- def generate_tts(text="This is default debug text. Pass a parameter to override."):
- """
- :param text: text to be turned into tts
- ;var tts: tts data retrieved from translate.google.com/translate data seems to be 24kHz. converted to wav, the audio
- was very sped up. adjusting the freq to 44100 makes it sound normal
- ;var readwav: converted mp3 wav data for turning into
- """
- tts = gTTS(text, lang='en')
- tts.save("temp.mp3")
- if os.path.isfile('temp.wav'):
- os.remove('temp.wav')
- ff = ffmpy.FFmpeg(
- inputs={'temp.mp3': None},
- outputs={'temp.wav': ['-ar', '44100', '-ac', '1', '-acodec', 'dts', '-strict', '-2', '-f', 'wav']}
- )
- ff.run()
- readwav = read("temp.wav")
- data = numpy.array(readwav.data, dtype=float)
- sounddevice.play(data)