
  2. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  3. ;; balsheet-pnl.scm: multi-column report. includes
  4. ;; balance-sheet and p&l reports.
  5. ;;
  6. ;; By Christopher Lam, 2018
  7. ;;
  8. ;; Improved from balance-sheet.scm
  9. ;;
  10. ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  11. ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
  12. ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
  13. ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  14. ;;
  15. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  16. ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  18. ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
  19. ;;
  20. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  21. ;; along with this program; if not, contact:
  22. ;;
  23. ;; Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942
  24. ;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652
  25. ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
  26. ;;
  27. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  28. (define-module (gnucash report standard-reports balsheet-pnl))
  29. (use-modules (gnucash utilities))
  30. (use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
  31. (use-modules (gnucash gettext))
  32. (use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
  33. (gnc:module-load "gnucash/report/report-system" 0)
  34. (define FOOTER-TEXT
  35. "WARNING: Please be aware these figures are not guaranteed to be correct.
  36. Foreign currency conversions are not confirmed correct. Bug reports
  37. are very welcome at or please email the team
  38. at No calculations for capital gains, or
  39. unrealized gains are made. Use the amounts at your own risk.")
  40. ;; define all option's names and help text so that they are properly
  41. (define optname-company-name (N_ "Company name"))
  42. (define opthelp-company-name (N_ "Name of company/individual."))
  43. (define optname-startdate (N_ "Start Date"))
  44. (define optname-enddate (N_ "End Date"))
  45. (define optname-period (N_ "Period duration"))
  46. (define opthelp-period (N_ "Duration between time periods"))
  47. (define optname-dual-columns (N_ "Enable dual columns"))
  48. (define opthelp-dual-columns (N_ "Selecting this option will enable double-column \
  49. reporting."))
  50. (define optname-disable-amount-indent (N_ "Disable amount indenting"))
  51. (define opthelp-disable-amount-indent (N_ "Selecting this option will disable amount indenting, and condense amounts into a single column."))
  52. (define optname-options-summary (N_ "Add options summary"))
  53. (define opthelp-options-summary (N_ "Add summary of options."))
  54. (define optname-account-full-name (N_ "Account full name instead of indenting"))
  55. (define opthelp-account-full-name (N_ "Selecting this option enables full account name instead, and disables indenting account names."))
  56. (define optname-accounts (N_ "Accounts"))
  57. (define opthelp-accounts (N_ "Report on these accounts, if display depth allows."))
  58. (define optname-depth-limit (N_ "Levels of Subaccounts"))
  59. (define opthelp-depth-limit (N_ "Maximum number of levels in the account tree displayed."))
  60. (define optname-parent-balance-mode (N_ "Parent account amounts include children"))
  61. (define opthelp-parent-balance-mode (N_ "If this option is enabled, subtotals are \
  62. displayed within parent amounts, and if parent has own amount, it is displayed on \
  63. the next row as a child account. If this option is disabled, subtotals are displayed \
  64. below parent and children groups."))
  65. (define optname-show-zb-accts (N_ "Include accounts with zero total balances"))
  66. (define opthelp-show-zb-accts (N_ "Include accounts with zero total (recursive) balances in this report."))
  67. (define optname-omit-zb-bals (N_ "Omit zero balance figures"))
  68. (define opthelp-omit-zb-bals (N_ "Show blank space in place of any zero balances which would be shown."))
  69. (define optname-account-links (N_ "Display accounts as hyperlinks"))
  70. (define opthelp-account-links (N_ "Shows each account in the table as a hyperlink to its register window."))
  71. (define optname-amount-links (N_ "Display amounts as hyperlinks"))
  72. (define opthelp-amount-links (N_ "Shows each amounts in the table as a hyperlink to a register or report."))
  73. ;; closing entries filter - for P&L report
  74. (define pagename-entries "Entries")
  75. (define optname-closing-pattern (N_ "Closing Entries pattern"))
  76. (define opthelp-closing-pattern (N_ "Any text in the Description column which identifies closing entries."))
  77. (define optname-closing-casing (N_ "Closing Entries pattern is case-sensitive"))
  78. (define opthelp-closing-casing (N_ "Causes the Closing Entries Pattern match to be case-sensitive."))
  79. (define optname-closing-regexp (N_ "Closing Entries Pattern is regular expression"))
  80. (define opthelp-closing-regexp (N_ "Causes the Closing Entries Pattern to be treated as a regular expression."))
  81. ;; section labels
  82. (define optname-label-sections (N_ "Label sections"))
  83. (define opthelp-label-sections (N_ "Whether or not to include a label for sections."))
  84. (define optname-total-sections (N_ "Include totals"))
  85. (define opthelp-total-sections (N_ "Whether or not to include a line indicating total amounts."))
  86. ;; commodities
  87. (define pagename-commodities (N_ "Commodities"))
  88. (define optname-include-chart (N_ "Enable chart"))
  89. (define opthelp-include-chart (N_ "Enable link to barchart report"))
  90. (define optname-common-currency (N_ "Convert to common currency"))
  91. (define opthelp-common-currency (N_ "Convert all amounts to a single currency."))
  92. (define optname-report-commodity (N_ "Report's currency"))
  93. (define optname-price-source (N_ "Price Source"))
  94. (define opthelp-price-source (N_ "How to determine exchange rates."))
  95. (define optname-show-foreign (N_ "Show Foreign Currencies"))
  96. (define opthelp-show-foreign (N_ "Display any foreign currency amount in an account."))
  97. (define optname-include-overall-period (N_ "If more than 1 period column, include overall period?"))
  98. (define opthelp-include-overall-period (N_ "If several profit & loss period columns are shown, \
  99. also show overall period profit & loss."))
  100. (define optname-show-rates (N_ "Show Exchange Rates"))
  101. (define opthelp-show-rates (N_ "Show the exchange rates used."))
