
  2. sudo emerge --update --newuse --deep --with-bdeps=y @world
  3. Calculating dependencies... done!
  4. [ebuild U ] sys-kernel/linux-headers-4.7 [4.4]
  5. [ebuild U ] sys-libs/glibc-2.23-r2 [2.22-r2] USE="rpc%* -audit% -caps%"
  6. [ebuild U ] dev-lang/python-exec-2.4.3 [2.4.2]
  7. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/expat-2.2.0-r1 [2.1.0-r5]
  8. [ebuild U ] sys-libs/gdbm-1.12 [1.11]
  9. [ebuild U ] sys-devel/gnuconfig-20160402 [20151214]
  10. [ebuild U ] app-arch/gzip-1.8 [1.6]
  11. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/debianutils-4.8 [4.7]
  12. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/baselayout-2.2-r1 [2.2]
  13. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libbsd-0.8.3 [0.8.2]
  14. [ebuild UD ] dev-perl/Text-Unidecode-0.40.0-r1 [1.240.0]
  15. [ebuild N ] dev-libs/libunistring-0.9.6 USE="-doc -static-libs"
  16. [ebuild U ] sys-libs/libseccomp-2.3.1 [2.2.3]
  17. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/install-xattr-0.5-r1 [0.5]
  18. [ebuild U ] net-libs/libmnl-1.0.4 [1.0.3-r1]
  19. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/busybox-1.24.2 [1.24.1]
  20. [ebuild U ] mate-base/mate-common-1.12.0 [1.10.0]
  21. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/kpathsea-6.2.1_p20150521-r1 [6.2.1_p20150521]
  22. [ebuild U ] media-libs/giflib-5.1.4 [5.1.2] USE="-doc%"
  23. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libyaml-0.1.7 [0.1.6]
  24. [ebuild U ] dev-lang/nasm-2.12.01 [2.11.08]
  25. [ebuild U ] sys-devel/autoconf-archive-2016.03.20-r1 [2015.09.25]
  26. [ebuild U ] sys-libs/libunwind-1.2_rc1 [1.1] USE="-doc%"
  27. [ebuild N ] dev-lang/cfortran-4.4-r3 USE="-examples"
  28. [ebuild N ] media-libs/opus-1.1.3 USE="-custom-modes -doc (-neon) -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="sse"
  29. [ebuild U ] net-libs/http-parser-2.6.2 [2.6.1]
  30. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libx86-1.1-r4 [1.1-r3]
  31. [ebuild U ] net-wireless/wireless-regdb-20160610 [20160208]
  32. [ebuild U ] media-libs/webrtc-audio-processing-0.3 [0.1-r1]
  33. [ebuild N ] virtual/perl-Digest-1.170.0-r6
  34. [ebuild U ] sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20160628 [20151207]
  35. [ebuild U ] sys-libs/timezone-data-2016f [2016a]
  36. [ebuild U ] media-libs/libjpeg-turbo-1.5.0 [1.4.2]
  37. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/vala-common-0.32.1 [0.30.1]
  38. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/gmp-6.1.1 [6.1.0]
  39. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/mpfr-3.1.4 [3.1.3_p4]
  40. [ebuild U ] sci-libs/cln-1.3.4 [1.3.3]
  41. [ebuild U ] media-libs/libpng-1.6.24 [1.6.21]
  42. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/file-5.28 [5.25] PYTHON_TARGETS="-python3_5%"
  43. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/boost-1.61.0-r1 [1.58.0-r1]
  44. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/xapian-1.4.0 [1.2.19] USE="glass%*"
  45. [ebuild U ] app-portage/portage-utils-0.63 [0.62]
  46. [ebuild U ] media-libs/x264-0.0.20160712 [0.0.20151011]
  47. [ebuild U ] app-arch/unzip-6.0_p20 [6.0-r3]
  48. [ebuild U ] app-dicts/myspell-en-20160201 [20151201]
  49. [ebuild UD ] dev-lang/perl-5.20.2-r1 [5.22.1]
  50. [ebuild UD ] virtual/perl-File-Spec-3.480.100-r1 [3.560.0]
  51. [ebuild UD ] virtual/perl-Test-Simple-1.1.2 [1.1.14]
  52. [ebuild UD ] virtual/perl-Exporter-5.710.0-r2 [5.720.0]
  53. [ebuild UD ] dev-perl/AnyEvent-7.80.0 [7.110.0]
  54. [ebuild UD ] virtual/perl-ExtUtils-Install-1.670.0 [2.40.0]
  55. [ebuild UD ] virtual/perl-JSON-PP-2.272.30 [2.273.0]
  56. [ebuild UD ] dev-perl/Time-ParseDate-2011.51.700-r1 [2013.91.200]
  57. [ebuild U #] dev-perl/Test-Deep-1.120.0 [0.117.0]
  58. [ebuild UD ] dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2h-r2 [1.1.0] USE="sslv3%* tls-heartbeat* -gmp% -kerberos% -sslv2%" ABI_X86="32*"
  59. [ebuild UD ] dev-perl/Net-SSLeay-1.650.0-r1 [1.650.0-r2]
  60. [ebuild UD ] dev-lang/perl-5.22.0 [5.22.1]
  61. [ebuild UD ] virtual/perl-Storable-2.530.0-r1 [2.530.100]
  62. [ebuild U #] virtual/perl-File-Temp-0.230.400-r4 [0.230.400-r3]
  63. [ebuild N ] dev-libs/libressl-2.4.2 USE="asm -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)"
  64. [ebuild U ] app-admin/eselect-1.4.6 [1.4.5]
  65. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/cdk-5.0.20160131 [5.0.20141106]
  66. [ebuild U ] app-eselect/eselect-python-20160516 [20160222]
  67. [ebuild N ] app-eselect/eselect-timidity-20110513
  68. [ebuild U ] app-eselect/eselect-opencl-1.1.0-r4 [1.1.0-r3]
  69. [ebuild N ] media-sound/timidity-freepats-20060219-r1
  70. [ebuild U ] app-shells/bash-4.3_p46 [4.3_p42-r2]
  71. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/ed-1.13 [1.12]
  72. [ebuild NS ] sys-devel/autoconf-2.69-r2 [2.13, 2.69-r1] USE="-emacs"
  73. [uninstall ] sys-devel/autoconf-2.69-r1
  74. [blocks b ] ~sys-devel/autoconf-2.69:2.5 ("~sys-devel/autoconf-2.69:2.5" is blocking sys-devel/autoconf-2.69-r2)
  75. [ebuild U ] media-libs/tiff-4.0.6-r1 [4.0.6]
  76. [ebuild U ] dev-db/sqlite-3.14.1 [3.10.2]
  77. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/nspr-4.12 [4.11]
  78. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/nettle-3.2-r1 [3.2]
  79. [ebuild U ] media-libs/alsa-lib-1.1.2 [1.1.0]
  80. [ebuild U ] sys-block/thin-provisioning-tools-0.6.1 [0.5.3]
  81. [ebuild U ] sys-libs/libcap-ng-0.7.8 [0.7.7] PYTHON_TARGETS="-python3_5%"
  82. [ebuild U ] dev-util/google-perftools-2.5 [2.0-r2] USE="-optimisememory%" ABI_X86="32%* (64%*) (-x32)"
  83. [ebuild U ] app-arch/snappy-1.1.3-r1 [1.1.3]
  84. [ebuild U ] net-libs/libvncserver-0.9.10_p20160127 [0.9.10-r4]
  85. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/protobuf-3.0.0_beta3_p1 [2.6.1-r3] USE="{-test%}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_4%* -python3_3% -python3_5%"
  86. [ebuild U ] media-libs/lcms-2.8 [2.7]
  87. [ebuild U ] app-editors/vim-core-7.4.2102 [7.4.1342]
  88. [ebuild U ] dev-lang/ruby-2.1.10 [2.1.8] USE="-tk%"
  89. [ebuild U ] dev-lang/ruby-2.3.1 [2.3.0] USE="-tk%"
  90. [ebuild U ] dev-ruby/rubygems-2.6.6 [2.5.2]
  91. [ebuild U ] dev-ruby/rake-11.2.2-r1 [10.5.0]
  92. [ebuild U ] dev-ruby/minitest-5.9.0 [5.8.4]
  93. [ebuild U ] dev-ruby/did_you_mean-1.0.2 [1.0.0]
  94. [ebuild NS ] dev-ruby/json-2.0.2 [1.8.3] USE="-doc {-test}" RUBY_TARGETS="ruby20 ruby21 ruby23 -ruby22"
  95. [ebuild U ] dev-ruby/test-unit-3.2.1 [3.1.7]
  96. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/gobject-introspection-common-1.48.0 [1.46.0]
  97. [ebuild N ] perl-core/Digest-MD5-2.530.0
  98. [ebuild UD ] virtual/perl-Digest-MD5-2.530.0-r2 [2.540.0]
  99. [blocks b ] <perl-core/Digest-MD5-2.540.0 ("<perl-core/Digest-MD5-2.540.0" is blocking virtual/perl-Digest-MD5-2.540.0)
  100. [ebuild N ] perl-core/Text-ParseWords-3.290.0
  101. [ebuild UD ] virtual/perl-Text-ParseWords-3.290.0-r1 [3.300.0]
  102. [blocks b ] <perl-core/Text-ParseWords-3.300.0 ("<perl-core/Text-ParseWords-3.300.0" is blocking virtual/perl-Text-ParseWords-3.300.0)
  103. [ebuild N ] perl-core/Digest-SHA-5.880.0
  104. [ebuild UD ] virtual/perl-Digest-SHA-5.880.0 [5.950.0]
  105. [blocks b ] <perl-core/Digest-SHA-5.950.0 ("<perl-core/Digest-SHA-5.950.0" is blocking virtual/perl-Digest-SHA-5.950.0)
  106. [ebuild N ] perl-core/MIME-Base64-3.140.0-r1
  107. [ebuild UD ] virtual/perl-MIME-Base64-3.140.0-r1 [3.150.0]
  108. [blocks b ] <perl-core/MIME-Base64-3.150.0 ("<perl-core/MIME-Base64-3.150.0" is blocking virtual/perl-MIME-Base64-3.150.0)
  109. [ebuild U #] dev-perl/URI-1.710.0 [1.690.0]
  110. [ebuild U #] dev-perl/Net-HTTP-6.90.0 [6.60.0] USE="-minimal%"
  111. [ebuild N ] perl-core/ExtUtils-Manifest-1.630.0-r1
  112. [ebuild UD ] virtual/perl-ExtUtils-Manifest-1.630.0-r2 [1.700.0-r1]
  113. [blocks b ] <perl-core/ExtUtils-Manifest-1.700.0 ("<perl-core/ExtUtils-Manifest-1.700.0" is blocking virtual/perl-ExtUtils-Manifest-1.700.0-r1)
  114. [ebuild U ] dev-lang/python-2.7.12 [2.7.11-r2]
  115. [ebuild U ] x11-proto/xproto-7.0.29 [7.0.28]
  116. [ebuild U ] dev-lang/python-3.4.5 [3.4.3-r7]
  117. [ebuild U ] media-libs/freetype-2.6.5 [2.6.3] USE="-cleartype_hinting%"
  118. [ebuild U ] x11-proto/inputproto-2.3.2 [2.3.1]
  119. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libpcre-8.39 [8.38]
  120. [ebuild U ] x11-proto/videoproto-2.3.3 [2.3.2]
  121. [ebuild U ] app-misc/pax-utils-1.1.6 [1.1.5]
  122. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/icu-57.1 [56.1]
  123. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.70 [2.4.67] VIDEO_CARDS="(-vc4)"
  124. [ebuild R ] dev-libs/boehm-gc-7.4.2 USE="threads*"
  125. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/kmod-23 [22] PYTHON_TARGETS="-python3_5%"
  126. [ebuild U ] net-firewall/iptables-1.6.0-r1 [1.6.0]
  127. [ebuild U ] sys-process/procps-3.3.12 [3.3.11-r3]
  128. [ebuild U ] net-misc/netifrc-0.4.0 [0.3.1]
  129. [ebuild U ] dev-db/mysql-init-scripts-2.1-r1 [2.1_rc1]
  130. [ebuild U ] dev-lang/python-3.5.2 [3.5.1-r2]
  131. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/nss-3.26 [3.22] USE="-cacert*"
  132. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libparserutils-0.2.3 [0.2.1-r1]
  133. [ebuild U ] media-libs/babl-0.1.18 [0.1.16] CPU_FLAGS_X86="-f16c% -sse4_1%"
  134. [ebuild U ] media-sound/alsa-utils-1.1.2 [1.1.0]
  135. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libwapcaplet-0.3.0 [0.2.2-r1]
  136. [ebuild U ] media-libs/libraw-0.17.2 [0.17.1]
  137. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libisofs-1.4.4 [1.4.2]
  138. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libburn-1.4.4 [1.4.2_p01]
  139. [ebuild U ] sys-power/acpid-2.0.27 [2.0.26]
  140. [ebuild U ] media-libs/libcdr-0.1.3 [0.1.2-r1]
  141. [ebuild U ] media-libs/libnsgif-0.1.3 [0.1.2-r1]
  142. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libutf8proc-1.3.1_p2 [1.1.6-r1]
  143. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/nsgenbind-0.3 [0.1.2-r1]
  144. [ebuild U ] sys-process/htop-2.0.2 [2.0.0-r1]
  145. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libnsutils-0.0.2 [0.0.1-r1]
  146. [ebuild U ] media-libs/libnsbmp-0.1.3-r1 [0.1.2-r1]
  147. [ebuild U ] app-misc/ca-certificates-20160104.3.23 [20160104.3.21]
  148. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/sandbox-2.10-r2 [2.10-r1] ABI_X86="32%* (64%*) (-x32)"
  149. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/less-483-r1 [481]
  150. [ebuild U ] media-libs/libsndfile-1.0.27 [1.0.26]
  151. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libevdev-1.5.2 [1.4.6]
  152. [ebuild U ] dev-python/sip-4.18.1 [4.17-r1]
  153. [ebuild U ] dev-util/ninja-1.7.1 [1.6.0]
  154. [ebuild R ] dev-python/backports-1.0 PYTHON_TARGETS="-python3_5%"
  155. [ebuild U ] dev-lang/swig-3.0.10 [3.0.5]
  156. [ebuild U ] net-libs/libhubbub-0.3.3 [0.3.1-r1]
  157. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libcss-0.6.0 [0.5.0-r1]
  158. [ebuild U ] media-fonts/dejavu-2.37 [2.35]
  159. [ebuild U ] media-fonts/noto-20160305-r1 [2015.04] USE="-cjk%"
  160. [ebuild U ] dev-python/cffi-1.7.0 [1.5.2]
  161. [ebuild U ] media-libs/fontconfig-2.12.1 [2.11.94]
  162. [ebuild U ] media-libs/gd-2.2.3 [2.1.1-r1]
  163. [ebuild N ] x11-libs/xcb-util-xrm-1.0 USE="-doc -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)"
  164. [ebuild U ] dev-python/setuptools-24.0.2 [20.2.1-r1]
  165. [ebuild U ] dev-python/certifi-2016.8.8 [2015.11.20.1]
  166. [ebuild R ] dev-python/pyxattr-0.5.5 PYTHON_TARGETS="-python3_5%"
  167. [ebuild U ] dev-python/numpy-1.11.1 [1.10.4]
  168. [ebuild R ] dev-python/backports-ssl-match-hostname- PYTHON_TARGETS="-python3_5%"
  169. [ebuild U ] dev-python/idna-2.1 [2.0]
  170. [ebuild U ] dev-python/enum34-1.1.6 [1.1.2]
  171. [ebuild U ] dev-python/pygments-2.1.3 [2.1]
  172. [ebuild U ] dev-python/m2crypto-0.24.0 [0.22.3-r5]
  173. [ebuild U ] net-misc/youtube-dl-2016.08.28 [2016.02.22]
  174. [ebuild U ] dev-python/python-dateutil-2.5.3 [2.4.2-r1] PYTHON_TARGETS="-pypy3%"
  175. [ebuild U ] dev-python/pytz-2016.6.1 [2015.7]
