[('FPVRC Cheerson CX-10 Mini RC Quadcopter 2.4G 4CH 6 Axis Gyro Nano Drone with Headless Mode, 360 Degree Flips and LED Lights, Orange', 'Yuccasepal', "Teenage boys are the least likely to receive a toy this Christmas. Please don't forget to buy some AAA batteries if you can - they are on our list for you to select.", Decimal('12.78'), 50, 22, 0.44, True, 'https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61sJOAP9NaL._SS135_.jpg')] INSERT INTO items (title, supplier, comment, price, wants, has, fulfilled, instock, image) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE title=VALUES(title), supplier=VALUES(supplier), comment=VALUES(comment), price=VALUES(price), wants=VALUES(wants), has=VALUES(has), fulfilled=VALUES(fulfilled), instock=VALUES(instock), image=VALUES(image)