lagda, literate-agda:\n Literate Agda (filenames *.lagda)', '\n', '* lasso, lassoscript:\n Lasso (filenames *.lasso, *.lasso[89])', '\n', '* lcry, literate-cryptol, lcryptol:\n Literate Cryptol (filenames *.lcry)', '\n', '* lean:\n Lean (filenames *.lean)', '\n', '* less:\n LessCss (filenames *.less)', '\n', '* lhs, literate-haskell, lhaskell:\n Literate Haskell (filenames *.lhs)', '\n', '* lidr, literate-idris, lidris:\n Literate Idris (filenames *.lidr)', '\n', '* lighty, lighttpd:\n Lighttpd configuration file ', '\n', '* limbo:\n Limbo (filenames *.b)', '\n', '* liquid:\n liquid (filenames *.liquid)', '\n', '* live-script, livescript:\n LiveScript (filenames *.ls)', '\n', '* llvm:\n LLVM (filenames *.ll)', '\n', '* logos:\n Logos (filenames *.x, *.xi, *.xm, *.xmi)', '\n', '* logtalk:\n Logtalk (filenames *.lgt, *.logtalk)', '\n', '* lsl:\n LSL (filenames *.lsl)', '\n', '* lua:\n Lua (filenames *.lua, *.wlua)', '\n', '* make, makefile, mf, bsdmake:\n Makefile (filenames *.mak, *.mk, Makefile, makefile, Makefile.*, GNUmakefile)', '\n', '* mako:\n Mako (filenames *.mao)', '\n', '* mako:\n Mako (filenames *.mao)', '\n', '* maql:\n MAQL (filenames *.maql)', '\n', '* mask:\n Mask (filenames *.mask)', '\n', '* mason:\n Mason (filenames *.m, *.mhtml, *.mc, *.mi, autohandler, dhandler)', '\n', '* mathematica, mma, nb:\n Mathematica (filenames *.nb, *.cdf, *.nbp, *.ma)', '\n', '* matlab:\n Matlab (filenames *.m)', '\n', '* matlabsession:\n Matlab session ', '\n', '* md:\n markdown (filenames *.md)', '\n', '* minid:\n MiniD ', '\n', '* modelica:\n Modelica (filenames *.mo)', '\n', '* modula2, m2:\n Modula-2 (filenames *.def, *.mod)', '\n', '* monkey:\n Monkey (filenames *.monkey)', '\n', '* monte:\n Monte (filenames *.mt)', '\n', '* moocode, moo:\n MOOCode (filenames *.moo)', '\n', '* moon, moonscript:\n MoonScript (filenames *.moon)', '\n', '* mozhashpreproc:\n mozhashpreproc ', '\n', '* mozpercentpreproc:\n mozpercentpreproc ', '\n', '* mql, mq4, mq5, mql4, mql5:\n MQL (filenames *.mq4, *.mq5, *.mqh)', '\n', '* mscgen, msc:\n Mscgen (filenames *.msc)', '\n', '* mupad:\n MuPAD (filenames *.mu)', '\n', '* mxml:\n MXML (filenames *.mxml)', '\n', '* myghty:\n Myghty (filenames *.myt, autodelegate)', '\n', '* mysql:\n MySQL ', '\n', '* nasm:\n NASM (filenames *.asm, *.ASM)', '\n', '* ncl:\n NCL (filenames *.ncl)', '\n', '* nemerle:\n Nemerle (filenames *.n)', '\n', '* nesc:\n nesC (filenames *.nc)', '\n', '* newlisp:\n NewLisp (filenames *.lsp, *.nl, *.kif)', '\n', '* newspeak:\n Newspeak (filenames *.ns2)', '\n', '* ng2:\n Angular2 ', '\n', '* nginx:\n Nginx configuration file (filenames nginx.conf)', '\n', '* nim, nimrod:\n Nimrod (filenames *.nim, *.nimrod)', '\n', '* nit:\n Nit (filenames *.nit)', '\n', '* nixos, nix:\n Nix (filenames *.nix)', '\n', '* nsis, nsi, nsh:\n NSIS (filenames *.nsi, *.nsh)', '\n', '* numpy:\n NumPy ', '\n', '* nusmv:\n NuSMV (filenames *.smv)', '\n', '* objdump-nasm:\n objdump-nasm (filenames *.objdump-intel)', '\n', '* objdump:\n objdump (filenames *.objdump)', '\n', '* objective-c++, objectivec++, obj-c++, objc++:\n Objective-C++ (filenames *.mm, *.hh)', '\n', '* objective-c, objectivec, obj-c, objc:\n Objective-C (filenames *.m, *.h)', '\n', '* objective-j, objectivej, obj-j, objj:\n Objective-J (filenames *.j)', '\n', '* ocaml:\n OCaml (filenames *.ml, *.mli, *.mll, *.mly)', '\n', '* octave:\n Octave (filenames *.m)', '\n', '* odin:\n ODIN (filenames *.odin)', '\n', '* ooc:\n Ooc (filenames *.ooc)', '\n', '* opa:\n Opa (filenames *.opa)', '\n', '* openedge, abl, progress:\n OpenEdge ABL (filenames *.p, *.cls)', '\n', '* pacmanconf:\n PacmanConf (filenames pacman.conf)', '\n', '* pan:\n Pan (filenames *.pan)', '\n', '* parasail:\n ParaSail (filenames *.psi, *.psl)', '\n', '* pawn:\n Pawn (filenames *.p, *.pwn, *.inc)', '\n', '* perl, pl:\n Perl (filenames *.pl, *.pm, *.t)', '\n', '* perl6, pl6:\n Perl6 (filenames *.pl, *.pm, *.nqp, *.p6, *.6pl, *.p6l, *.pl6, *.6pm, *.p6m, *.pm6, *.t)', '\n', '* php, php3, php4, php5:\n PHP (filenames *.php, *.php[345], *.inc)', '\n', '* pig:\n Pig (filenames *.pig)', '\n', '* pike:\n Pike (filenames *.pike, *.pmod)', '\n', '* pkgconfig:\n PkgConfig (filenames *.pc)', '\n', '* plpgsql:\n PL/pgSQL ', '\n', '* postgresql, postgres:\n PostgreSQL SQL dialect ', '\n', '* postscript, postscr:\n PostScript (filenames *.ps, *.eps)', '\n', '* pot, po:\n Gettext Catalog (filenames *.pot, *.po)', '\n', '* pov:\n POVRay (filenames *.pov, *.inc)', '\n', '* powershell, posh, ps1, psm1:\n PowerShell (filenames *.ps1, *.psm1)', '\n', '* praat:\n Praat (filenames *.praat, *.proc, *.psc)', '\n', '* prolog:\n Prolog (filenames *.ecl, *.prolog, *.pro, *.pl)', '\n', '* properties, jproperties:\n Properties (filenames *.properties)', '\n', '* protobuf, proto:\n Protocol Buffer (filenames *.proto)', '\n', '* ps1con:\n PowerShell Session ', '\n', '* psql, postgresql-console, postgres-console:\n PostgreSQL console (psql) ', '\n', '* pug, jade:\n Pug (filenames *.pug, *.jade)', '\n', '* puppet:\n Puppet (filenames *.pp)', '\n', '* py3tb:\n Python 3.0 Traceback (filenames *.py3tb)', '\n', '* pycon:\n Python console session ', '\n', '* pypylog, pypy:\n PyPy Log (filenames *.pypylog)', '\n', '* pytb:\n Python Traceback (filenames *.pytb)', '\n', '* python, py, sage:\n Python (filenames *.py, *.pyw, *.sc, SConstruct, SConscript, *.tac, *.sage)', '\n', '* python3, py3:\n Python 3 ', '\n', '* qbasic, basic:\n QBasic (filenames *.BAS, *.bas)', '\n', '* qml, qbs:\n QML (filenames *.qml, *.qbs)', '\n', '* qvto, qvt:\n QVTO (filenames *.qvto)', '\n', '* racket, rkt:\n Racket (filenames *.rkt, *.rktd, *.rktl)', '\n', '* ragel-c:\n Ragel in C Host (filenames *.rl)', '\n', '* ragel-cpp:\n Ragel in CPP Host (filenames *.rl)', '\n', '* ragel-d:\n Ragel in D Host (filenames *.rl)', '\n', '* ragel-em:\n Embedded Ragel (filenames *.rl)', '\n', '* ragel-java:\n Ragel in Java Host (filenames *.rl)', '\n', '* ragel-objc:\n Ragel in Objective C Host (filenames *.rl)', '\n', '* ragel-ruby, ragel-rb:\n Ragel in Ruby Host (filenames *.rl)', '\n', '* ragel:\n Ragel ', '\n', '* raw:\n