  176. [ebuild U ] dev-python/versioneer-0.16 [0.15]
  177. [ebuild U ] dev-python/pyparsing-2.1.5 [2.1.0]
  178. [ebuild U ] dev-python/cryptography-1.3.4 [1.2.2]
  179. [ebuild U ] dev-python/pyopenssl-16.0.0 [0.15.1-r1]
  180. [ebuild U ] dev-util/gdbus-codegen-2.48.1 [2.46.2]
  181. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/glib-2.48.1-r1 [2.46.2-r1]
  182. [ebuild U ] dev-util/desktop-file-utils-0.23 [0.22]
  183. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtcore-5.6.1 [5.5.1-r1]
  184. [ebuild U ] dev-util/pkgconfig-0.29.1 [0.29]
  185. [ebuild U ] dev-ruby/ruby-glib2-3.0.8 [3.0.7] RUBY_TARGETS="-ruby23%"
  186. [ebuild R ] dev-ruby/ruby-glib2-3.0.7 RUBY_TARGETS="-ruby23%"
  187. [ebuild U ] net-libs/libqmi-1.14.0 [1.12.6]
  188. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtxml-5.6.1 [5.5.1]
  189. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtnetwork-5.6.1 [5.5.1] USE="-bindist*"
  190. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtconcurrent-5.6.1 [5.5.1]
  191. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qttest-5.6.1 [5.5.1]
  192. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtpaths-5.6.1 [5.5.1-r1]
  193. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtxmlpatterns-5.6.1 [5.5.1-r1]
  194. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtcore-4.8.7-r2 [4.8.7-r1]
  195. [ebuild U ] dev-util/gtk-doc-am-1.25 [1.24]
  196. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libxml2-2.9.4 [2.9.3]
  197. [ebuild U ] dev-lang/orc-0.4.25 [0.4.24]
  198. [ebuild U ] sys-devel/gettext- [0.19.7]
  199. [ebuild U ] x11-proto/xcb-proto-1.12-r2 [1.11] PYTHON_TARGETS="-python3_5%"
  200. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/wayland-1.11.0 [1.10.0]
  201. [ebuild U ] net-libs/libdom-0.3.0 [0.1.2-r1]
  202. [ebuild U ] sys-devel/make-4.2.1 [4.1-r1]
  203. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libgpg-error-1.24 [1.21]
  204. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/xcb-util-cursor-0.1.3 [0.1.2]
  205. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/findutils-4.6.0-r1 [4.6.0]
  206. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/gawk-4.1.4 [4.1.3]
  207. [ebuild U ] net-dns/libidn-1.33 [1.32-r1]
  208. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/grep-2.25 [2.23]
  209. [ebuild U ] app-arch/tar-1.29 [1.28-r1]
  210. [ebuild U ] net-misc/wget-1.18 [1.17.1]
  211. [ebuild U ] dev-scheme/guile-2.0.12-r1 [1.8.8-r2] USE="networking*"
  212. [ebuild U ] sys-libs/e2fsprogs-libs-1.43.1 [1.42.13]
  213. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/diffutils-3.5 [3.3]
  214. [ebuild U ] sys-devel/flex-2.6.1 [2.6.0]
  215. [ebuild U ] app-text/iso-codes-3.68 [3.65]
  216. [ebuild U ] app-text/hunspell-1.4.1-r1 [1.3.3] L10N="-af% -bg% -ca% -cs% -cy% -da% -de% -de-1901% -el% -en% -eo% -es% -et% -fo% -fr% -ga% -gl% -he% -hr% -hu% -ia% -id% -is% -it% -km% -ku% -lt% -lv% -mi% -mk% -ms% -nb% -nl% -nn% -pl% -pt% -pt-BR% -ro% -ru% -sk% -sl% -sq% -sv% -sw% -tn% -uk% -zu%"
  217. [ebuild U ] app-admin/sysstat-11.4.0 []
  218. [ebuild U ] app-portage/eix-0.31.8-r1 [0.31.7-r1]
  219. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.7.3 [1.6.5]
  220. [ebuild NS ] sys-devel/binutils-2.26.1 [2.25.1-r1] USE="cxx nls zlib -multitarget -static-libs {-test} -vanilla"
  221. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/portage-2.3.0 [2.2.27]
  222. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/iproute2-4.7.0 [4.4.0]
  223. [ebuild U ] sys-devel/autogen-5.18.10 [5.18.4]
  224. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/help2man-1.47.4 [1.47.3]
  225. [ebuild U ] x11-misc/xkeyboard-config-2.18 [2.17]
  226. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libnl-3.2.28 [3.2.27]
  227. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libassuan-2.4.3 [2.4.2]
  228. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libksba-1.3.4 [1.3.3]
  229. [ebuild U ] sci-libs/libqalculate-0.9.9 [0.9.7-r1]
  230. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/libfm-extra-1.2.4 [1.2.3]
  231. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/confuse-3.0 [2.8]
  232. [ebuild NS ] sys-devel/gcc-5.4.0 [4.9.3, 5.3.0] USE="cxx fortran (multilib) nls nptl objc openmp sanitize vtv (-altivec) (-awt) -cilk -debug -doc (-fixed-point) -gcj -go -graphite (-hardened) (-jit) (-libssp) -mpx -nopie -nossp -objc++ -objc-gc -regression-test -vanilla"
  233. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libtasn1-4.9 [4.7]
  234. [ebuild U ] app-admin/perl-cleaner-2.22 [2.20]
  235. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libxslt-1.1.29 [1.1.28-r5]
  236. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libsigc++-2.8.0 [2.6.2]
  237. [ebuild NS ] sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-4.7.2 [4.1.15-r1, 4.4.0-r1, 4.4.1, 4.4.2, 4.4.3] USE="-build -experimental -symlink"
  238. [ebuild N ] net-libs/libotr-4.1.1
  239. [ebuild N ] gnome-base/gnome-mime-data-2.18.0 USE="-debug"
  240. [ebuild U ] x11-themes/mate-backgrounds-1.12.0 [1.10.0]
  241. [ebuild U ] net-libs/libndp-1.6 [1.5]
  242. [ebuild U ] media-fonts/terminus-font-4.40 [4.39-r1]
  243. [ebuild U ] app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.2-r1 [0.3.1]
  244. [ebuild U ] net-libs/gnutls-3.4.14-r1 [3.3.21] USE="tls-heartbeat%* tools%*"
  245. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/libxcb-1.12 [1.11.1]
  246. [ebuild NS ] dev-lang/vala-0.32.1 [0.30.1] USE="{-test}"
  247. [ebuild U ] dev-cpp/glibmm-2.48.1 [2.46.3]
  248. [ebuild U ] x11-themes/mate-icon-theme-1.12.0 [1.10.1]
  249. [ebuild U ] gnome-extra/yelp-xsl-3.20.1 [3.18.1]
  250. [ebuild U ] dev-python/lxml-3.6.0 [3.5.0]
  251. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/libxkbcommon-0.6.1 [0.5.0]
  252. [ebuild U ] sci-libs/fftw-3.3.5-r2 [3.3.4] CPU_FLAGS_X86="-avx2%"
  253. [ebuild N ] sci-libs/cfitsio-3.360 USE="fortran tools -doc -examples -static-libs -threads"
  254. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/libXfixes-5.0.2 [5.0.1]
  255. [ebuild U ] media-libs/imlib2-1.4.9 [1.4.7] CPU_FLAGS_X86="sse2%*"
  256. [ebuild U ] media-gfx/sxiv-1.3.2 [1.3.1]
  257. [ebuild U ] dev-haskell/cabal- []
  258. [ebuild U ] dev-haskell/mtl-2.2.1-r1 [2.2.1]
  259. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/gobject-introspection-1.48.0 [1.46.0]
  260. [blocks b ] <dev-libs/gobject-introspection-1.48.0 ("<dev-libs/gobject-introspection-1.48.0" is blocking dev-libs/gobject-introspection-common-1.48.0)
  261. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf-2.34.0 [2.32.3]
  262. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/atk-2.20.0 [2.18.0]
  263. [ebuild U ] gnome-base/libgtop-2.34.0 [2.32.0]
  264. [ebuild U ] gnome-base/gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.20.0 [3.18.1]
  265. [ebuild U ] dev-ruby/ruby-gobject-introspection-3.0.8 [3.0.7] RUBY_TARGETS="-ruby23%"
  266. [ebuild U ] app-arch/gcab-0.7 [0.6]
  267. [ebuild U ] dev-ruby/ruby-atk-3.0.8 [3.0.7] RUBY_TARGETS="-ruby23%"
  268. [ebuild U ] dev-ruby/ruby-gio2-3.0.8 [3.0.7] RUBY_TARGETS="-ruby23%"
  269. [ebuild U ] www-client/w3m-0.5.3-r8 [0.5.3-r5] USE="-libressl%" L10N="-ja%"
  270. [ebuild U ] app-crypt/libsecret-0.18.5 [0.18.4]
  271. [ebuild U ] app-text/aspell- [] L10N="-af% -be% -bg% -br% -ca% -cs% -cy% -da% -de% -de-1901% -el% -en% -eo% -es% -et% -fi% -fo% -fr% -ga% -gl% -he% -hr% -hu% -hy% -is% -it% -la% -lt% -nl% -no% -pl% -pt% -pt-BR% -ro% -ru% -sk% -sl% -sr% -sv% -uk% -vi%" LINGUAS="-de_1901%"
  272. [ebuild U ] dev-ruby/rcairo-1.15.2 [1.14.3] RUBY_TARGETS="-ruby23%"
  273. [ebuild U ] dev-python/pygobject-3.20.1 [3.18.2]
  274. [ebuild U ] dev-ruby/ruby-cairo-gobject-3.0.8 [3.0.7] RUBY_TARGETS="-ruby23%"
  275. [ebuild U ] app-editors/vim-7.4.2102 [7.4.1342]
  276. [ebuild U ] app-vim/gentoo-syntax-20160530 [20150823]
  277. [ebuild U ] net-nds/openldap-2.4.44 [2.4.43-r1]
  278. [ebuild U ] x11-terms/xterm-325 [322] USE="xinerama%*"
  279. [ebuild U ] net-misc/curl-7.50.1 [7.47.1]
  280. [ebuild U ] net-misc/dhcp-4.3.4 [4.3.3_p1]
  281. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/man-pages-4.07 [4.04] L10N="-da% -de% -fr% -it% -ja% -nl% -pl% -ro% -ru% -zh-CN%"
  282. [ebuild U ] media-libs/libwebp-0.5.1 [0.4.2]
  283. [ebuild R ] dev-python/pyopengl-3.1.0 PYTHON_TARGETS="-python3_5%"
  284. [ebuild U ] sys-process/cronie-1.5.1 [1.5.0-r1]
  285. [ebuild U ] x11-misc/i3lock-2.8 [2.7]
  286. [ebuild U ] net-misc/iputils-20151218 [20121221-r2] USE="-gcrypt% -libressl%"
  287. [ebuild U ] media-libs/gstreamer-1.8.2 [1.6.3]
  288. [ebuild U ] sys-libs/pam-1.3.0 [1.2.1-r1]
  289. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/hwids-20160801 [20150717-r1]
  290. [ebuild U ] sys-fs/udev-init-scripts-31 [30]
  291. [ebuild U ] net-misc/dhcpcd-6.11.3 [6.10.1]
  292. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/util-linux-2.28.1 [2.27.1] USE="-build%" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="-python3_5%" PYTHON_TARGETS="-python3_5%"
  293. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/pciutils-3.5.1 [3.4.1]
  294. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libinput-1.4.0 [1.2.0]
  295. [ebuild U ] sys-fs/e2fsprogs-1.43.1 [1.42.13] USE="-fuse%"
  296. [ebuild U ] app-text/build-docbook-catalog-1.21 [1.20]
  297. [ebuild U ] sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.145-r2 [2.02.136-r1]
  298. [ebuild U ] sys-power/cpupower-4.5.0 [4.2]
  299. [ebuild U ] app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets-1.79.1-r1 [1.79.1]
  300. [ebuild U ] app-arch/libarchive-3.2.1-r5 [3.1.2-r3] USE="threads%* -lz4%"
  301. [ebuild U ] media-libs/libgphoto2-2.5.10 [2.5.9]
  302. [ebuild U ] media-gfx/sane-backends-1.0.25-r1 [1.0.25]
  303. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libgusb-0.2.9 [0.2.8]
  304. [ebuild U ] net-misc/modemmanager-1.4.14 [1.4.12]
  305. [ebuild U ] sys-fs/udisks-2.1.7 [2.1.6] USE="acl%*"
  306. [ebuild U ] app-text/asciidoc-8.6.9-r3 [8.6.9-r2]
  307. [ebuild U ] gnome-base/dconf-0.26.0 [0.24.0]
  308. [ebuild U ] sys-fs/udev-230-r1 [229]
  309. [ebuild U ] dev-util/gtk-doc-1.25 [1.24]
  310. [blocks b ] <dev-util/gtk-doc-1.25 ("<dev-util/gtk-doc-1.25" is blocking dev-util/gtk-doc-am-1.25)
  311. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/json-glib-1.2.2 [1.0.4]
  312. [ebuild U ] app-text/po4a-0.45-r3 [0.45-r1] LINGUAS="it%* -af% -ca% -cs% -da% -de% -eo% -es% -et% -eu% -fr% -hr% -id% -ja% -kn% -ko% -nb% -nl% -pl% -pt% -pt_BR% -ru% -sl% -sv% -uk% -vi% -zh_CN% -zh_HK%"
  313. [ebuild U ] sys-kernel/genkernel-next-64 [63]
  314. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/dbus-1.10.10 [1.10.6] USE="-user-session%"
  315. [ebuild U ] x11-misc/xdg-utils-1.1.1-r1 [1.1.1]
  316. [ebuild N ] net-libs/libaccounts-glib-1.21-r2 USE="-debug"
  317. [ebuild U ] app-arch/dpkg-1.18.10 [1.18.4]
  318. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kf-env-4 [3]
  319. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtdbus-5.6.1 [5.5.1]
  320. [ebuild U ] sys-auth/consolekit-1.1.0-r1 [1.0.1]
  321. [ebuild U ] app-accessibility/at-spi2-core-2.20.2 [2.18.3]
  322. [ebuild N ] net-libs/accounts-qt-1.13 USE="-doc {-test}"
  323. [ebuild U ] sys-auth/rtkit-0.11-r2 [0.11-r1]
  324. [ebuild U ] app-accessibility/at-spi2-atk-2.20.1 [2.18.1]
  325. [ebuild U ] dev-python/dbus-python-1.2.4 [1.2.0-r1]
  326. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/accountsservice-0.6.42 [0.6.40]
  327. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qdbus-5.6.1 [5.5.1-r1]
  328. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/openrc-0.21.5 [0.20.5]
  329. [ebuild U ] net-misc/openssh-7.3_p1-r2 [7.1_p2-r1] USE="-bindist* -hpn* -livecd%"
  330. [ebuild U ] app-admin/sudo-1.8.17_p1 [1.8.15-r1]
  331. [ebuild U ] net-print/cups-2.1.4 [2.1.3-r1]
  332. [ebuild N ] net-libs/telepathy-glib-0.24.1 USE="introspection vala -debug {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7"
  333. [ebuild N ] net-im/telepathy-mission-control-5.16.3-r1 USE="-debug -networkmanager"