  102. (define trep-uuid "2fe3b9833af044abb929a88d5a59620f")
  103. (define networth-barchart-uuid "cbba1696c8c24744848062c7f1cf4a72")
  104. (define pnl-barchart-uuid "80769921e87943adade887b9835a7685")
  105. (define periodlist
  106. (list
  107. (cons #f (list
  108. (cons 'delta #f)
  109. (cons 'text (_ "disabled"))
  110. (cons 'tip (_ "disable multicolumn"))))
  111. (cons 'year (list
  112. (cons 'delta YearDelta)
  113. (cons 'text (_ "year"))
  114. (cons 'tip (_ "every year"))))
  115. (cons 'halfyear (list
  116. (cons 'delta HalfYearDelta)
  117. (cons 'text (_ "half-year"))
  118. (cons 'tip (_ "every half year"))))
  119. (cons 'quarter (list
  120. (cons 'delta QuarterDelta)
  121. (cons 'text (_ "quarter"))
  122. (cons 'tip (_ "every three months"))))
  123. (cons 'month (list
  124. (cons 'delta MonthDelta)
  125. (cons 'text (_ "month"))
  126. (cons 'tip (_ "every month"))))
  127. (cons 'twoweek (list
  128. (cons 'delta TwoWeekDelta)
  129. (cons 'text (_ "two weeks"))
  130. (cons 'tip (_ "every fortnight"))))
  131. (cons 'week (list
  132. (cons 'delta WeekDelta)
  133. (cons 'text (_ "week"))
  134. (cons 'tip (_ "every 7 days"))))))
  135. (define pricesource-list-common
  136. (list
  137. (cons 'pricedb-latest (list
  138. (cons 'text (_ "Most recent"))
  139. (cons 'tip (_ "The most recent recorded price."))))
  140. (cons 'weighted-average (list
  141. (cons 'text (_ "Weighted Average"))
  142. (cons 'tip (_ "The weighted average of all currency transactions of the past."))))
  143. (cons 'average-cost (list
  144. (cons 'text (_ "Average Cost"))
  145. (cons 'tip (_ "The volume-weighted average cost of purchases."))))))
  146. (define pricesource-list-balsheet
  147. (reverse
  148. (cons
  149. (cons 'pricedb-nearest (list
  150. (cons 'text (_ "Nearest in time"))
  151. (cons 'tip (_ "The price recorded nearest in time to the column date."))))
  152. pricesource-list-common)))
  153. (define pricesource-list-pnl
  154. (reverse
  155. (cons*
  156. (cons 'startperiod (list
  157. (cons 'text (_ "Nearest to start of period"))
  158. (cons 'tip (_ "Prices closest to the start of the reporting period \
  159. are used."))))
  160. (cons 'midperiod (list
  161. (cons 'text (_ "Nearest to mid of period"))
  162. (cons 'tip (_ "Prices in the middle of the reporting period \
  163. are used."))))
  164. (cons 'endperiod (list
  165. (cons 'text (_ "Nearest to end of period"))
  166. (cons 'tip (_ "Prices in the end of the reporting period \
  167. are used."))))
  168. pricesource-list-common)))
  169. (define (keylist->vectorlist keylist)
  170. (map
  171. (lambda (item)
  172. (vector
  173. (car item)
  174. (keylist-get-info keylist (car item) 'text)
  175. (keylist-get-info keylist (car item) 'tip)))
  176. keylist))
  177. (define (keylist-get-info keylist key info)
  178. (cdr (assq info (cdr (assq key keylist)))))
  179. (define* (gnc:account-get-balances-at-dates account dates-list #:key ignore-closing?)
  180. (define (amount->monetary bal)
  181. (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (xaccAccountGetCommodity account) bal))
  182. (let loop ((splits (xaccAccountGetSplitList account))
  183. (dates-list dates-list)
  184. (currentbal 0)
  185. (lastbal 0)
  186. (balancelist '()))
  187. (cond
  188. ;; end of dates. job done!
  189. ((null? dates-list)
  190. (map amount->monetary (reverse balancelist)))
  191. ;; end of splits, but still has dates. pad with last-bal
  192. ;; until end of dates.
  193. ((null? splits)
  194. (loop '()
  195. (cdr dates-list)
  196. currentbal
  197. lastbal
  198. (cons lastbal balancelist)))
  199. (else
  200. (let* ((this (car splits))
  201. (rest (cdr splits))
  202. (currentbal (if (and ignore-closing?
  203. (xaccTransGetIsClosingTxn (xaccSplitGetParent this)))
  204. currentbal
  205. (+ (xaccSplitGetAmount this) currentbal)))
  206. (next (and (pair? rest) (car rest))))
  207. (cond
  208. ;; the next split is still before date
  209. ((and next (< (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent next)) (car dates-list)))
  210. (loop rest dates-list currentbal lastbal balancelist))
  211. ;; this split after date, add previous bal to balancelist
  212. ((< (car dates-list) (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent this)))
  213. (loop splits
  214. (cdr dates-list)
  215. lastbal
  216. lastbal
  217. (cons lastbal balancelist)))
  218. ;; this split before date, next split after date, or end.
  219. (else
  220. (loop rest
  221. (cdr dates-list)
  222. currentbal
  223. currentbal
  224. (cons currentbal balancelist)))))))))
  225. ;; options generator
  226. (define (multicol-report-options-generator report-type)
  227. (let* ((options (gnc:new-options))
  228. (book (gnc-get-current-book))
  229. (add-option
  230. (lambda (new-option)
  231. (gnc:register-option options new-option))))
  232. (add-option
  233. (gnc:make-string-option
  234. gnc:pagename-general optname-company-name
  235. "b" opthelp-company-name (or (gnc:company-info book gnc:*company-name*) "")))
  236. ;; date at which to report balance
  237. (gnc:options-add-date-interval!
  238. options gnc:pagename-general optname-startdate optname-enddate "c")
  239. (add-option
  240. (gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option
  241. gnc:pagename-general optname-period
  242. "c2" opthelp-period
  243. #f
  244. (keylist->vectorlist periodlist)
  245. #f
  246. (lambda (x)
  247. (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
  248. options
  249. gnc:pagename-general optname-disable-amount-indent
  250. (not x))
  251. (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
  252. options
  253. gnc:pagename-general optname-dual-columns
  254. (not x))
  255. (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
  256. options
  257. gnc:pagename-general
  258. (case report-type
  259. ((balsheet) optname-startdate)
  260. ((pnl) optname-include-overall-period))
  261. x))))
  262. (add-option
  263. (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
  264. gnc:pagename-general optname-disable-amount-indent
  265. "c3" opthelp-disable-amount-indent #f))
  266. (add-option
  267. (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
  268. gnc:pagename-general optname-include-chart
  269. "d" opthelp-include-chart #f))
  270. (add-option
  271. (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
  272. gnc:pagename-general optname-dual-columns
  273. "c4" opthelp-dual-columns #t))
  274. (add-option
  275. (gnc:make-multichoice-option
  276. gnc:pagename-general optname-options-summary
  277. "d" opthelp-options-summary
  278. 'never
  279. (list (vector 'always
  280. (_ "Always")
  281. (_ "Always display summary."))