Raw token data ', '\n', '* rb, ruby, duby:\n Ruby (filenames *.rb, *.rbw, Rakefile, *.rake, *.gemspec, *.rbx, *.duby, Gemfile)', '\n', '* rbcon, irb:\n Ruby irb session ', '\n', '* rconsole, rout:\n RConsole (filenames *.Rout)', '\n', '* rd:\n Rd (filenames *.Rd)', '\n', '* rebol:\n REBOL (filenames *.r, *.r3, *.reb)', '\n', '* red, red/system:\n Red (filenames *.red, *.reds)', '\n', '* redcode:\n Redcode (filenames *.cw)', '\n', '* registry:\n reg (filenames *.reg)', '\n', '* resource, resourcebundle:\n ResourceBundle (filenames *.txt)', '\n', '* rexx, arexx:\n Rexx (filenames *.rexx, *.rex, *.rx, *.arexx)', '\n', '* rhtml, html+erb, html+ruby:\n RHTML (filenames *.rhtml)', '\n', '* rnc, rng-compact:\n Relax-NG Compact (filenames *.rnc)', '\n', '* roboconf-graph:\n Roboconf Graph (filenames *.graph)', '\n', '* roboconf-instances:\n Roboconf Instances (filenames *.instances)', '\n', '* robotframework:\n RobotFramework (filenames *.txt, *.robot)', '\n', '* rql:\n RQL (filenames *.rql)', '\n', '* rsl:\n RSL (filenames *.rsl)', '\n', '* rst, rest, restructuredtext:\n reStructuredText (filenames *.rst, *.rest)', '\n', '* rts, trafficscript:\n TrafficScript (filenames *.rts)', '\n', '* rust, rs:\n Rust (filenames *.rs, *', '\n', '* sas:\n SAS (filenames *.SAS, *.sas)', '\n', '* sass:\n Sass (filenames *.sass)', '\n', '* sc, supercollider:\n SuperCollider (filenames *.sc, *.scd)', '\n', '* scala:\n Scala (filenames *.scala)', '\n', '* scaml:\n Scaml (filenames *.scaml)', '\n', '* scheme, scm:\n Scheme (filenames *.scm, *.ss)', '\n', '* scilab:\n Scilab (filenames *.sci, *.sce, *.tst)', '\n', '* scss:\n SCSS (filenames *.scss)', '\n', '* shen:\n Shen (filenames *.shen)', '\n', '* silver:\n Silver (filenames *.sil, *.vpr)', '\n', '* slim:\n Slim (filenames *.slim)', '\n', '* smali:\n Smali (filenames *.smali)', '\n', '* smalltalk, squeak, st:\n Smalltalk (filenames *.st)', '\n', '* smarty:\n Smarty (filenames *.tpl)', '\n', '* sml:\n Standard ML (filenames *.sml, *.sig, *.fun)', '\n', '* snobol:\n Snobol (filenames *.snobol)', '\n', '* snowball:\n Snowball (filenames *.sbl)', '\n', '* sourceslist, sources.list, debsources:\n Debian Sourcelist (filenames sources.list)', '\n', '* sp:\n SourcePawn (filenames *.sp)', '\n', '* sparql:\n SPARQL (filenames *.rq, *.sparql)', '\n', '* spec:\n RPMSpec (filenames *.spec)', '\n', '* splus, s, r:\n S (filenames *.S, *.R, .Rhistory, .Rprofile, .Renviron)', '\n', '* sql:\n SQL (filenames *.sql)', '\n', '* sqlite3:\n sqlite3con (filenames *.sqlite3-console)', '\n', '* squidconf, squid.conf, squid:\n SquidConf (filenames squid.conf)', '\n', '* ssp:\n Scalate Server Page (filenames *.ssp)', '\n', '* stan:\n Stan (filenames *.stan)', '\n', '* stata, do:\n Stata (filenames *.do, *.ado)', '\n', '* swift:\n Swift (filenames *.swift)', '\n', '* swig:\n SWIG (filenames *.swg, *.i)', '\n', '* systemverilog, sv:\n systemverilog (filenames *.sv, *.svh)', '\n', '* tads3:\n TADS 3 (filenames *.t)', '\n', '* tap:\n TAP (filenames *.tap)', '\n', '* tasm:\n TASM (filenames *.asm, *.ASM, *.tasm)', '\n', '* tcl:\n Tcl (filenames *.tcl, *.rvt)', '\n', '* tcsh, csh:\n Tcsh (filenames *.tcsh, *.csh)', '\n', '* tcshcon:\n Tcsh Session ', '\n', '* tea:\n Tea (filenames *.tea)', '\n', '* termcap:\n Termcap (filenames termcap, termcap.src)', '\n', '* terminfo:\n Terminfo (filenames terminfo, terminfo.src)', '\n', '* terraform, tf:\n Terraform (filenames *.tf)', '\n', '* tex, latex:\n TeX (filenames *.tex, *.aux, *.toc)', '\n', '* text:\n Text only (filenames *.txt)', '\n', '* thrift:\n Thrift (filenames *.thrift)', '\n', '* todotxt:\n Todotxt (filenames todo.txt, *.todotxt)', '\n', '* trac-wiki, moin:\n MoinMoin/Trac Wiki markup ', '\n', '* treetop:\n Treetop (filenames *.treetop, *.tt)', '\n', '* ts, typescript:\n TypeScript (filenames *.ts, *.tsx)', '\n', '* tsql, t-sql:\n Transact-SQL (filenames *.sql)', '\n', '* turtle:\n Turtle (filenames *.ttl)', '\n', '* twig:\n Twig ', '\n', '* typoscript:\n TypoScript (filenames *.ts, *.txt)', '\n', '* typoscriptcssdata:\n TypoScriptCssData ', '\n', '* typoscripthtmldata:\n TypoScriptHtmlData ', '\n', '* urbiscript:\n UrbiScript (filenames *.u)', '\n', '* vala, vapi:\n Vala (filenames *.vala, *.vapi)', '\n', '*, vbnet:\n (filenames *.vb, *.bas)', '\n', '* vcl:\n VCL (filenames *.vcl)', '\n', '* vclsnippets, vclsnippet:\n VCLSnippets ', '\n', '* vctreestatus:\n VCTreeStatus ', '\n', '* velocity:\n Velocity (filenames *.vm, *.fhtml)', '\n', '* verilog, v:\n verilog (filenames *.v)', '\n', '* vgl:\n VGL (filenames *.rpf)', '\n', '* vhdl:\n vhdl (filenames *.vhdl, *.vhd)', '\n', '* vim:\n VimL (filenames *.vim, .vimrc, .exrc, .gvimrc, _vimrc, _exrc, _gvimrc, vimrc, gvimrc)', '\n', '* wdiff:\n WDiff (filenames *.wdiff)', '\n', '* whiley:\n Whiley (filenames *.whiley)', '\n', '* x10, xten:\n X10 (filenames *.x10)', '\n', '* xml+cheetah, xml+spitfire:\n XML+Cheetah ', '\n', '* xml+django, xml+jinja:\n XML+Django/Jinja ', '\n', '* xml+erb, xml+ruby:\n XML+Ruby ', '\n', '* xml+evoque:\n XML+Evoque (filenames *.xml)', '\n', '* xml+lasso:\n XML+Lasso ', '\n', '* xml+mako:\n XML+Mako ', '\n', '* xml+mako:\n XML+Mako ', '\n', '* xml+myghty:\n XML+Myghty ', '\n', '* xml+php:\n XML+PHP ', '\n', '* xml+smarty:\n XML+Smarty ', '\n', '* xml+velocity:\n XML+Velocity ', '\n', '* xml:\n XML (filenames *.xml, *.xsl, *.rss, *.xslt, *.xsd, *.wsdl, *.wsf)', '\n', '* xorg.conf:\n Xorg (filenames xorg.conf)', '\n', '* xquery, xqy, xq, xql, xqm:\n XQuery (filenames *.xqy, *.xquery, *.xq, *.xql, *.xqm)', '\n', '* xslt:\n XSLT (filenames *.xsl, *.xslt, *.xpl)', '\n', '* xtend:\n Xtend (filenames *.xtend)', '\n', '* xul+mozpreproc:\n XUL+mozpreproc (filenames *', '\n', '* yaml+jinja, salt, sls:\n YAML+Jinja (filenames *.sls)', '\n', '* yaml:\n YAML (filenames *.yaml, *.yml)', '\n', '* zephir:\n Zephir (filenames *.zep)', '\n', '\n', 'Formatters:', '\n', '~~~~~~~~~~~', '\n', '* bbcode, bb:\n Format tokens with BBcodes. These formatting codes are used by many bulletin boards, so you can highlight your sourcecode with pygments before posting it there. ', '\n', '* bmp, bitmap:\n Create a bitmap image from source code. This uses the Python Imaging Library to generate a pixmap from the source code. (filenames *.bmp)', '\n', '* gif:\n Create a GIF image from source code. This uses the Python Imaging Library to generate a pixmap from the source code. (filenames *.gif)', '\n', "* html:\n Format tokens as HTML 4 ```` tags within a ``