  334. [ebuild N ] net-im/telepathy-logger-0.8.2 USE="introspection {-test}"
  335. [ebuild N ] net-irc/telepathy-idle-0.2.0 USE="{-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7"
  336. [ebuild N ] sys-power/upower-0.99.4 USE="introspection -doc -ios (-selinux)"
  337. [uninstall ] sys-power/upower-pm-utils-0.9.23-r2
  338. [blocks b ] sys-power/upower ("sys-power/upower" is blocking sys-power/upower-pm-utils-0.9.23-r2)
  339. [ebuild U ] x11-themes/adwaita-icon-theme-3.20 [3.18.0]
  340. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtsql-5.6.1 [5.5.1]
  341. [ebuild U ] virtual/mysql-5.6-r9 [5.6-r7]
  342. [ebuild U ] app-text/lcdf-typetools-2.106 [2.105]
  343. [ebuild U ] app-text/xdvik-22.87.03 [22.87]
  344. [ebuild U ] x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev-2.10.3 [2.10.1]
  345. [ebuild U ] mate-base/mate-menus-1.12.0-r1 [1.10.1]
  346. [ebuild U ] dev-ruby/ruby-gdkpixbuf2-3.0.8 [3.0.7] RUBY_TARGETS="-ruby23%"
  347. [ebuild U ] sys-block/gparted-0.26.1 [0.25.0]
  348. [ebuild U ] dev-vcs/git-2.9.3 [2.7.2] LINGUAS="it%* -bg% -ca% -de% -fr% -is% -ko% -pt_PT% -ru% -sv% -vi% -zh_CN%"
  349. [ebuild U ] app-portage/layman-2.4.1-r1 [2.3.0-r1] USE="-sqlite%"
  350. [ebuild R ] app-text/texlive-2015 L10N="-af% -ar% -as% -bg% -bn% -br% -ca% -cs% -cy% -da% -de% -el% -en% -en-GB% -eo% -es% -et% -eu% -fa% -fi% -fr% -ga% -gl% -gu% -he% -hi% -hr% -hsb% -hu% -hy% -ia% -id% -is% -it% -ja% -kn% -ko% -la% -lo% -lt% -lv% -ml% -mn% -mr% -nb% -nl% -nn% -no% -or% -pa% -pl% -pt% -rm% -ro% -ru% -sa% -sco% -sk% -sl% -sq% -sr% -sv% -ta% -te% -th% -tk% -tr% -uk% -vi% -zh%" LINGUAS="(-af%) (-ar%) (-as%) (-bg%) (-bn%) (-br%) (-ca%) (-cs%) (-cy%) (-da%) (-de%) (-el%) (-en%) (-en_GB%) (-eo%) (-es%) (-et%) (-eu%) (-fa%) (-fi%) (-fr%) (-ga%) (-gl%) (-gu%) (-he%) (-hi%) (-hr%) (-hsb%) (-hu%) (-hy%) (-ia%) (-id%) (-is%) (-it%*) (-ja%) (-kn%) (-ko%) (-la%) (-lo%) (-lt%) (-lv%) (-ml%) (-mn%) (-mr%) (-nb%) (-nl%) (-nn%) (-no%) (-or%) (-pa%) (-pl%) (-pt%) (-rm%) (-ro%) (-ru%) (-sa_IN%) (-sco%) (-sk%) (-sl%) (-sq%) (-sr%) (-sv%) (-ta%) (-te%) (-th%) (-tk%) (-tr%) (-uk%) (-vi%) (-zh%)"
  351. [ebuild U ] x11-misc/mozo-1.12.0-r1 [1.10.1] USE="-gtk3%"
  352. [ebuild U ] gnome-base/librsvg-2.40.16 [2.40.13]
  353. [ebuild U ] app-text/ghostscript-gpl-9.19 [9.15-r1] L10N="-de% -ja% -ko% -zh-CN% -zh-TW%"
  354. [ebuild U ] app-text/libspectre-0.2.8 [0.2.7]
  355. [ebuild U ] media-gfx/graphite2-1.3.8 [1.3.5-r1]
  356. [ebuild U ] media-libs/harfbuzz-1.3.0 [1.2.3]
  357. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtgui-5.6.1 [5.5.1-r1]
  358. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/pango-1.40.1 [1.38.1]
  359. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtwidgets-5.6.1 [5.5.1-r1]
  360. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtx11extras-5.6.1 [5.5.1]
  361. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/gtk+-2.24.30 [2.24.29]
  362. [ebuild U ] media-libs/gst-plugins-base-1.8.2 [1.6.3] USE="opus%*"
  363. [ebuild U ] media-gfx/imagemagick- []
  364. [ebuild U ] dev-ruby/ruby-pango-3.0.8 [3.0.7] RUBY_TARGETS="-ruby23%"
  365. [ebuild U ] dev-cpp/pangomm-2.40.0 [2.38.1]
  366. [ebuild U ] media-libs/gegl-0.3.8 [0.3.4]
  367. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtimageformats-5.6.1 [5.5.1-r1]
  368. [ebuild U ] dev-lang/R-3.3.1 [3.2.3]
  369. [ebuild U ] x11-misc/rofi-1.2.0 [0.15.12]
  370. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtsvg-5.6.1 [5.5.1-r1]
  371. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtscript-5.6.1 [5.5.1-r1]
  372. [ebuild U ] dev-util/cmake-3.6.1 [3.4.3]
  373. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtdeclarative-5.6.1-r1 [5.5.1-r1]
  374. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtprintsupport-5.6.1 [5.5.1]
  375. [ebuild U ] mate-base/mate-desktop-1.12.1-r2 [1.10.2] USE="-gtk3%"
  376. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtopengl-5.6.1 [5.5.1]
  377. [ebuild U ] media-libs/gst-plugins-ugly-1.8.2 [1.6.3]
  378. [ebuild U ] media-libs/gst-plugins-good-1.8.2 [1.6.3]
  379. [ebuild U ] mate-base/libmatekbd-1.12.1-r2 [1.10.1] USE="introspection%* -gtk3%"
  380. [ebuild U ] mate-base/mate-session-manager-1.12.2-r1 [1.10.3] USE="-gtk3%"
  381. [ebuild U ] x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-370.23 [361.28-r2] USE="-wayland%"
  382. [ebuild N ] sci-chemistry/chemical-mime-data-0.1.94-r3
  383. [ebuild N ] media-sound/timidity++-2.14.0-r2 USE="X alsa flac gtk ncurses vorbis -ao -emacs -jack -motif -nas -oss (-selinux) -slang -speex -tk"
  384. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/wxGTK- []
  385. [ebuild NS ] dev-qt/qthelp-5.6.1 [4.8.7] USE="-debug {-test}"
  386. [ebuild U ] media-gfx/fontforge-20160404 [20150824] PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="-python3_5%" PYTHON_TARGETS="-python3_5%"
  387. [ebuild N ] media-libs/libmypaint-1.3.0_beta1 USE="gegl nls openmp -introspection"
  388. [ebuild U ] mate-extra/mate-utils-1.12.0-r1 [1.10.4] USE="-gtk3%"
  389. [ebuild U ] app-arch/engrampa-1.12.0 [1.10.2] USE="-gtk3% (-packagekit)"
  390. [ebuild U ] mate-extra/mate-system-monitor-1.12.2 [1.10.1] USE="-gtk3%"
  391. [ebuild U ] x11-misc/mate-notification-daemon-1.12.1 [1.10.2] USE="-gtk3%"
  392. [ebuild U ] mate-extra/mate-polkit-1.12.0-r2 [1.10.3] USE="-debug% -examples% -gtk3%"
  393. [ebuild U ] dev-ruby/ruby-gtk2-3.0.8 [3.0.7] RUBY_TARGETS="-ruby23%"
  394. [ebuild U ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-cdparanoia-1.8.2 [1.6.3]
  395. [ebuild U ] www-client/google-chrome-52.0.2743.116 [48.0.2564.97_p1] L10N="am%* ar%* bg%* bn%* ca%* cs%* da%* de%* el%* en-GB%* es%* es-419%* et%* fa%* fi%* fil%* fr%* gu%* he%* hi%* hr%* hu%* id%* it%* ja%* kn%* ko%* lt%* lv%* ml%* mr%* ms%* nb%* nl%* pl%* pt-BR%* pt-PT%* ro%* ru%* sk%* sl%* sr%* sv%* sw%* ta%* te%* th%* tr%* uk%* vi%* zh-CN%* zh-TW%*"
  396. [ebuild U ] media-gfx/inkscape-0.91-r3 [0.91-r1] USE="-latex%"
  397. [ebuild U ] lxde-base/lxterminal-0.2.0-r1 [0.2.0] USE="-gtk3%"
  398. [ebuild U ] app-editors/gvim-7.4.2102 [7.4.1342]
  399. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libappindicator-12.10.0-r201 [12.10.0-r200]
  400. [ebuild U ] sci-mathematics/octave-4.0.3 [4.0.0] USE="-graphicsmagick%"
  401. [ebuild U ] app-misc/vifm-0.8.2 [0.8.1a]
  402. [ebuild U ] x11-misc/xscreensaver-5.35-r1 [5.34] USE="-offensive%"
  403. [ebuild U ] dev-db/mariadb-10.1.16 [10.1.11]
  404. [ebuild U ] app-text/poppler-0.47.0 [0.41.0] USE="(-cairo-qt) -nss%"
  405. [ebuild U ] sys-devel/llvm-3.8.1-r2 [3.7.1-r1] USE="sanitize%* -default-compiler-rt% -default-libcxx%"
  406. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/extra-cmake-modules-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  407. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/linguist-tools-5.6.1 [5.5.1-r1]
  408. [ebuild N ] net-libs/telepathy-qt-0.9.7 USE="qt4 qt5 -debug -farstream {-test}"
  409. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtwebkit-5.6.1 [5.5.1-r1]
  410. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/designer-5.6.1 [5.5.1-r1]
  411. [ebuild U ] app-crypt/qca-2.1.1-r1 [2.1.1]
  412. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtquickcontrols-5.6.1 [5.5.1-r1]
  413. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libdbusmenu-qt-0.9.3_pre20160218 [0.9.3_pre20140619-r1]
  414. [ebuild U ] dev-qt/qtgraphicaleffects-5.6.1 [5.5.1-r1]
  415. [ebuild NS ] dev-libs/grantlee-5.1.0 [0.4.0] USE="-debug -doc {-test}"
  416. [ebuild U ] media-libs/qimageblitz-0.0.6-r2 [0.0.6-r1]
  417. [ebuild U ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-mad-1.8.2 [1.6.3]
  418. [ebuild U ] net-wireless/wpa_supplicant-2.5-r2 [2.5-r1]
  419. [ebuild U ] media-libs/taglib-1.11-r1 [1.10] USE="-boost%"
  420. [ebuild U ] media-libs/qt-gstreamer-1.2.0-r2 [1.2.0-r1]
  421. [ebuild N ] media-sound/drumstick-1.0.2 USE="-doc"
  422. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libgit2-0.24.1 [0.23.4] USE="threads*"
  423. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/yajl-2.1.0 [2.0.4-r3]
  424. [ebuild U ] net-libs/libssh-0.7.3-r1 [0.7.3]
  425. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/jsoncpp-1.7.4 [1.6.5]
  426. [ebuild U ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-dvdread-1.8.2 [1.6.3]
  427. [ebuild U ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-x264-1.8.2 [1.6.3]
  428. [ebuild U ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-mpeg2dec-1.8.2 [1.6.3]
  429. [ebuild U ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-a52dec-1.8.2 [1.6.3]
  430. [ebuild U ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-flac-1.8.2 [1.6.3]
  431. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libical-2.0.0-r1 [1.0.1]
  432. [ebuild U ] app-text/atril-1.12.2-r3 [1.10.3-r1] USE="-gtk3%"
  433. [ebuild U ] media-gfx/eom-1.12.2-r2 [1.10.5-r1] USE="-gtk3%"
  434. [ebuild U ] x11-terms/mate-terminal-1.12.1 [1.10.2] USE="-gtk3%"
  435. [ebuild U ] app-editors/pluma-1.12.2-r1 [1.10.2] USE="-gtk3%"
  436. [ebuild U ] dev-ruby/ruby-vte-3.0.8 [3.0.7] RUBY_TARGETS="-ruby23%"
  437. [ebuild U ] media-gfx/gimp-2.9.4 [2.9.2]
  438. [ebuild U ] sci-visualization/gnuplot-5.0.3 [5.0.1-r1]
  439. [ebuild U ] net-irc/weechat-1.5 [1.4] LINGUAS="-pt%"
  440. [ebuild U ] x11-wm/awesome-3.5.9 [3.5.8]
  441. [ebuild U ] media-libs/mesa-12.0.1 [11.1.2-r1] USE="-valgrind%" VIDEO_CARDS="(-vc4)"
  442. [ebuild U ] net-print/cups-filters-1.11.2 [1.8.2] USE="ldap%*"
  443. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/oxygen-icons-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  444. [ebuild U ] net-wireless/bluez-5.39 [5.37] USE="-deprecated% -experimental%" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="-python3_4% -python3_5%" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_4%* -python3_5%"
  445. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/libkdcraw-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  446. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/libkexiv2-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  447. [ebuild U ] x11-misc/sddm-0.14.0-r1 [0.13.0-r1]
  448. [ebuild N ] net-libs/telepathy-logger-qt-15.04.0 USE="-debug"
  449. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/kwallet-pam-5.7.4 [5.5.4] USE="oldwallet%*"
  450. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/kholidays-16.04.3 USE="-debug {-test}"
  451. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/breeze-icons-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  452. [ebuild U ] sci-visualization/paraview-5.1.2 [4.4.0] USE="openmp%* qt5%*"
  453. [ebuild U ] x11-wm/i3-4.12 [4.11] USE="cairo%*"
  454. [ebuild U ] x11-base/xorg-server-1.18.4 [1.18.1]
  455. [ebuild N ] dev-qt/qtwayland-5.6.1 USE="qml xcomposite -debug -egl {-test} -wayland-compositor"
  456. [ebuild U ] media-video/movit-1.3.2 [1.2.0]
  457. [ebuild U ] net-misc/connman-1.33 [1.31]
  458. [ebuild N ] dev-qt/qtbluetooth-5.6.1 USE="qml -debug {-test}"
  459. [ebuild U ] dev-python/PyQt5-5.7 [5.5.1] USE="bluetooth%* -location% -sql* -webengine% -xmlpatterns*"
  460. [ebuild U ] x11-misc/lightdm-1.19.3 [1.16.6]
  461. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/kdeedu-data-16.04.3
  462. [uninstall ] kde-apps/libkdeedu-4.14.3
  463. [blocks b ] kde-apps/libkdeedu:4 ("kde-apps/libkdeedu:4" is blocking kde-apps/kdeedu-data-16.04.3)
  464. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/plasma-workspace-wallpapers-5.7.4 [5.5.4]
  465. [uninstall ] kde-apps/kde-wallpapers-15.08.3-r1
  466. [blocks b ] <kde-apps/kde-wallpapers-15.08.3-r2 ("<kde-apps/kde-wallpapers-15.08.3-r2" is blocking kde-plasma/plasma-workspace-wallpapers-5.7.4)
  467. [ebuild U ] x11-themes/mate-themes-3.20.10 [1.10.5-r181]
  468. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/gtk+-3.20.8 [3.18.7]
  469. [blocks b ] <x11-libs/gtk+-3.20:3 ("<x11-libs/gtk+-3.20:3" is blocking x11-themes/mate-themes-3.20.10)
  470. [ebuild U ] xfce-base/libxfce4ui-4.13.0 [4.12.1-r2] USE="-glade%"
  471. [ebuild U ] app-crypt/gcr-3.20.0 [3.18.0]
