- import subprocess
- from pathlib import Path
- print("""
- Welcome to the FFMPEG H.265 Video Compressor
- This program will use 5mb bitrate
- This program will compress all videos in specified path
- This program will use GPU acceleration
- """)
- folderpath = input('Enter Folder path you want to compress: ')
- p = Path(folderpath)
- file_names = list(p.iterdir())
- # Now we iterate through the file_names list we created
- print('Getting files located in', folderpath, '\n')
- print('===============================')
- file_names_str = []
- for i in range(len(file_names)):
- print(file_names[i].name)
- file_names_str.append(file_names[i].name)
- print('===============================\n')
- continue_check = input('Type Y to continue:')
- if continue_check.lower() in ('y', 'yes'):
- print('success')
- outputfold = p / 'output'
- outputfold.mkdir(parents=True)
- # Output File Paths+Names
- file_output_names = []
- for i in range(len(file_names)):
- path_temp = str(folderpath) + '\\output' + '\\' + file_names_str[i]
- file_output_names.append(path_temp)
- for i in range(len(file_names)):
- temp_name = file_names[i]
- temp_output_name = file_output_names[i]
- subprocess.run(["ffmpeg.exe", "-hwaccel", "cuvid", "-i", str(temp_name), "-pix_fmt", "p010le", "-c:v", "hevc_nvenc", "-preset", "slow", "-rc", "vbr_hq", "-b:v", "5M", "-maxrate:v", "10M", "-c:a", "aac", "-b:a", "240k", str(temp_output_name)], shell=True, check=True)
- else:
- print('Thank you for using this video converter')
- input('Press any key to exit')