`` tag, wrapped in a ``
`` tag. The ``
``'s CSS class can be set by the `cssclass` option. (filenames *.html, *.htm)", '\n', '* img, IMG, png:\n Create a PNG image from source code. This uses the Python Imaging Library to generate a pixmap from the source code. (filenames *.png)', '\n', '* irc, IRC:\n Format tokens with IRC color sequences ', '\n', '* jpg, jpeg:\n Create a JPEG image from source code. This uses the Python Imaging Library to generate a pixmap from the source code. (filenames *.jpg)', '\n', '* latex, tex:\n Format tokens as LaTeX code. This needs the `fancyvrb` and `color` standard packages. (filenames *.tex)', '\n', '* raw, tokens:\n Format tokens as a raw representation for storing token streams. (filenames *.raw)', '\n', '* rtf:\n Format tokens as RTF markup. This formatter automatically outputs full RTF documents with color information and other useful stuff. Perfect for Copy and Paste into Microsoft(R) Word(R) documents. (filenames *.rtf)', '\n', '* svg:\n Format tokens as an SVG graphics file. This formatter is still experimental. Each line of code is a ```` element with explicit ``x`` and ``y`` coordinates containing ```` elements with the individual token styles. (filenames *.svg)', '\n', '* terminal, console:\n Format tokens with ANSI color sequences, for output in a text console. Color sequences are terminated at newlines, so that paging the output works correctly. ', '\n', '* terminal16m, console16m, 16m:\n Format tokens with ANSI color sequences, for output in a true-color terminal or console. Like in `TerminalFormatter` color sequences are terminated at newlines, so that paging the output works correctly. ', '\n', '* terminal256, console256, 256:\n Format tokens with ANSI color sequences, for output in a 256-color terminal or console. Like in `TerminalFormatter` color sequences are terminated at newlines, so that paging the output works correctly. ', '\n', '* testcase:\n Format tokens as appropriate for a new testcase. ', '\n', '* text, null:\n Output the text unchanged without any formatting. (filenames *.txt)', '\n', '\n', 'Filters:', '\n', '~~~~~~~~', '\n', '* raiseonerror:', '\n', ' Raise an exception when the lexer generates an error token.', '\n', '* whitespace:', '\n', ' Convert tabs, newlines and/or spaces to visible characters.', '\n', '* tokenmerge:', '\n', ' Merges consecutive tokens with the same token type in the output stream of a lexer.', '\n', '* highlight:', '\n', ' Highlight a normal Name (and Name.