  472. [ebuild U ] media-libs/gst-plugins-bad-1.8.2 [1.6.3]
  473. [ebuild U ] dev-ruby/ruby-gdk3-3.0.8 [3.0.7] RUBY_TARGETS="-ruby23%"
  474. [ebuild U ] x11-themes/gnome-themes-standard-3.20.2 [3.18.0]
  475. [ebuild U ] x11-themes/mate-themes-meta-3 [1.10] USE="-gtk2-only%"
  476. [ebuild U ] gnome-extra/zenity-3.20.0 []
  477. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/gtksourceview-3.20.4 [3.18.2]
  478. [ebuild U ] net-misc/connman-gtk-1.0-r1 [1.0]
  479. [ebuild U ] net-p2p/transmission-2.92 [2.84-r5]
  480. [ebuild U ] media-gfx/simple-scan-3.20.0 [3.18.2]
  481. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libappindicator-12.10.0-r301 [12.10.0-r300]
  482. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/c++-gtk-utils-2.2.13 [2.2.12]
  483. [ebuild U ] dev-cpp/gtkmm-3.20.1 [3.18.0-r1]
  484. [ebuild U ] app-crypt/pinentry-0.9.7-r1 [0.9.7]
  485. [ebuild U ] x11-wm/marco-1.12.1 [1.10.3] USE="-gtk3%"
  486. [ebuild U ] xfce-extra/xfce4-notifyd-0.3.0 [0.2.4]
  487. [ebuild U ] dev-ruby/ruby-gtk3-3.0.8 [3.0.7-r1] RUBY_TARGETS="-ruby23%"
  488. [ebuild U ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-faad-1.8.2 [1.6.3]
  489. [ebuild U ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-dts-1.8.2 [1.6.3]
  490. [ebuild U ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-resindvd-1.8.2 [1.6.3]
  491. [ebuild U ] x11-terms/xfce4-terminal-0.6.90 [0.6.3]
  492. [ebuild U ] xfce-base/xfce4-settings-4.12.0-r2 [4.12.0-r1] INPUT_DEVICES="(-libinput)"
  493. [ebuild U ] app-crypt/gnupg-2.1.15 [2.1.11-r1]
  494. [ebuild U ] dev-ruby/ruby-vte3-3.0.8 [3.0.7] RUBY_TARGETS="-ruby23%"
  495. [ebuild U ] gnome-base/gnome-keyring-3.20.0 [3.18.3]
  496. [ebuild U ] mate-extra/mate-screensaver-1.12.0-r1 [1.10.2-r1] USE="-gtk3%"
  497. [ebuild U ] media-sound/pulseaudio-9.0 [8.0]
  498. [ebuild U ] media-video/ffmpeg-2.8.7 [2.8.6]
  499. [ebuild N ] dev-qt/qtmultimedia-5.6.1 USE="alsa pulseaudio qml widgets -debug -gles2 -gstreamer -gstreamer010 -openal {-test}"
  500. [ebuild U ] media-sound/mpg123-1.23.6 [1.23.2]
  501. [ebuild U ] media-libs/libmatemixer-1.12.1-r1 [1.10.1]
  502. [ebuild U ] net-misc/freerdp-2.0.0_pre20160722 [1.2.1_pre20150326-r1] USE="-systemd%"
  503. [ebuild U ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-pulse-1.8.2 [1.6.3]
  504. [ebuild U ] media-plugins/alsa-plugins-1.1.1 [1.1.0]
  505. [ebuild U ] app-admin/conky-1.10.4 [1.10.1] USE="pulseaudio%* -systemd%"
  506. [ebuild U ] www-client/firefox-48.0 [44.0.2] USE="skia%* -gtk2% -system-harfbuzz%" L10N="-ach% -af% -an% -ar% -as% -ast% -az% -be% -bg% -bn-BD% -bn-IN% -br% -bs% -ca% -cs% -cy% -da% -de% -el% -en-GB% -en-ZA% -eo% -es-AR% -es-CL% -es-ES% -es-MX% -et% -eu% -fa% -fi% -fr% -fy% -ga% -gd% -gl% -gu% -he% -hi% -hr% -hsb% -hu% -hy% -id% -is% -it% -ja% -kk% -km% -kn% -ko% -lt% -lv% -mai% -mk% -ml% -mr% -ms% -nb% -nl% -nn% -or% -pa% -pl% -pt-BR% -pt-PT% -rm% -ro% -ru% -si% -sk% -sl% -son% -sq% -sr% -sv% -ta% -te% -th% -tr% -uk% -uz% -vi% -xh% -zh-CN% -zh-TW%"
  507. [ebuild U ] mate-base/mate-settings-daemon-1.12.1 [1.10.3] USE="-gtk3%"
  508. [ebuild U ] media-libs/mlt-6.2.0-r2 [0.9.8-r2]
  509. [ebuild U ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-meta-1.8.2 [1.6.3]
  510. [ebuild U ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-libav-1.8.2 [1.6.3]
  511. [ebuild R ] media-video/mplayer-1.2.1 USE="-vcd% -yuv4mpeg%"
  512. [ebuild U ] app-emulation/wine-1.9.17 [1.8] USE="-d3d9% -themes%"
  513. [ebuild U ] mail-client/thunderbird-45.2.0 [38.6.0] USE="gstreamer* -ffmpeg% -system-harfbuzz% -system-libevent%" L10N="-ar% -ast% -be% -bg% -bn-BD% -br% -ca% -cs% -cy% -da% -de% -el% -en-GB% -es-AR% -es-ES% -et% -eu% -fi% -fr% -fy% -ga% -gd% -gl% -he% -hr% -hsb% -hu% -hy% -id% -is% -it% -ja% -ko% -lt% -nb% -nl% -nn% -pa% -pl% -pt-BR% -pt-PT% -rm% -ro% -ru% -si% -sk% -sl% -sq% -sr% -sv% -ta-LK% -tr% -uk% -vi% -zh-CN% -zh-TW%"
  514. [ebuild U ] media-libs/phonon-4.9.0 [4.8.3-r1]
  515. [ebuild U ] media-libs/phonon-vlc-0.9.0 [0.8.2]
  516. [ebuild U ] media-video/vlc-2.2.4 [2.2.2]
  517. [ebuild U ] dev-python/PyQt4-4.12_pre1606101416-r1 [4.11.4] USE="-compat%"
  518. [ebuild U ] kde-base/kdelibs-4.14.23 [4.14.16] USE="(webkit%*)"
  519. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/libkcompactdisc-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  520. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/libkcddb-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  521. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/knotify-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  522. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/svgpart-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  523. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdegraphics-mobipocket-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  524. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kolourpaint-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  525. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/zeroconf-ioslave-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  526. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/libkonq-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  527. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/juk-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  528. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kalzium-16.04.3 [4.14.3]
  529. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdesu-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  530. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/phonon-kde-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  531. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdontchangethehostname-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  532. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kpasswdserver-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  533. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/knewstuff-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  534. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdebase-data-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  535. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kmimetypefinder-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  536. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kfile-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  537. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kquitapp-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  538. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kcmshell-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  539. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kiconfinder-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  540. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdebase-desktoptheme-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  541. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kreadconfig-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  542. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ktraderclient-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  543. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdebugdialog-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  544. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdebase-menu-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  545. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ktimezoned-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  546. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kimgio-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  547. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/solid-runtime-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  548. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kurifilter-plugins-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  549. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kstart-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  550. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/renamedlg-plugins-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  551. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdebase-menu-icons-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  552. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kioclient-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  553. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/keditfiletype-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  554. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/sweeper-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  555. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdf-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  556. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kget-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  557. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/audiocd-kio-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  558. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kscd-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  559. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kolf-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  560. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/konquest-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  561. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ksnakeduel-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  562. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kigo-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  563. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/lskat-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  564. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/palapeli-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  565. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ksudoku-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  566. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kreversi-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  567. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kgoldrunner-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  568. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kubrick-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  569. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kspaceduel-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  570. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ksirk-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  571. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/analitza-16.04.3 [4.14.3] USE="opengl -debug -eigen {-test}"
  572. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kcoreaddons-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  573. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/ki18n-5.25.0 [5.19.0] PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7%* -python3_4% -python3_5%" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%* python3_4%* -python3_5%"
  574. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kconfig-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  575. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kwidgetsaddons-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  576. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kdbusaddons-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  577. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kwindowsystem-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  578. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/karchive-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  579. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kitemviews-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  580. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kguiaddons-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  581. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kcodecs-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  582. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/solid-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  583. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/sonnet-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  584. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kidletime-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  585. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kwayland-5.25.0 [5.5.4]
