- Create a function filter-prefix that consumes los a (listof Str)and prfx, a Str
- and produces a new (listof Str) with all words that begin with prfx removed.
- This question should be approached in a case insensitive manner, meaning that “PrEfIx” should
- be treated the same as “prefix.” You should create a helper function to ensure the correct
- answer. You are not allowed to use the built-in string-downcase or string-upcase or
- string-ci=? for this question. You may use built-in list functions, however, including
- string->list.
- Example:
- (filter-prefix (cons “apple” (cons “b” (cons “banana” (cons “BAnana”
- (cons “bAnAna” (cons “BaCkWaRdS” (cons “definite” empty))))))) “bA”)
- =>
- (cons “apple” (cons “b” (cons “definite” empty)))
- CS115 Assignment 5 Fall 2018
- Due: October 24 at 10:00 a.m. (No Late Submissions)
- (filter-prefix (cons “apple” (cons “b” empty)) “”) => (cons “apple”
- (cons “b” empty))