  282. (vector 'never
  283. (_ "Never")
  284. (_ "Disable report summary.")))))
  285. ;; accounts to work on
  286. (add-option
  287. (gnc:make-account-list-option
  288. gnc:pagename-accounts optname-accounts
  289. "a"
  290. opthelp-accounts
  291. (lambda ()
  292. (gnc:filter-accountlist-type
  299. (gnc-account-get-descendants-sorted (gnc-get-current-root-account))))
  300. #f #t))
  301. (gnc:options-add-account-levels!
  302. options gnc:pagename-accounts optname-depth-limit
  303. "b" opthelp-depth-limit 'all)
  304. ;; all about currencies
  305. (add-option
  306. (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option
  307. pagename-commodities optname-common-currency
  308. "b" opthelp-common-currency #f #f
  309. (lambda (x)
  310. (for-each
  311. (lambda (optname)
  312. (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
  313. options pagename-commodities optname x))
  314. (list optname-report-commodity
  315. optname-show-rates
  316. optname-show-foreign
  317. optname-price-source)))))
  318. (gnc:options-add-currency!
  319. options pagename-commodities
  320. optname-report-commodity "c")
  321. (add-option
  322. (gnc:make-multichoice-option
  323. pagename-commodities optname-price-source
  324. "d" opthelp-price-source
  325. (case report-type
  326. ((pnl) 'midperiod)
  327. ((balsheet) 'pricedb-nearest))
  328. (keylist->vectorlist
  329. (case report-type
  330. ((pnl) pricesource-list-pnl)
  331. ((balsheet) pricesource-list-balsheet)))))
  332. (add-option
  333. (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
  334. pagename-commodities optname-show-foreign
  335. "e" opthelp-show-foreign #t))
  336. (add-option
  337. (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
  338. pagename-commodities optname-show-rates
  339. "f" opthelp-show-rates #t))
  340. ;; what to show for zero-balance accounts
  341. (add-option
  342. (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
  343. gnc:pagename-display optname-show-zb-accts
  344. "a" opthelp-show-zb-accts #t))
  345. (add-option
  346. (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
  347. gnc:pagename-display optname-omit-zb-bals
  348. "b" opthelp-omit-zb-bals #f))
  349. (add-option
  350. (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
  351. gnc:pagename-display optname-parent-balance-mode
  352. "c" opthelp-parent-balance-mode #t))
  353. ;; some detailed formatting options
  354. (add-option
  355. (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
  356. gnc:pagename-display optname-account-links
  357. "e" opthelp-account-links #t))
  358. (add-option
  359. (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
  360. gnc:pagename-display optname-amount-links
  361. "e5" opthelp-amount-links #t))
  362. (add-option
  363. (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
  364. gnc:pagename-display optname-account-full-name
  365. "f" opthelp-account-full-name #f))
  366. (add-option
  367. (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
  368. gnc:pagename-display optname-label-sections "g" opthelp-label-sections #t))
  369. (add-option
  370. (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
  371. gnc:pagename-display optname-total-sections "h" opthelp-total-sections #t))
  372. (when (eq? report-type 'pnl)
  373. ;; include overall period column?
  374. (add-option
  375. (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
  376. gnc:pagename-general optname-include-overall-period
  377. "e" opthelp-include-overall-period #f))
  378. ;; closing entry match criteria
  379. (add-option
  380. (gnc:make-string-option
  381. pagename-entries optname-closing-pattern
  382. "a" opthelp-closing-pattern (_ "Closing Entries")))
  383. (add-option
  384. (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
  385. pagename-entries optname-closing-casing
  386. "b" opthelp-closing-casing #f))
  387. (add-option
  388. (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
  389. pagename-entries optname-closing-regexp
  390. "c" opthelp-closing-regexp #f)))
  391. ;; Set the accounts page as default option tab
  392. (gnc:options-set-default-section options gnc:pagename-accounts)
  393. options))
  394. (define* (add-multicolumn-acct-table
  395. table title accountlist maxindent get-cell-monetary-fn cols-data #:key
  396. (omit-zb-bals? #f)
  397. (show-zb-accts? #t)
  398. (disable-account-indent? #f)
  399. (disable-amount-indent? #f)
  400. (show-orig-cur? #t)
  401. (show-title? #t)
  402. (show-accounts? #t)
  403. (show-total? #t)
  404. (depth-limit #f)
  405. (negate-amounts? #f)
  406. (recursive-bals? #f)
  407. (account-anchor? #t)
  408. (get-col-header-fn #f)
  409. (convert-curr-fn #f)
  410. (get-cell-anchor-fn #f))
  411. ;; this function will add a 2D grid into the html-table
  412. ;; the data cells are generated from (get-cell-monetary-fn account col-datum)
  413. ;; the data cells may request an alternative (eg. original currency) monetary
  414. ;; horizontal labels are generated from calling (get-col-header-fn col-datum)
  415. ;; vertical labels are the account list. it can have multilevel subtotals.
  416. ;; the following are compulsory arguments:
  417. ;; table - an existing html-table object
  418. ;; title - string as the first row
  419. ;; accountlist - list of accounts
  420. ;; maxindent - maximum account depth
  421. ;; cols-data - list of data to be passed as parameter to the following helper functions
  422. ;; get-cell-monetary-fn - a lambda (account cols-data) which produces a gnc-monetary or #f (eg price conversion impossible)
  423. ;; the following are optional:
  424. ;; omit-zb-bals? - a boolean to omit "$0.00" amounts
  425. ;; show-zb-accts? - a boolean to omit whole account lines where all amounts are $0.00 (eg closed accts)
  426. ;; show-title? - a bool to show/hide individual sections: title row
  427. ;; show-accounts? - a bool to show/hide individual sections: accounts list and data columns
  428. ;; show-total? - a bool to show/hide individual sections: accounts total
  429. ;; disable-account-indent? - a boolean to disable narrow-cell indenting, and render account full-name instead
  430. ;; disable-amount-indent? - a bool to disable amount indenting (only for single data column reports)
  431. ;; negate-amounts? - a boolean to negate amounts. useful for e.g. income-type accounts.