  586. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kdnssd-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  587. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kitemmodels-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  588. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/kdecoration-5.7.4 [5.5.4]
  589. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kplotting-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  590. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/threadweaver-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  591. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/attica-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  592. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/bluez-qt-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  593. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/breeze-gtk-5.7.4 [5.5.4]
  594. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kcrash-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  595. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kdoctools-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  596. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kcompletion-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  597. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/knotifications-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  598. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kjobwidgets-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  599. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kpackage-5.25.0 [5.19.0] USE="-man%"
  600. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kpty-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  601. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kfilemetadata-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  602. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/libkscreen-5.7.4 [5.5.4]
  603. [ebuild U ] net-libs/libproxy-0.4.13-r1 [0.4.11-r2]
  604. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kunitconversion-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  605. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kimageformats-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  606. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/kwayland-integration-5.7.4 [5.5.4]
  607. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kservice-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  608. [ebuild N ] net-libs/signond-8.58 USE="-doc {-test}"
  609. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kjs-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  610. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kdesignerplugin-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  611. [ebuild U ] net-libs/glib-networking-2.48.2 [2.46.1]
  612. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdebugsettings-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  613. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/kwrited-5.7.4 [5.5.4]
  614. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kglobalaccel-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  615. [ebuild U ] net-libs/libsoup-2.54.1 [2.52.2] USE="-gssapi%"
  616. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kpeople-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  617. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kemoticons-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  618. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kdesu-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  619. [ebuild N ] net-libs/libsignon-glib-1.13-r1 USE="introspection -debug -doc -python {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4 -python3_3 -python3_5"
  620. [ebuild N ] net-libs/signon-ui-0.15 USE="{-test}"
  621. [ebuild N ] net-libs/signon-oauth2-0.21-r1 USE="{-test}"
  622. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kjsembed-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  623. [ebuild N ] net-libs/gssdp-0.14.16 USE="gtk introspection" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)"
  624. [ebuild U ] gnome-base/gvfs-1.28.3-r1 [1.26.3]
  625. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libmateweather-1.12.1-r2 [1.10.0] USE="-gtk3%"
  626. [ebuild U ] net-misc/networkmanager-1.2.4 [1.0.10-r1]
  627. [ebuild N ] net-libs/telepathy-accounts-signon-1.0
  628. [ebuild U ] gnome-extra/gnome-calculator-3.20.2 [3.18.3]
  629. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/appstream-glib-0.5.16 [0.5.7]
  630. [ebuild U ] mate-base/mate-panel-1.12.2-r3 [1.10.1] USE="-gtk3%"
  631. [ebuild U ] mate-base/caja-1.12.7-r2 [1.10.4] USE="-gtk3% (-packagekit)"
  632. [ebuild N ] net-libs/gupnp-0.20.18 USE="introspection -connman -networkmanager" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7"
  633. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/networkmanager-qt-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  634. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/gnome-disk-utility-3.20.2 []
  635. [ebuild U ] gnome-extra/nm-applet-1.2.4 [1.0.10]
  636. [ebuild N ] net-libs/gupnp-igd-0.2.4 USE="introspection -python" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7"
  637. [ebuild U ] mate-extra/mate-netbook-1.12.0 [1.10.0] USE="-gtk3%"
  638. [ebuild U ] mate-extra/mate-media-1.12.1 [1.10.1] USE="-gtk3%"
  639. [ebuild U ] mate-base/mate-control-center-1.12.1-r1 [1.10.2] USE="-appindicator% -gtk3%"
  640. [ebuild U ] net-analyzer/mate-netspeed-1.12.0 [1.10.2] USE="-gtk3%"
  641. [ebuild U ] mate-extra/caja-extensions-1.12.0-r1 [1.10.1] USE="-gksu% -gtk3%"
  642. [ebuild U ] mate-extra/mate-power-manager-1.12.1-r2 [1.10.2] USE="-gtk3% -pm-utils%"
  643. [ebuild U ] mate-base/mate-applets-1.12.1-r1 [1.10.4-r1] USE="-gtk3%"
  644. [ebuild N ] net-libs/libnice-0.1.13 USE="introspection upnp" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)"
  645. [ebuild U ] mate-base/mate-applets-meta-1.12 [1.10] USE="-gtk3% -netspeed%"
  646. [ebuild N ] net-voip/telepathy-gabble-0.18.3 USE="jingle -gnutls -plugins {-test}"
  647. [ebuild U ] mate-base/mate-1.12-r1 [1.10.0-r2] USE="-gtk3% -help%"
  648. [ebuild N ] net-im/telepathy-connection-managers-2-r2 USE="irc xmpp -gadu -icq -meanwhile -msn -sip -sipe -steam -yahoo -zeroconf"
  649. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kauth-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  650. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kconfigwidgets-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  651. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kiconthemes-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  652. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/libkmahjongg-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  653. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/polkit-kde-agent-5.7.4 [5.5.4]
  654. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/ktextwidgets-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  655. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kwallet-5.25.0 [5.19.0] USE="man%*"
  656. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/frameworkintegration-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  657. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kxmlgui-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  658. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/signon-kwallet-extension-16.04.3 USE="-debug"
  659. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/ksshaskpass-5.7.4 [5.5.4]
  660. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kbookmarks-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  661. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/libkipi-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  662. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kruler-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  663. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kcharselect-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  664. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kio-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  665. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kinit-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  666. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kded-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  667. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/knewstuff-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  668. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kparts-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  669. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kdeclarative-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  670. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/knotifyconfig-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  671. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/baloo-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  672. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/libkeduvocdocument-16.04.3 USE="-debug {-test}"
  673. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kamera-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  674. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/thumbnailers-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  675. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ksystemlog-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  676. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kcron-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  677. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ffmpegthumbs-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  678. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/minuet-16.04.3 USE="handbook -debug"
  679. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kcalc-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  680. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ktimer-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  681. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kxmlrpcclient-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  682. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/libkdegames-16.04.3 [15.08.3-r1]
  683. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kdelibs4support-5.25.0 [5.19.0] USE="-libressl%"
  684. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kcmutils-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  685. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/ktexteditor-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  686. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/khtml-5.25.0 [5.19.0] USE="-libressl%"
  687. [ebuild N ] kde-frameworks/kdewebkit-5.25.0 USE="-debug"
  688. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kross-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  689. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdeadmin-meta-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  690. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/spectacle-16.04.3 [15.12.1] USE="-share%"
  691. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/dragon-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  692. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdenlive-16.04.3 [15.12.1] USE="semantic-desktop%*"
  693. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/filelight-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  694. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ark-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  695. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kteatime-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  696. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/baloo-widgets-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  697. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/kde-cli-tools-5.7.4 [5.5.4]