*) token with a different token type.', '\n', '* gobble:', '\n', ' Gobbles source code lines (eats initial characters).', '\n', '* codetagify:', '\n', ' Highlight special code tags in comments and docstrings.', '\n', '* keywordcase:', '\n', ' Convert keywords to lowercase or uppercase or capitalize them, which means first letter uppercase, rest lowercase.', '\n', '\n', 'Styles:', '\n', '~~~~~~~', '\n', '* manni:', '\n', ' A colorful style, inspired by the terminal highlighting style.', '\n', '* igor:', '\n', ' Pygments version of the official colors for Igor Pro procedures.', '\n', '* lovelace:', '\n', ' The style used in Lovelace interactive learning environment. Tries to avoid the "angry fruit salad" effect with desaturated and dim colours.', '\n', '* xcode:', '\n', ' Style similar to the Xcode default colouring theme.', '\n', '* vim:', '\n', ' Styles somewhat like vim 7.0', '\n', '* autumn:', '\n', ' A colorful style, inspired by the terminal highlighting style.', '\n', '* abap:', '\n', ' ', '\n', '* vs:', '\n', ' ', '\n', '* rrt:', '\n', ' Minimalistic "rrt" theme, based on Zap and Emacs defaults.', '\n', '* native:', '\n', ' Pygments version of the "native" vim theme.', '\n', '* perldoc:', '\n', ' Style similar to the style used in the perldoc code blocks.', '\n', '* borland:', '\n', ' Style similar to the style used in the borland IDEs.', '\n', '* arduino:', '\n', ' The Arduino\xc2\xae language style. This style is designed to highlight the Arduino source code, so exepect the best results with it.', '\n', '* tango:', '\n', ' The Crunchy default Style inspired from the color palette from the Tango Icon Theme Guidelines.', '\n', '* emacs:', '\n', ' The default style (inspired by Emacs 22).', '\n', '* friendly:', '\n', ' A modern style based on the VIM pyte theme.', '\n', '* monokai:', '\n', ' This style mimics the Monokai color scheme.', '\n', '* paraiso-dark:', '\n', ' ', '\n', '* colorful:', '\n', ' A colorful style, inspired by CodeRay.', '\n', '* murphy:', '\n', " Murphy's style from CodeRay.", '\n', '* bw:', '\n', ' ', '\n', '* pastie:', '\n', ' Style similar to the pastie default style.', '\n', '* rainbow_dash:', '\n', ' A bright and colorful syntax highlighting theme.', '\n', '* algol_nu:', '\n', ' ', '\n', '* paraiso-light:', '\n', ' ', '\n', '* trac:', '\n', ' Port of the default trac highlighter design.', '\n', '* default:', '\n', ' The default style (inspired by Emacs 22).', '\n', '* algol:', '\n', ' ', '\n', '* fruity:', '\n', ' Pygments version of the "native" vim theme.', '\n'] --------------------- >> end captured stdout << ---------------------- ====================================================================== ERROR: test_mix_default_unicode (test_util.StringIOTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/tmp/ws/Pygments-2.3.1/tests/", line 222, in test_mix_default_unicode buf.getvalue() File "/usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/lib/python2.7/", line 271, in getvalue self.buf += ''.join(self.buflist) UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc2 in position 11: ordinal not in range(128) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2044 tests in 14.749s FAILED (SKIP=8, errors=2) make: *** [Makefile:53: test] Error 1