  432. ;; depth-limit - (untested) accounts whose levels exceed this depth limit are not shown
  433. ;; recursive-bals? - a boolean to confirm recursive-balances enabled (parent-accounts show balances) or
  434. ;; disabled (multilevel subtotals after each parent+children)
  435. ;; account-anchor? - a boolean to enable/disable account link to account
  436. ;; amount-anchor? - a boolean to enable/disable amount link to report/register
  437. ;; get-col-header-fn - a lambda (accounts cols-data) to produce html-object - this is optional
  438. ;; convert-curr-fn - a lambda (monetary cols-data) which produces a gnc-monetary or #f - optional
  439. ;; show-orig-cur? - a boolean to enable/disable original currency after convert-curr-fn
  440. ;; get-cell-anchor-fn - a lambda (account cols-data) which produces a url string - optional
  441. (define num-columns (length cols-data))
  442. (define amount-indenting? (and (not disable-amount-indent?) (= num-columns 1)))
  443. (define (make-list-thunk n thunk)
  444. (let loop ((result '()) (n n))
  445. (if (zero? n) result
  446. (loop (cons (thunk) result) (1- n)))))
  447. (define (make-narrow-cell)
  448. (let ((narrow (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "text-cell" #f)))
  449. (gnc:html-table-cell-set-style! narrow "text-cell" 'attribute '("style" "width:1px"))
  450. narrow))
  451. (define (add-indented-row indent label label-markup amount-indent rest)
  452. (when (or (not depth-limit) (<= indent depth-limit))
  453. (gnc:html-table-append-row!
  454. table
  455. (append (if disable-account-indent? '() (make-list-thunk indent make-narrow-cell))
  456. (list (if label-markup
  457. (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup 1 (if disable-account-indent? 1 (- maxindent indent)) label-markup label)
  458. (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size 1 (if disable-account-indent? 1 (- maxindent indent)) label)))
  459. (gnc:html-make-empty-cells (if amount-indenting? (1- amount-indent) 0))
  460. rest
  461. (gnc:html-make-empty-cells
  462. (if amount-indenting? (- maxindent amount-indent) 0))))))
  463. (define (monetary+ . monetaries)
  464. ;; usage: (monetary+ monetary...)
  465. ;; inputs: list of gnc-monetary (e.g. USD 10, USD 25, GBP 5, GBP 8)
  466. ;; outputs: list of gnc-monetary (e.g. USD 35, GBP 13), or '()
  467. (let ((coll (gnc:make-commodity-collector)))
  468. (for-each
  469. (lambda (monetary)
  470. (if monetary
  471. (coll 'add
  472. (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity monetary)
  473. (let ((amount (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount monetary)))
  474. (if negate-amounts? (- amount) amount)))))
  475. monetaries)
  476. (coll 'format gnc:make-gnc-monetary #f)))
  477. (define (list-of-monetary->html-text monetaries col-datum anchor)
  478. ;; inputs:
  479. ;; monetaries: list of gnc-monetary (or #f, or html-text object)
  480. ;; col-datum: col-datum to help convert monetary currency
  481. ;; anchor: url string for monetaries (or #f) (all have same anchor)
  482. ;;
  483. ;; outputs: html-text object
  484. (let ((text (gnc:make-html-text)))
  485. (for-each
  486. (lambda (monetary)
  487. (let ((converted (and show-orig-cur?
  488. convert-curr-fn
  489. (convert-curr-fn monetary col-datum))))
  490. (if (not (and omit-zb-bals?
  491. (gnc:gnc-monetary? monetary)
  492. (zero? (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount monetary))))
  493. (gnc:html-text-append! text
  494. (if converted
  495. (gnc:html-markup-i
  496. (gnc:html-markup "small" monetary " "))
  497. "")
  498. (if anchor
  499. (gnc:html-markup-anchor
  500. anchor (or converted monetary))
  501. (or converted monetary))
  502. (gnc:html-markup-br)))))
  503. monetaries)
  504. text))
  505. (define (render-account account total?)
  506. ;; input: account-name
  507. ;; outputs: string or html-markup-anchor object
  508. (let* ((acct-name ((if disable-account-indent?
  509. gnc-account-get-full-name
  510. xaccAccountGetName) account))
  511. (acct-label (if total?
  512. (string-append (_ "Total For ") acct-name)
  513. acct-name))
  514. (acct-url (and account-anchor?
  515. (not total?)
  516. (not (xaccAccountGetPlaceholder account))
  517. (gnc:account-anchor-text account))))
  518. (gnc:make-html-text
  519. (if acct-url
  520. (gnc:html-markup-anchor acct-url acct-label)
  521. acct-label))))
  522. (define (add-whole-line contents)
  523. (gnc:html-table-append-row!
  524. table (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
  525. 1 (+ 1 (if disable-account-indent? 0 maxindent) num-columns)
  526. contents)))
  527. (define (account-and-descendants account)
  528. (cons account (filter (lambda (acc) (member acc accountlist))
  529. (gnc-account-get-descendants account))))
  530. (define (sum-accounts-at-col accounts datum convert?)
  531. ;; outputs: list of gnc-monetary
  532. (apply monetary+
  533. (map (lambda (acc)
  534. (let ((monetary (get-cell-monetary-fn acc datum)))
  535. (or (and convert? convert-curr-fn
  536. (convert-curr-fn monetary datum))
  537. monetary)))
  538. accounts)))
  539. (define (is-not-zero? accts)
  540. ;; this function tests whether accounts (with descendants) of all
  541. ;; columns are zero.
  542. (not (every zero? (concatenate
  543. (map
  544. (lambda (col-datum)
  545. (map gnc:gnc-monetary-amount
  546. (sum-accounts-at-col accts col-datum #f)))
  547. cols-data)))))
  548. (define* (add-recursive-subtotal lvl lvl-acct #:key account-style-normal?)
  549. (if (or show-zb-accts?
  550. (is-not-zero? (account-and-descendants lvl-acct)))
  551. (add-indented-row lvl
  552. (render-account lvl-acct (not account-style-normal?))
  553. (if account-style-normal?
  554. "text-cell"
  555. "total-label-cell")
  556. (- maxindent lvl)
  557. (map
  558. (lambda (col-datum)
  559. (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
  560. "total-number-cell"
  561. (list-of-monetary->html-text
  562. (sum-accounts-at-col (account-and-descendants lvl-acct)
  563. col-datum
  564. #t)
  565. col-datum
  566. #f)))
  567. cols-data))))
  568. (define* (add-account-row lvl-curr curr #:key
  569. (override-show-zb-accts? #f)
  570. (account-indent 0))
  571. (if (or show-zb-accts?
  572. override-show-zb-accts?
  573. (is-not-zero? (list curr)))
  574. (add-indented-row lvl-curr
  575. (render-account curr #f)
  576. "text-cell"
  577. (- maxindent lvl-curr account-indent)
  578. (map
  579. (lambda (col-datum)
  580. (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
  581. "number-cell"
  582. (list-of-monetary->html-text
  583. (sum-accounts-at-col
  584. (list curr)
  585. col-datum
  586. (not show-orig-cur?))
  587. col-datum
  588. (and get-cell-anchor-fn
  589. (get-cell-anchor-fn curr col-datum)))))
  590. cols-data))))
  591. ;; header ASSET/LIABILITY etc
  592. (if show-title?
  593. (add-indented-row 0
  594. title
  595. "total-label-cell"
  596. maxindent
  597. (if get-col-header-fn
  598. (map
  599. (lambda (col-datum)
  600. (get-col-header-fn accountlist col-datum))
  601. cols-data)
  602. (gnc:html-make-empty-cells num-columns))))
  603. (let loop ((accounts (if show-accounts? accountlist '())))
  604. (if (pair? accounts)
  605. (let* ((curr (car accounts))
  606. (rest (cdr accounts))
  607. (next (and (pair? rest) (car rest)))
  608. (lvl-curr (gnc-account-get-current-depth curr))
  609. (lvl-next (if next (gnc-account-get-current-depth next) 0))
  610. (curr-descendants-list (filter
  611. (lambda (acc) (member acc accountlist))
  612. (gnc-account-get-descendants curr)))
  613. (recursive-parent-acct? (and recursive-bals?
  614. (pair? curr-descendants-list)))
  615. (multilevel-parent-acct? (and (not recursive-bals?)
  616. (pair? curr-descendants-list))))
  617. (if recursive-parent-acct?
  618. (begin
  619. (add-recursive-subtotal lvl-curr curr #:account-style-normal? #t)
  620. (if (is-not-zero? (list curr))
  621. (add-account-row (1+ lvl-curr) curr #:override-show-zb-accts? #t)))
  622. (add-account-row lvl-curr curr
  623. #:account-indent (if multilevel-parent-acct? 1 0)
  624. #:override-show-zb-accts? multilevel-parent-acct?))
  625. (if (and (not recursive-bals?)
  626. (> lvl-curr lvl-next))
  627. (let multilevel-loop ((lvl (1- lvl-curr))
  628. (lvl-acct (gnc-account-get-parent curr)))
  629. (unless (or (zero? lvl)
  630. (not (member lvl-acct accountlist))
  631. (< lvl lvl-next))
  632. (add-recursive-subtotal lvl lvl-acct)
  633. (multilevel-loop (1- lvl)
  634. (gnc-account-get-parent lvl-acct)))))
  635. (loop rest))))
  636. (if show-total?
  637. (add-indented-row 0
  638. (string-append (_ "Total For ") title)
  639. "total-label-cell"
  640. maxindent
  641. (map
  642. (lambda (col-datum)
  643. (let ((total-cell (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
  644. "total-number-cell"
  645. (list-of-monetary->html-text
  646. (sum-accounts-at-col accountlist
  647. col-datum
  648. #t)
  649. col-datum
  650. #f))))
  651. (gnc:html-table-cell-set-style!
  652. total-cell "total-number-cell"
  653. 'attribute '("style" "border-top-style:solid; border-top-width: 1px; border-bottom-style:double"))
  654. total-cell))
  655. cols-data)))
  656. (add-whole-line #f))
  657. (define (monetary-less . monetaries)
  658. ;; syntax: (monetary-less mon0 mon1 mon2 ...)
  659. ;; equiv: (- mon0 mon1 mon2 ...)
  660. (let ((res (gnc:make-commodity-collector)))
  661. (res 'add (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity (car monetaries)) (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount (car monetaries)))
  662. (for-each
  663. (lambda (mon)
  664. (res 'add (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity mon) (- (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount mon))))
  665. (cdr monetaries))
  666. (car (res 'format gnc:make-gnc-monetary #f))))
  667. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  668. ;; multicol-report-renderer
  669. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  670. (define (multicol-report-renderer report-obj report-type)
  671. (define (get-option pagename optname)
  672. (gnc:option-value
  673. (gnc:lookup-option
  674. (gnc:report-options report-obj) pagename optname)))
  675. (gnc:report-starting (get-option gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-reportname))
  676. ;; get all options values
  677. (let* ((report-title (get-option gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-reportname))
  678. (company-name (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-company-name))
  679. (startdate (gnc:date-option-absolute-time
  680. (get-option gnc:pagename-general
  681. optname-startdate)))
  682. (enddate (gnc:date-option-absolute-time
  683. (get-option gnc:pagename-general
  684. optname-enddate)))
  685. (disable-account-indent? (get-option gnc:pagename-display
  686. optname-account-full-name))
  687. (incr (let ((period (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-period)))
  688. (and period
  689. (keylist-get-info periodlist period 'delta))))
  690. (disable-amount-indent? (and (not incr)
  691. (get-option gnc:pagename-general
  692. optname-disable-amount-indent)))
  693. (enable-dual-columns? (and (not incr)
  694. (get-option gnc:pagename-general
  695. optname-dual-columns)))
  696. (accounts (get-option gnc:pagename-accounts
  697. optname-accounts))
  698. (depth-limit (let ((limit (get-option gnc:pagename-accounts
  699. optname-depth-limit)))
  700. (and (not (eq? limit 'all)) limit)))
  701. (show-zb-accts? (get-option gnc:pagename-display
  702. optname-show-zb-accts))
  703. (omit-zb-bals? (get-option gnc:pagename-display
  704. optname-omit-zb-bals))
  705. (recursive-bals? (get-option gnc:pagename-display
  706. optname-parent-balance-mode))
  707. (label-sections? (get-option gnc:pagename-display
  708. optname-label-sections))
  709. (total-sections? (get-option gnc:pagename-display
  710. optname-total-sections))
  711. (use-links? (get-option gnc:pagename-display
  712. optname-account-links))
  713. (use-amount-links? (get-option gnc:pagename-display
  714. optname-amount-links))
  715. (include-chart? (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-include-chart))
  716. (common-currency (and (get-option pagename-commodities optname-common-currency)
  717. (get-option pagename-commodities optname-report-commodity)))
  718. (has-price? (lambda (commodity)
  719. ;; the following tests whether an amount in commodity can be converted to
  720. ;; common-currency. if conversion successful, it will be a non-zero value.
  721. ;; note if we use API gnc-pricedb-has-prices, we're only querying the pricedb.
  722. ;; if we use gnc-pricedb-convert-balance-latest-price, we can potentially
  723. ;; use an intermediate currency.
  724. (not (zero? (gnc-pricedb-convert-balance-latest-price
  725. (gnc-pricedb-get-db (gnc-get-current-book))
  726. (gnc-commodity-get-fraction commodity)
  727. commodity
  728. common-currency)))))
  729. (price-source (get-option pagename-commodities optname-price-source))
  730. (report-dates (map (if (eq? report-type 'balsheet)
  731. gnc:time64-end-day-time
  732. gnc:time64-start-day-time)
  733. (if incr
  734. (gnc:make-date-list startdate enddate incr)
  735. (if (eq? report-type 'balsheet)
  736. (list enddate)
  737. (list startdate enddate)))))
  738. (accounts-balances (map
  739. (lambda (acc)
  740. (cons acc
  741. (gnc:account-get-balances-at-dates acc report-dates)))
  742. accounts))
  743. (convert-curr-fn (lambda (monetary col-idx)
  744. (and common-currency
  745. (not (gnc-commodity-equal (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity monetary) common-currency))
  746. (has-price? (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity monetary))
  747. (let* ((date (case price-source
  748. ((startperiod) startdate)
  749. ((midperiod) (floor (/ (+ startdate enddate) 2)))
  750. ((endperiod weighted-average average-cost) enddate)
  751. ((pricedb-latest) (current-time))
  752. (else
  753. (list-ref report-dates
  754. (case report-type
  755. ((balsheet) col-idx)
  756. ((pnl) (1+ col-idx)))))))
  757. (exchange-fn (gnc:case-exchange-fn
  758. (if (memq price-source '(startperiod midperiod endperiod))
  759. 'pricedb-nearest
  760. price-source)
  761. common-currency date)))
  762. (exchange-fn monetary common-currency)))))
  763. ;; the following function generates an gnc:html-text object
  764. ;; to dump exchange rate for a particular column. From the
  765. ;; accountlist given, obtain commodities, and convert 1 unit
  766. ;; currency into report-currency. If cannot convert due to
  767. ;; missing price, say so.
  768. (get-exchange-rates-fn (lambda (accounts date)
  769. (let ((commodities (delete
  770. common-currency
  771. (delete-duplicates
  772. (map xaccAccountGetCommodity accounts)
  773. gnc-commodity-equal)
  774. gnc-commodity-equal))
  775. (cell (gnc:make-html-text)))
  776. (for-each
  777. (lambda (commodity)
  778. (let ((orig-monetary (gnc:make-gnc-monetary commodity 1)))
  779. (if (has-price? commodity)
  780. (let ((conv-monetary (convert-curr-fn
  781. orig-monetary
  782. (case report-type
  783. ((balsheet) date)
  784. ((pnl) (cons startdate enddate))))))
  785. (gnc:html-text-append!
  786. cell
  787. (format #f "~a ~a"
  788. (gnc:monetary->string orig-monetary)
  789. (gnc:monetary->string conv-monetary))))
  790. (gnc:html-text-append!
  791. cell
  792. (format #f (string-append "~a ~a" (_ "missing"))
  793. (gnc:monetary->string orig-monetary)
  794. (gnc-commodity-get-nice-symbol common-currency)))))
  795. (gnc:html-text-append! cell (gnc:html-markup-br)))
  796. commodities)
  797. (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "number-cell" cell))))
  798. ;; decompose the account list
  799. (show-foreign? (get-option pagename-commodities optname-show-foreign))
  800. (show-rates? (get-option pagename-commodities optname-show-rates))
  801. (split-up-accounts (gnc:decompose-accountlist accounts))
  802. (asset-accounts
  803. (assoc-ref split-up-accounts ACCT-TYPE-ASSET))
  804. (liability-accounts
  805. (assoc-ref split-up-accounts ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY))
  806. (income-accounts
  807. (assoc-ref split-up-accounts ACCT-TYPE-INCOME))
  808. (expense-accounts
  809. (assoc-ref split-up-accounts ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE))
  810. (equity-accounts
  811. (assoc-ref split-up-accounts ACCT-TYPE-EQUITY))
  812. (trading-accounts
  813. (assoc-ref split-up-accounts ACCT-TYPE-TRADING))
  814. (doc (gnc:make-html-document))
  815. (multicol-table-left (gnc:make-html-table))
  816. (multicol-table-right (if enable-dual-columns?
  817. (gnc:make-html-table)
  818. multicol-table-left))
  819. (maxindent (gnc-account-get-tree-depth (gnc-get-current-root-account))))
  820. (gnc:html-document-set-title!
  821. doc (string-append company-name " " report-title " "
  822. (if (and (eq? report-type 'balsheet) (not incr))
  823. ""
  824. (string-append (qof-print-date startdate) " - "))
  825. (qof-print-date enddate)))
  826. (if (eq? (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-options-summary) 'always)
  827. (gnc:html-document-add-object!
  828. doc (gnc:html-render-options-changed (gnc:report-options report-obj))))
  829. (if (null? accounts)
  830. (gnc:html-document-add-object!
  831. doc
  832. (gnc:html-make-no-account-warning
  833. report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj)))
  834. (case report-type
  835. ((balsheet)
  836. (let* ((get-cell-monetary-fn (lambda (account col-idx)
  837. (let ((account-balance-list (assoc account accounts-balances)))
  838. (and account-balance-list
  839. (list-ref account-balance-list (1+ col-idx))))))
  840. (get-cell-anchor-fn (lambda (account col-idx)
  841. (let* ((splits (xaccAccountGetSplitList account))
  842. (split-date (lambda (s) (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent s))))
  843. (date (list-ref report-dates col-idx))
  844. (valid-split? (lambda (s) (< (split-date s) date)))
  845. (valid-splits (filter valid-split? splits))
  846. (split (and (pair? valid-splits)
  847. (last valid-splits))))
  848. (and split
  849. (gnc:split-anchor-text split)))))
  850. (chart (and include-chart?
  851. (gnc:make-report-anchor
  852. networth-barchart-uuid report-obj
  853. (list (list "General" "Start Date" (cons 'absolute startdate))
  854. (list "General" "End Date" (cons 'absolute enddate))
  855. (list "General" "Report's currency" (or common-currency (gnc-default-report-currency)))
  856. (list "General" "Price Source" price-source)
  857. (list "Accounts" "Accounts" (append asset-accounts liability-accounts))))))
  858. (get-col-header-fn (lambda (accounts col-idx)
  859. (let* ((date (list-ref report-dates col-idx))
  860. (header (qof-print-date date))
  861. (cell (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
  862. "total-label-cell" header)))
  863. (gnc:html-table-cell-set-style!
  864. cell "total-label-cell"
  865. 'attribute '("style" "text-align:right"))
  866. cell)))
  867. (add-to-table (lambda* (table title accounts #:key
  868. (get-col-header-fn #f)
  869. (show-accounts? #t)
  870. (show-total? #t)
  871. (force-total? #f)
  872. (negate-amounts? #f))
  873. (add-multicolumn-acct-table
  874. table title accounts
  875. maxindent get-cell-monetary-fn (iota (length report-dates))
  876. #:omit-zb-bals? omit-zb-bals?
  877. #:show-zb-accts? show-zb-accts?
  878. #:disable-account-indent? disable-account-indent?
  879. #:negate-amounts? negate-amounts?
  880. #:disable-amount-indent? disable-amount-indent?
  881. #:depth-limit (if get-col-header-fn 0 depth-limit)
  882. #:show-orig-cur? show-foreign?
  883. #:show-title? label-sections?
  884. #:show-accounts? show-accounts?
  885. #:show-total? (or (and total-sections? show-total?) force-total?)
  886. #:recursive-bals? recursive-bals?
  887. #:account-anchor? use-links?
  888. #:convert-curr-fn (and common-currency convert-curr-fn)
  889. #:get-col-header-fn get-col-header-fn
  890. #:get-cell-anchor-fn (and use-amount-links? get-cell-anchor-fn)
  891. ))))
  892. (when incr
  893. (add-to-table multicol-table-left (_ "Date") '()
  894. #:get-col-header-fn get-col-header-fn
  895. #:show-accounts? #f
  896. #:show-total? #f)
  897. (if enable-dual-columns?
  898. (add-to-table multicol-table-right (_ "Date") '()
  899. #:get-col-header-fn get-col-header-fn
  900. #:show-accounts? #f
  901. #:show-total? #f)))
  902. (unless (null? asset-accounts)
  903. (add-to-table multicol-table-left (_ "Asset") asset-accounts))
  904. (unless (null? liability-accounts)
  905. (add-to-table multicol-table-right (_ "Liability") liability-accounts
  906. #:negate-amounts? #t))
  907. (unless (null? equity-accounts)
  908. (add-to-table multicol-table-right (_ "Equity")
  909. equity-accounts))
  910. (unless (null? trading-accounts)
  911. (add-to-table multicol-table-right (_ "Trading")
  912. trading-accounts))
  913. (unless (or (null? asset-accounts)
  914. (null? liability-accounts))
  915. (add-to-table multicol-table-right (_ "Net Worth")
  916. (append asset-accounts liability-accounts trading-accounts)
  917. #:show-accounts? #f
  918. #:force-total? #t))
  919. (if (and common-currency show-rates?)
  920. (add-to-table multicol-table-right (_ "Exchange Rates")
  921. (append asset-accounts liability-accounts)
  922. #:get-col-header-fn get-exchange-rates-fn
  923. #:show-accounts? #f
  924. #:show-total? #f))
  925. (if include-chart?
  926. (gnc:html-document-add-object!
  927. doc
  928. (gnc:make-html-text
  929. (gnc:html-markup-anchor chart "Barchart"))))))
  930. ((pnl)
  931. (let* ((closing-str (get-option pagename-entries optname-closing-pattern))
  932. (closing-cased (get-option pagename-entries optname-closing-casing))
  933. (closing-regexp (get-option pagename-entries optname-closing-regexp))
  934. (include-overall-period? (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-include-overall-period))
  935. (col-idx->datepair (lambda (idx)
  936. (if (eq? idx 'overall-period)
  937. (cons (car report-dates) (last report-dates))
  938. (cons (list-ref report-dates idx)
  939. (list-ref report-dates (1+ idx))))))
  940. (col-idx->monetarypair (lambda (balancelist idx)
  941. (if (eq? idx 'overall-period)
  942. (cons (car balancelist) (last balancelist))
  943. (cons (list-ref balancelist idx)
  944. (list-ref balancelist (1+ idx))))))
  945. (closing-entries (let ((query (qof-query-create-for-splits)))
  946. (qof-query-set-book query (gnc-get-current-book))
  947. (xaccQueryAddAccountMatch query (append income-accounts expense-accounts)
  949. (if (and closing-str (not (string-null? closing-str)))
  950. (xaccQueryAddDescriptionMatch query closing-str closing-cased closing-regexp
  952. (xaccQueryAddClosingTransMatch query #t QOF-QUERY-OR)
  953. (let ((splits (qof-query-run query)))
  954. (qof-query-destroy query)
  955. splits)))
  956. ;; this function will query the above closing-entries for splits within the date range,
  957. ;; and produce the total amount for these closing entries
  958. (closing-adjustment (lambda (account col-idx)
  959. (define datepair (col-idx->datepair col-idx))
  960. (define (include-split? split)
  961. (and (equal? (xaccSplitGetAccount split) account)
  962. (<= (car datepair)
  963. (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent split))
  964. (cdr datepair))))
  965. (let ((account-closing-splits (filter include-split? closing-entries)))
  966. (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
  967. (xaccAccountGetCommodity account)
  968. (apply + (map xaccSplitGetAmount account-closing-splits))))))
  969. (get-cell-monetary-fn (lambda (account col-idx)
  970. (let ((account-balance-list (assoc account accounts-balances)))
  971. (and account-balance-list
  972. (let ((monetarypair (col-idx->monetarypair (cdr account-balance-list) col-idx)))
  973. (monetary-less
  974. (cdr monetarypair)
  975. (car monetarypair)
  976. (closing-adjustment account col-idx)))))))
  977. (get-cell-anchor-fn (lambda (account col-idx)
  978. (define datepair (col-idx->datepair col-idx))
  979. (gnc:make-report-anchor
  980. trep-uuid report-obj
  981. (list (list "General" "Start Date" (cons 'absolute (car datepair)))
  982. (list "General" "End Date" (cons 'absolute (cdr datepair)))
  983. (list "Accounts" "Accounts" (list account))))))
  984. (chart (and include-chart?
  985. (gnc:make-report-anchor
  986. pnl-barchart-uuid report-obj
  987. (list (list "General" "Start Date" (cons 'absolute startdate))
  988. (list "General" "End Date" (cons 'absolute enddate))
  989. (list "General" "Report's currency" (or common-currency (gnc-default-report-currency)))
  990. (list "General" "Price Source" (case price-source
  991. ((pricedb-latest) 'pricedb-latest)
  992. (else 'pricedb-nearest)))
  993. (list "Accounts" "Accounts" (append income-accounts expense-accounts))))))
  994. (get-col-header-fn (lambda (accounts col-idx)
  995. (let* ((datepair (col-idx->datepair col-idx))
  996. (header (gnc:make-html-text
  997. (qof-print-date (car datepair))
  998. (gnc:html-markup-br)
  999. (_ " to ")
  1000. (qof-print-date (cdr datepair))))
  1001. (cell (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "total-label-cell" header)))
  1002. (gnc:html-table-cell-set-style! cell "total-label-cell" 'attribute '("style" "text-align:right"))
  1003. cell)))
  1004. (add-to-table (lambda* (table title accounts #:key
  1005. (get-col-header-fn #f)
  1006. (show-accounts? #t)
  1007. (show-total? #t)
  1008. (force-total? #f)
  1009. (negate-amounts? #f))
  1010. (add-multicolumn-acct-table
  1011. table title accounts
  1012. maxindent get-cell-monetary-fn
  1013. (append
  1014. (iota (1- (length report-dates)))
  1015. (if (and include-overall-period?
  1016. (> (length report-dates) 2))
  1017. '(overall-period)
  1018. '()))
  1019. #:omit-zb-bals? omit-zb-bals?
  1020. #:show-zb-accts? show-zb-accts?
  1021. #:disable-account-indent? disable-account-indent?
  1022. #:negate-amounts? negate-amounts?
  1023. #:disable-amount-indent? disable-amount-indent?
  1024. #:depth-limit (if get-col-header-fn 0 depth-limit)
  1025. #:show-orig-cur? show-foreign?
  1026. #:show-title? label-sections?
  1027. #:show-accounts? show-accounts?
  1028. #:show-total? (or (and total-sections? show-total?) force-total?)
  1029. #:recursive-bals? recursive-bals?
  1030. #:account-anchor? use-links?
  1031. #:convert-curr-fn (and common-currency convert-curr-fn)
  1032. #:get-col-header-fn get-col-header-fn
  1033. #:get-cell-anchor-fn (and use-amount-links? get-cell-anchor-fn)
  1034. ))))
  1035. (when incr
  1036. (add-to-table multicol-table-left (_ "Period") '()
  1037. #:get-col-header-fn get-col-header-fn
  1038. #:show-accounts? #f
  1039. #:show-total? #f)
  1040. (if enable-dual-columns?
  1041. (add-to-table multicol-table-right (_ "Period") '()
  1042. #:get-col-header-fn get-col-header-fn
  1043. #:show-accounts? #f
  1044. #:show-total? #f)))
  1045. (unless (null? income-accounts)
  1046. (add-to-table multicol-table-left (_ "Income") income-accounts
  1047. #:negate-amounts? #t))
  1048. (unless (null? expense-accounts)
  1049. (add-to-table multicol-table-right (_ "Expense") expense-accounts))
  1050. (unless (or (null? income-accounts)
  1051. (null? expense-accounts))
  1052. (add-to-table multicol-table-left (_ "Net Income")
  1053. (append income-accounts expense-accounts)
  1054. #:show-accounts? #f
  1055. #:negate-amounts? #t
  1056. #:force-total? #t))
  1057. (if (and common-currency show-rates?)
  1058. (add-to-table multicol-table-left (_ "Exchange Rates")
  1059. (append income-accounts expense-accounts)
  1060. #:get-col-header-fn get-exchange-rates-fn
  1061. #:show-accounts? #f
  1062. #:show-total? #f))
  1063. (if include-chart?
  1064. (gnc:html-document-add-object!
  1065. doc
  1066. (gnc:make-html-text
  1067. (gnc:html-markup-anchor chart "Barchart"))))))))
  1068. (let ((multicol-table (if enable-dual-columns?
  1069. (gnc:make-html-table)
  1070. multicol-table-left)))
  1071. (when enable-dual-columns?
  1072. (gnc:html-table-append-row! multicol-table
  1073. (list multicol-table-left multicol-table-right)))
  1074. (gnc:html-document-add-object!
  1075. doc multicol-table))
  1076. (gnc:html-document-add-object!
  1077. doc (gnc:make-html-text FOOTER-TEXT))
  1078. (gnc:report-finished)
  1079. ;; (gnc:html-document-set-style-text!
  1080. ;; doc " table, td{ border-width: 1px; border-style:solid; border-color: lightgray; border-collapse: collapse}")
  1081. doc))
  1082. (define balsheet-reportname (_ "Balance Sheet (Multicolumn)"))
  1083. (define pnl-reportname (_ "Income Statement (Multicolumn)"))
  1084. (gnc:define-report
  1085. 'version 1
  1086. 'name balsheet-reportname
  1087. 'report-guid "065d5d5a77ba11e8b31e83ada73c5eea"
  1088. 'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-asset-liability)
  1089. 'options-generator (lambda () (multicol-report-options-generator 'balsheet))
  1090. 'renderer (lambda (rpt) (multicol-report-renderer rpt 'balsheet)))
  1091. (gnc:define-report
  1092. 'version 1
  1093. 'name pnl-reportname
  1094. 'report-guid "0e94fd0277ba11e8825d43e27232c9d4"
  1095. 'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-income-expense)
  1096. 'options-generator (lambda () (multicol-report-options-generator 'pnl))
  1097. 'renderer (lambda (rpt) (multicol-report-renderer rpt 'pnl)))
  1098. ;; END