  698. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/konsole-16.04.3 [15.08.3-r1]
  699. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdiamond-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  700. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kshisen-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  701. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kiriki-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  702. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kbreakout-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  703. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/klines-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  704. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kblackbox-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  705. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/katomic-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  706. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kollision-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  707. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/bovo-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  708. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/knetwalk-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  709. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kmines-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  710. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kfourinline-16.04.3 [15.08.3-r1]
  711. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/granatier-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  712. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kpat-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  713. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/killbots-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  714. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kjumpingcube-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  715. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/picmi-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  716. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/bomber-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  717. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ksquares-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  718. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kapman-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  719. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kbounce-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  720. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kblocks-16.04.3 [15.08.3-r1]
  721. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kwalletmanager-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  722. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/user-manager-5.7.4 [5.5.4]
  723. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/kgamma-5.7.4 [5.5.4]
  724. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/kaccounts-integration-16.04.3 USE="-debug {-test}"
  725. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/breeze-5.7.4 [5.5.4] USE="-wayland%"
  726. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/khelpcenter-16.04.3 [5.5.4]
  727. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/kscreenlocker-5.7.4 [5.5.4-r1]
  728. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/kde-gtk-config-5.7.4 [5.5.4]
  729. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/oxygen-5.7.4 [5.5.4] USE="qt4%* -wayland%"
  730. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/sddm-kcm-5.7.4 [5.5.4]
  731. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/kscreen-5.7.4 [5.5.4] USE="{-test%}"
  732. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/ktp-common-internals-16.04.3 USE="otr sso -debug {-test}"
  733. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kde-l10n-16.04.3 [15.12.1] L10N="-ar% -ast% -bg% -bs% -ca% -ca-valencia% -cs% -da% -de% -el% -en-GB% -eo% -es% -et% -eu% -fa% -fi% -fr% -ga% -gl% -he% -hi% -hr% -hu% -ia% -id% -is% -it% -ja% -kk% -km% -ko% -lt% -lv% -mr% -nb% -nds% -nl% -nn% -pa% -pl% -pt% -pt-BR% -ro% -ru% -sk% -sl% -sr% -sr-Latn% -sr-Latn-ijekavsk% -sr-ijekavsk% -sv% -tr% -ug% -uk% -wa% -zh-CN% -zh-TW%"
  734. [ebuild N ] kde-plasma/plasma-integration-5.7.4 USE="-debug {-test}"
  735. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/kaccounts-providers-16.04.3 USE="-debug"
  736. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/systemsettings-5.7.4 [5.5.4]
  737. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/ktp-contact-list-16.04.3 USE="-debug"
  738. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/ktp-filetransfer-handler-16.04.3 USE="-debug"
  739. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kde4-l10n-16.04.3 [15.12.1-r1] USE="-debug% {-test%}" L10N="-ar% -ast% -bg% -bs% -ca% -ca-valencia% -cs% -da% -de% -el% -en-GB% -eo% -es% -et% -eu% -fa% -fi% -fr% -ga% -gl% -he% -hi% -hr% -hu% -ia% -id% -is% -it% -ja% -kk% -km% -ko% -lt% -lv% -mr% -nb% -nds% -nl% -nn% -pa% -pl% -pt% -pt-BR% -ro% -ru% -sk% -sl% -sr% -sr-Latn% -sr-Latn-ijekavsk% -sr-ijekavsk% -sv% -tr% -ug% -uk% -wa% -zh-CN% -zh-TW%"
  740. [blocks b ] <kde-apps/kde4-l10n-15.12.3-r1 ("<kde-apps/kde4-l10n-15.12.3-r1" is blocking kde-frameworks/kdeclarative-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/sonnet-5.25.0, kde-plasma/kmenuedit-5.7.4, kde-plasma/kscreenlocker-5.7.4, kde-plasma/bluedevil-5.7.4, kde-frameworks/solid-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/attica-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kparts-5.25.0, kde-plasma/kgamma-5.7.4, kde-frameworks/kfilemetadata-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kidletime-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kwayland-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kiconthemes-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kinit-5.25.0, kde-plasma/ksysguard-5.7.4, kde-plasma/breeze-gtk-5.7.4, kde-frameworks/kdesu-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kbookmarks-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/knotifyconfig-5.25.0, kde-plasma/kdeplasma-addons-5.7.4, kde-plasma/breeze-5.7.4, kde-frameworks/bluez-qt-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kplotting-5.25.0, kde-plasma/ksshaskpass-5.7.4, kde-frameworks/kunitconversion-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kxmlrpcclient-5.25.0, kde-plasma/kdecoration-5.7.4, kde-plasma/oxygen-5.7.4, kde-plasma/kactivitymanagerd-5.7.4, kde-frameworks/networkmanager-qt-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kdewebkit-5.25.0, kde-plasma/systemsettings-5.7.4, kde-frameworks/knewstuff-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kitemviews-5.25.0, kde-plasma/kde-gtk-config-5.7.4, kde-plasma/milou-5.7.4, kde-frameworks/kactivities-5.25.0, kde-plasma/kinfocenter-5.7.4, kde-plasma/kwayland-integration-5.7.4, kde-frameworks/karchive-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kjs-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kross-5.25.0, kde-plasma/user-manager-5.7.4, kde-frameworks/kcmutils-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kauth-5.25.0, kde-plasma/kwrited-5.7.4, kde-frameworks/kimageformats-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kwidgetsaddons-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kded-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kguiaddons-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kdbusaddons-5.25.0, kde-plasma/sddm-kcm-5.7.4, kde-plasma/powerdevil-5.7.4, kde-frameworks/threadweaver-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kpeople-5.25.0, kde-plasma/plasma-workspace-5.7.4, kde-plasma/kscreen-5.7.4, kde-frameworks/kxmlgui-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kconfig-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/ktextwidgets-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kwindowsystem-5.25.0, kde-plasma/plasma-desktop-5.7.4, kde-frameworks/kemoticons-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kcodecs-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/knotifications-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/ktexteditor-5.25.0, kde-plasma/kde-cli-tools-5.7.4, kde-frameworks/kjsembed-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kpty-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kwallet-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/khtml-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kdnssd-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/plasma-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kconfigwidgets-5.25.0, kde-plasma/khotkeys-5.7.4, kde-frameworks/ki18n-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kjobwidgets-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kpackage-5.25.0, kde-plasma/plasma-pa-5.7.4, kde-frameworks/kactivities-stats-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kcrash-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kitemmodels-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/frameworkintegration-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kdelibs4support-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kdoctools-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kservice-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kdesignerplugin-5.25.0, kde-plasma/plasma-integration-5.7.4, kde-plasma/libkscreen-5.7.4, kde-frameworks/krunner-5.25.0, kde-plasma/libksysguard-5.7.4, kde-frameworks/baloo-5.25.0, kde-plasma/kwin-5.7.4, kde-frameworks/kcoreaddons-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kcompletion-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kio-5.25.0, kde-frameworks/kglobalaccel-5.25.0)
  741. [blocks b ] <kde-apps/kde4-l10n-16.04.3 ("<kde-apps/kde4-l10n-16.04.3" is blocking kde-apps/kde-l10n-16.04.3, kde-frameworks/kdelibs4support-5.25.0)
  742. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/ktp-l10n-16.04.3 USE="-debug" L10N="-ar -ast -bg -bs -ca -ca-valencia -cs -da -de -el -en-GB -eo -es -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -ga -gl -he -hr -hu -ia -id -is -it -ja -kk -km -ko -lt -lv -mr -nb -nds -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt -pt-BR -ro -ru -sk -sl -sr -sr-Latn -sr-Latn-ijekavsk -sr-ijekavsk -sv -tr -ug -uk -wa -zh-CN -zh-TW"
  743. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/ktp-kded-module-16.04.3 USE="-debug"
  744. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/ktp-accounts-kcm-16.04.3 USE="-debug -experimental"
  745. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/ktp-auth-handler-16.04.3 USE="-debug"
  746. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/ktp-send-file-16.04.3 USE="-debug"
  747. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/ktp-approver-16.04.3 USE="-debug"
  748. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/ktp-text-ui-16.04.3 USE="-debug (-speech)"
  749. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/kcolorchooser-16.04.3 [15.12.1] USE="-debug"
  750. [uninstall ] kde-apps/kcolorchooser-15.12.1
  751. [blocks b ] kde-apps/kcolorchooser:4 ("kde-apps/kcolorchooser:4" is blocking kde-apps/kcolorchooser-16.04.3)
  752. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/krdc-16.04.3 [15.08.3] USE="handbook rdesktop -debug -vnc"
  753. [uninstall ] kde-apps/krdc-15.08.3
  754. [blocks b ] kde-apps/krdc:4 ("kde-apps/krdc:4" is blocking kde-apps/krdc-16.04.3)
  755. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/kdenetwork-filesharing-16.04.3 [15.08.3] USE="-debug"
  756. [uninstall ] kde-apps/kdenetwork-filesharing-15.08.3
  757. [blocks b ] kde-apps/kdenetwork-filesharing:4 ("kde-apps/kdenetwork-filesharing:4" is blocking kde-apps/kdenetwork-filesharing-16.04.3)
  758. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/krfb-16.04.3 [15.08.3] USE="handbook -debug"
  759. [uninstall ] kde-apps/krfb-15.08.3
  760. [blocks b ] kde-apps/krfb:4 ("kde-apps/krfb:4" is blocking kde-apps/krfb-16.04.3)
  761. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/kstars-16.04.3-r1 [4.14.3-r1] USE="handbook -debug -indi -wcs -xplanet" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7"
  762. [uninstall ] kde-apps/kstars-4.14.3-r1
  763. [blocks b ] kde-apps/kstars:4 ("kde-apps/kstars:4" is blocking kde-apps/kstars-16.04.3-r1)
  764. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/kmplot-16.04.3 [4.14.3] USE="handbook -debug"
  765. [uninstall ] kde-apps/kmplot-4.14.3
  766. [blocks b ] kde-apps/kmplot:4 ("kde-apps/kmplot:4" is blocking kde-apps/kmplot-16.04.3)
  767. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/rocs-16.04.3 [4.14.3] USE="handbook -debug {-test}"
  768. [uninstall ] kde-apps/rocs-4.14.3
  769. [blocks b ] kde-apps/rocs:4 ("kde-apps/rocs:4" is blocking kde-apps/rocs-16.04.3)
  770. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/kgeography-16.04.3 [4.14.3] USE="handbook -debug"
  771. [uninstall ] kde-apps/kgeography-4.14.3
  772. [blocks b ] kde-apps/kgeography:4 ("kde-apps/kgeography:4" is blocking kde-apps/kgeography-16.04.3)
  773. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/kig-16.04.3 [4.14.3] USE="handbook -debug -geogebra -scripting {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7"
  774. [uninstall ] kde-apps/kig-4.14.3
  775. [blocks b ] kde-apps/kig:4 ("kde-apps/kig:4" is blocking kde-apps/kig-16.04.3)
  776. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/artikulate-16.04.3 [4.14.3] USE="gstreamer handbook -debug -qtmedia"
  777. [uninstall ] kde-apps/artikulate-4.14.3
  778. [blocks b ] kde-apps/artikulate:4 ("kde-apps/artikulate:4" is blocking kde-apps/artikulate-16.04.3)
  779. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/cantor-16.04.3 [4.14.3] USE="R handbook -analitza -debug -lua -postscript -python -qalculate {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7"
  780. [uninstall ] kde-apps/cantor-4.14.3
  781. [blocks b ] kde-apps/cantor:4 ("kde-apps/cantor:4" is blocking kde-apps/cantor-16.04.3)
  782. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/kturtle-16.04.3 [4.14.3] USE="handbook -debug"
  783. [uninstall ] kde-apps/kturtle-4.14.3
  784. [blocks b ] kde-apps/kturtle:4 ("kde-apps/kturtle:4" is blocking kde-apps/kturtle-16.04.3)
  785. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/blinken-16.04.3 [4.14.3] USE="handbook -debug"
  786. [uninstall ] kde-apps/blinken-4.14.3
  787. [blocks b ] kde-apps/blinken:4 ("kde-apps/blinken:4" is blocking kde-apps/blinken-16.04.3)
  788. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/kanagram-16.04.3 [4.14.3] USE="handbook -debug"
  789. [uninstall ] kde-apps/kanagram-4.14.3
  790. [blocks b ] kde-apps/kanagram:4 ("kde-apps/kanagram:4" is blocking kde-apps/kanagram-16.04.3)
  791. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/kalgebra-16.04.3 [4.14.3] USE="handbook opengl readline -debug"
  792. [uninstall ] kde-apps/analitza-4.14.3
  793. [blocks b ] kde-apps/analitza:4 ("kde-apps/analitza:4" is blocking kde-apps/kalgebra-16.04.3, kde-apps/analitza-16.04.3)
  794. [uninstall ] kde-apps/kalgebra-4.14.3
  795. [blocks b ] kde-apps/kalgebra:4 ("kde-apps/kalgebra:4" is blocking kde-apps/kalgebra-16.04.3)
  796. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/kbruch-16.04.3 [4.14.3] USE="handbook -debug"
  797. [uninstall ] kde-apps/kbruch-4.14.3
  798. [blocks b ] kde-apps/kbruch:4 ("kde-apps/kbruch:4" is blocking kde-apps/kbruch-16.04.3)
  799. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/step-16.04.3 [4.14.3] USE="gsl handbook qalculate -debug {-test}"
  800. [uninstall ] kde-apps/step-4.14.3
  801. [blocks b ] kde-apps/step:4 ("kde-apps/step:4" is blocking kde-apps/step-16.04.3)
  802. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/klettres-16.04.3 [4.14.3] USE="handbook -debug"
  803. [uninstall ] kde-apps/klettres-4.14.3
  804. [blocks b ] kde-apps/klettres:4 ("kde-apps/klettres:4" is blocking kde-apps/klettres-16.04.3)
  805. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/kwordquiz-16.04.3 [4.14.3] USE="handbook -debug"
  806. [uninstall ] kde-apps/kwordquiz-4.14.3
  807. [blocks b ] kde-apps/kwordquiz:4 ("kde-apps/kwordquiz:4" is blocking kde-apps/kwordquiz-16.04.3)
  808. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/khangman-16.04.3 [4.14.3] USE="handbook -debug"
  809. [uninstall ] kde-apps/khangman-4.14.3
  810. [blocks b ] kde-apps/khangman:4 ("kde-apps/khangman:4" is blocking kde-apps/khangman-16.04.3)
  811. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/parley-16.04.3 [4.14.3] USE="handbook -debug"
  812. [uninstall ] kde-apps/parley-4.14.3
  813. [blocks b ] kde-apps/parley:4 ("kde-apps/parley:4" is blocking kde-apps/parley-16.04.3)
  814. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/kiten-16.04.3 [4.14.3] USE="handbook -debug"
  815. [uninstall ] kde-apps/kiten-4.14.3
  816. [blocks b ] kde-apps/kiten:4 ("kde-apps/kiten:4" is blocking kde-apps/kiten-16.04.3)
  817. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/ktuberling-16.04.3 [15.08.3] USE="handbook -debug (-selinux)"
  818. [uninstall ] kde-apps/ktuberling-15.08.3
  819. [blocks b ] kde-apps/ktuberling:4 ("kde-apps/ktuberling:4" is blocking kde-apps/ktuberling-16.04.3)
  820. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/kmahjongg-16.04.3 [15.08.3] USE="handbook -debug (-selinux)"
  821. [uninstall ] kde-apps/kmahjongg-15.08.3
  822. [blocks b ] kde-apps/kmahjongg:4 ("kde-apps/kmahjongg:4" is blocking kde-apps/kmahjongg-16.04.3)
  823. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/klickety-16.04.3 [15.08.3] USE="handbook -debug (-selinux)"
  824. [uninstall ] kde-apps/klickety-15.08.3
  825. [blocks b ] kde-apps/klickety:4 ("kde-apps/klickety:4" is blocking kde-apps/klickety-16.04.3)
  826. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/knavalbattle-16.04.3 [15.08.3] USE="handbook -debug (-selinux)"
  827. [uninstall ] kde-apps/knavalbattle-15.08.3
  828. [blocks b ] kde-apps/knavalbattle:4 ("kde-apps/knavalbattle:4" is blocking kde-apps/knavalbattle-16.04.3)
  829. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdegames-meta-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  830. [ebuild N ] kde-plasma/kactivitymanagerd-5.7.4 USE="-debug"
  831. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/kactivities-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  832. [blocks b ] <kde-frameworks/kactivities-5.20.0 ("<kde-frameworks/kactivities-5.20.0" is blocking kde-plasma/kactivitymanagerd-5.7.4, kde-apps/kio-extras-16.04.3)
  833. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/plasma-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  834. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/plasma-runtime-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  835. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kio-extras-16.04.3 [15.08.3] USE="-openexr%"
  836. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/okular-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  837. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/gwenview-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  838. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kwrite-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  839. [ebuild N ] kde-frameworks/kactivities-stats-5.25.0 USE="-debug {-test}"
  840. [ebuild U ] kde-frameworks/krunner-5.25.0 [5.19.0]
  841. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/kwin-5.7.4 [5.5.4]
  842. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/libksysguard-5.7.4 [5.5.4]
  843. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kqtquickcharts-16.04.3 [4.14.3]
  844. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/plasma-pa-5.7.4 [5.5.4] USE="handbook%*"
  845. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/dolphin-16.04.3 [15.08.3]
  846. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kate-16.04.3 [15.08.3-r1]
  847. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdegraphics-meta-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  848. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/ktp-desktop-applets-16.04.3 USE="-debug"
  849. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kmix-16.04.3-r1 [15.12.1]
  850. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdebase-runtime-meta-16.04.3 [15.08.3-r1] USE="pam%* webkit%*"
  851. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/print-manager-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  852. [ebuild U ] x11-misc/lightdm-kde- [] L10N="-bs% -cs% -da% -de% -el% -es% -et% -fi% -fr% -ga% -gl% -hu% -it% -ja% -km% -lt% -mr% -nds% -nl% -pl% -pt% -pt-BR% -ro% -ru% -sk% -sl% -sv% -tr% -uk%"
  853. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/kinfocenter-5.7.4 [5.5.4] USE="-gles2%"
  854. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/bluedevil-5.7.4 [5.5.4]
  855. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/ksysguard-5.7.4 [5.5.4]
  856. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/milou-5.7.4 [5.5.4]
  857. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdeutils-meta-16.04.3 [15.12.1]
  858. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdecore-meta-16.04.3 [15.08.3-r1] USE="handbook%*"
  859. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdemultimedia-meta-16.04.3 [15.12.1-r1]
  860. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/ktp-contact-runner-16.04.3 USE="-debug"
  861. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ktouch-16.04.3 [4.14.3]
  862. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/plasma-workspace-5.7.4 [5.5.4] USE="calendar%* -geolocation*"
  863. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/plasma-telepathy-meta-16.04.3 USE="nls -gstreamer"
  864. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/khotkeys-5.7.4 [5.5.4]
  865. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdenetwork-meta-16.04.3 [15.08.3-r1] USE="telepathy%*"
  866. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/powerdevil-5.7.4 [5.5.4] USE="wireless%*"
  867. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/kdeplasma-addons-5.7.4 [5.5.4] USE="-share%"
  868. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/plasma-desktop-5.7.4 [5.5.4] USE="-ibus% (-packagekit) -scim%" INPUT_DEVICES="evdev%* -synaptics%"
  869. [blocks b ] <kde-plasma/plasma-desktop-5.6.1 ("<kde-plasma/plasma-desktop-5.6.1" is blocking kde-plasma/kactivitymanagerd-5.7.4)
  870. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/kmenuedit-5.7.4 [5.5.4]
  871. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/plasma-meta-5.7.4 [5.5.4] USE="handbook%* pam%* -grub% -plymouth%"
  872. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/marble-16.04.3 [4.14.3] USE="handbook kde phonon -aprs -debug -designer-plugin -gps -shapefile {-test}"
  873. [uninstall ] kde-apps/marble-4.14.3
  874. [blocks b ] kde-apps/marble:4 ("kde-apps/marble:4" is blocking kde-apps/marble-16.04.3)
  875. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/kdeedu-meta-16.04.3 [4.14.3] USE="webkit"
  876. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kde-apps-meta-16.04.3 [15.08.3-r3]
  877. [blocks B ] dev-libs/openssl:0 ("dev-libs/openssl:0" is blocking dev-libs/libressl-2.4.2)
  878. !!! Multiple package instances within a single package slot have been pulled
  879. !!! into the dependency graph, resulting in a slot conflict:
  880. x11-libs/libxcb:0
  881. (x11-libs/libxcb-1.12:0/1.12::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
  882. (no parents that aren't satisfied by other packages in this slot)
  883. (x11-libs/libxcb-1.11.1:0/1.11.1::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
  884. >=x11-libs/libxcb-1.9.1:0/1.11.1=[abi_x86_32(-),abi_x86_64(-)] required by (x11-libs/xcb-util-wm-0.4.1-r1:0/0::gentoo, installed)
  885. ^^^^^^^^^^
  886. (and 4 more with the same problem)
  887. app-text/poppler:0
  888. (app-text/poppler-0.47.0:0/63::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
  889. (no parents that aren't satisfied by other packages in this slot)
  890. (app-text/poppler-0.41.0:0/58::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
  891. >=app-text/poppler-0.18:0/58=[cairo,xpdf-headers(+)] required by (app-text/apvlv-0.1.5-r1:0/0::gentoo, installed)
  892. ^^^^^^
  893. (and 1 more with the same problem)
  894. dev-ruby/ruby-glib2:0
  895. (dev-ruby/ruby-glib2-3.0.8:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
  896. >=dev-ruby/ruby-glib2-3.0.8[ruby_targets_ruby21] required by (dev-ruby/ruby-atk-3.0.8:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  897. ^^ ^^^^^
  898. ~dev-ruby/ruby-glib2-3.0.8[ruby_targets_ruby21] required by (dev-ruby/ruby-gobject-introspection-3.0.8:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  899. ^ ^^^^^
  900. (and 8 more with the same problems)
  901. (dev-ruby/ruby-glib2-3.0.7:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
  902. dev-ruby/ruby-glib2[ruby_targets_ruby20] required by (dev-ruby/rcairo-1.15.2:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  903. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  904. x11-base/xorg-server:0
  905. (x11-base/xorg-server-1.18.4:0/1.18.4::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
  906. (no parents that aren't satisfied by other packages in this slot)
  907. (x11-base/xorg-server-1.18.1:0/1.18.1::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
  908. x11-base/xorg-server:0/1.18.1= required by (x11-drivers/xf86-input-keyboard-1.8.1:0/0::gentoo, installed)
  909. ^^^^^^^^^^
  910. (and 1 more with the same problem)
  911. dev-lang/perl:0
  912. (dev-lang/perl-5.20.2-r1:0/5.20::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
  913. =dev-lang/perl-5.20.2* required by (virtual/perl-File-Spec-3.480.100-r1:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  914. ^ ^^^^^^^
  915. dev-lang/perl:0/5.20=[-build(-)] required by (dev-perl/SGMLSpm-1.03-r7:0/0::gentoo, installed)
  916. ^^^^^^^^
  917. (and 6 more with the same problems)
  918. (dev-lang/perl-5.22.0:0/5.22::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
  919. =dev-lang/perl-5.22.0* required by (virtual/perl-Storable-2.530.0-r1:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  920. ^ ^^^^^^^
  921. dev-lang/perl:0/5.22=[-build(-)] required by (dev-perl/DBD-mysql-4.32.0-r1:0/0::gentoo, installed)
  922. ^^^^^^^^
  923. (and 38 more with the same problems)
  924. dev-libs/icu:0
  925. (dev-libs/icu-57.1:0/57::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
  926. (no parents that aren't satisfied by other packages in this slot)
  927. (dev-libs/icu-56.1:0/56::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
  928. >=dev-libs/icu-4.4:0/56= required by (dev-tex/bibtexu-3.71_p20150521:0/0::gentoo, installed)
  929. ^^^^^^
  930. dev-libs/boost:0
  931. (dev-libs/boost-1.61.0-r1:0/1.61.0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
  932. (no parents that aren't satisfied by other packages in this slot)
  933. (dev-libs/boost-1.58.0-r1:0/1.58.0::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
  934. dev-libs/boost:0/1.58.0= required by (dev-libs/librevenge-0.0.4:0/0::gentoo, installed)
  935. ^^^^^^^^^^
  936. NOTE: Use the '--verbose-conflicts' option to display parents omitted above
  937. It may be possible to solve this problem by using package.mask to
  938. prevent one of those packages from being selected. However, it is also
  939. possible that conflicting dependencies exist such that they are
  940. impossible to satisfy simultaneously. If such a conflict exists in
  941. the dependencies of two different packages, then those packages can
  942. not be installed simultaneously. You may want to try a larger value of
  943. the --backtrack option, such as --backtrack=30, in order to see if
  944. that will solve this conflict automatically.
  945. For more information, see MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge man
  946. page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook.
  947. * Error: The above package list contains packages which cannot be
  948. * installed at the same time on the same system.
  949. (dev-libs/libressl-2.4.2:0/39::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
  950. dev-libs/libressl:0 required by (net-nds/openldap-2.4.44:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  951. (dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2h-r2:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
  952. dev-libs/openssl:0= required by (net-misc/wget-1.18:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  953. dev-libs/openssl:0= required by (net-p2p/transmission-2.92:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  954. dev-libs/openssl:0= required by (dev-lang/python-3.4.5:3.4/3.4m::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  955. dev-libs/openssl:0= required by (net-misc/freerdp-2.0.0_pre20160722:0/2::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  956. dev-libs/openssl:0 required by (net-misc/openssh-7.3_p1-r2:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  957. dev-libs/openssl:0= required by (net-misc/socat-, installed)
  958. >=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.1h-r2:0[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_ppc_32(-)?,abi_ppc_64(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] (>=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.1h-r2:0[abi_x86_32(-),abi_x86_64(-)]) required by (dev-qt/qtcore-4.8.7-r2:4/4::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  959. dev-libs/openssl:0= required by (dev-lang/python-3.5.2:3.5/3.5m::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  960. dev-libs/openssl:0 required by (kde-frameworks/kdelibs4support-5.25.0:5/5.25::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  961. >=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.0:0=[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_ppc_32(-)?,abi_ppc_64(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?,static-libs?] (>=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.0:0=[abi_x86_32(-),abi_x86_64(-)]) required by (dev-db/mariadb-10.1.16:0/18::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  962. dev-libs/openssl:0 required by (net-misc/iputils-20151218:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  963. >=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.1h-r2:0[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_ppc_32(-)?,abi_ppc_64(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] (>=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.1h-r2:0[abi_x86_32(-),abi_x86_64(-)]) required by (net-libs/libssh-0.7.3-r1:0/4::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  964. dev-libs/openssl:0 required by (net-wireless/crda-3.18-r1:0/0::gentoo, installed)
  965. >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.8f:0[bindist=] (>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.8f:0[-bindist]) required by (net-misc/openssh-7.3_p1-r2:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  966. dev-libs/openssl:0= required by (dev-python/cryptography-1.3.4:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  967. >=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.1h-r2:0[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_ppc_32(-)?,abi_ppc_64(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] (>=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.1h-r2:0[abi_x86_32(-),abi_x86_64(-)]) required by (dev-libs/cyrus-sasl-2.1.26-r10:2/2::gentoo, installed)
  968. dev-libs/openssl:0/0= required by (net-misc/socat-, installed)
  969. dev-libs/openssl:0 required by (net-wireless/wpa_supplicant-2.5-r2:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  970. >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.8g:0[-bindist] required by (net-voip/telepathy-gabble-0.18.3:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  971. dev-libs/openssl:0=[static-libs?,abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_ppc_32(-)?,abi_ppc_64(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] (dev-libs/openssl:0=[abi_x86_32(-),abi_x86_64(-)]) required by (net-misc/curl-7.50.1:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  972. dev-libs/openssl:0= required by (dev-lang/python-2.7.12:2.7/2.7::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  973. dev-libs/openssl:0 required by (net-misc/dhcp-4.3.4:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  974. dev-libs/openssl:0 required by (dev-perl/Net-SSLeay-1.650.0-r1:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  975. dev-libs/openssl:0 required by (dev-lang/ruby-2.3.1:2.3/2.3::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  976. dev-libs/openssl:0 required by (kde-base/kdelibs-4.14.23:4/4.14::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  977. dev-libs/openssl:0=[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_ppc_32(-)?,abi_ppc_64(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] (dev-libs/openssl:0=[abi_x86_32(-),abi_x86_64(-)]) required by (net-libs/neon-0.30.1-r1:0/27::gentoo, installed)
  978. dev-libs/openssl:0/0=[abi_x86_32(-),abi_x86_64(-)] required by (net-libs/neon-0.30.1-r1:0/27::gentoo, installed)
  979. dev-libs/openssl:0 required by (dev-libs/libgit2-0.24.1:0/24::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  980. dev-libs/openssl:0 required by (x11-base/xorg-server-1.18.4:0/1.18.4::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  981. dev-libs/openssl:0= required by (media-sound/pulseaudio-9.0:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  982. dev-libs/openssl:0 required by (dev-lang/ruby-2.0.0_p648:2.0/2.0::gentoo, installed)
  983. >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.8:0= required by (dev-python/m2crypto-0.24.0:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  984. dev-libs/openssl required by @selected
  985. dev-libs/openssl:0 required by (x11-base/xorg-server-1.18.1:0/1.18.1::gentoo, installed)
  986. dev-libs/openssl:0= required by (dev-vcs/git-2.9.3:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  987. >=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.1h-r2:0[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_ppc_32(-)?,abi_ppc_64(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] (>=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.1h-r2:0[abi_x86_32(-),abi_x86_64(-)]) required by (dev-libs/libevent-2.1.5-r4:0/2.1-5::gentoo, installed)
  988. >=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.1h-r2:0[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_ppc_32(-)?,abi_ppc_64(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] (>=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.1h-r2:0[abi_x86_32(-),abi_x86_64(-)]) required by (net-nds/openldap-2.4.44:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  989. dev-libs/openssl:0= required by (www-client/w3m-0.5.3-r8:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  990. For more information about Blocked Packages, please refer to the following
  991. section of the Gentoo Linux x86 Handbook (architecture is irrelevant):
  993. !!! All ebuilds that could satisfy "=dev-util/boost-build-1.61*" have been masked.
  994. !!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your request:
  995. - dev-util/boost-build-1.61.0::gentoo (masked by: )
  996. (dependency required by "dev-libs/boost-1.61.0-r1::gentoo" [ebuild])
  997. (dependency required by "kde-frameworks/kactivities-stats-5.25.0::gentoo" [ebuild])
  998. (dependency required by "kde-plasma/plasma-desktop-5.7.4::gentoo" [ebuild])
  999. (dependency required by "kde-plasma/plasma-meta-5.7.4::gentoo" [ebuild])
  1000. (dependency required by "@selected" [set])
  1001. (dependency required by "@world" [argument])
  1002. For more information, see the MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge
  1003. man page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook.